World Understanding "Let’s Get 
        Connected with C.H.E.A.R. to       
                “Share the Love”
This article was written by Cam Johnston, PA Eta and Grete Lima, CA Beta Iota and International World Understanding Chair.

World Understanding "Let’s Get Connected with C.H.E.A.R. to “Share the Love”

Alpha Delta Kappa sisters put Project C.H.E.A.R. on the map last year when they selected it as the International World Understanding Project for 2021-2023. C.H.E.A.R. stands for Making a Children’s Home with Education and Agriculture a Reality.

The Harambee Foundation and Alpha Delta Kappa are joining forces to implement C.H.E.A.R. in Tanzania. The Haram-bee Foundation believes in community-based decision making and aims to bring sustainable development to the communities it works with. The purpose of C.H.E.A.R. is to build dormitories, classrooms, a library/media center, a kitchen and offices. There will also be an area for gardening and fruit trees, all on less than an acre of land. Tanzania is so distant from the United States that most Americans have little knowl-edge of the country and even less of a connection with it. But Cam Johnston and her sisters in Pennsylvania Eta chapter have a deep connection with Tanzania. They can help us connect.

Cam’s son, Joshua, founded the Harambee Foundation to support his work to develop a holistic home and school for children in Tanzania. Here is the story according to Cam:

Joshua first visited Babati, Tanzania, in 2006, where he saw some boys in a trash dump, scavenging for food and coals to keep warm. He came back distraught about their lot in life and said to his mother, “You ask yourself what difference can one person really make? What if God’s calling me to be one person to make a difference? I have to try!” And so, he founded Harambee Foundation, which supports his work at MAHOCE, the Manyara Holistic Centre in Tanzania. It’s a children’s home with small, specialized classrooms for children who aren’t accepted by traditional schools. Joshua’s wife, Felista, works with him and other staff at MAHOCE. As the social worker, she provides counseling sessions on Saturdays for the children who live there. They all come from impoverished and often abusive backgrounds. Felista also assists Joshua on home and school visits.

PA Eta Chapter has been actively involved since MAHOCE’s inception 14 years ago, supporting Joshua’s mission to “Empower Through Education.” Harambee Foundation currently provides education for 84 children who have come up through MAHOCE’s system and are now in traditional schools from grade one to vocational school, college or university. PA Eta chapter and many sisters from other chapters in the North-east Region have sponsored children and made donations to Joshua’s mission.

Just this May, Eta’s altruistic projects helped a longtime MAHOCE resident, Magdalena, become established as an independently living seamstress who is taking on MAHOCE apprentices. In 2019, Eta won the Regional Distinguished Pro-gram Award for making and delivering she-pads (reusable sanitary napkins) for the women and girls at MAHOCE as part of Eta’s altruistic endeavors.

What will C.H.E.A.R. achieve at MAHOCE? They are going to build a children’s home so they can help more children. It will not be an orphanage, but a holistic center, and will meet the needs of not just orphans, but also abandoned or abused children removed from their homes and brought to MAHOCE by the police or social welfare, knowing they will be loved, nurtured, and educated. This is why it is the only facility of its kind in a region of over 1.4 million – because it takes children no one else will accept. By giving to C.H.E.A.R., you are giving an education and a loving home to those children who would otherwise be lost to poverty.

World Understanding Chairman Grete Lima and the sisters of PA Eta thank you for choosing C.H.E.A.R. and giving us this opportunity to connect with Tanzania. You can help us “Share the Love” by contributing to C.H.E.A.R. through this link You may also send your contribution to Alpha Delta Kappa Foundation, 1615 W. 92nd St., Kansas City, MO. 64114. Please write C.H.E.A.R. on the check memo line.


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