A World Spin News Editorial (The Death of Eddie Lee)by: Thurman L. Aldridge

As the majestic sun that reigns over Texas City reluctantly abdicated his throne, the man in the moon began to rule by proxy, and a foreboding darkness fell upon the city. On that same evening, the blue riders that carry the blue steel and that are sworn to protect and serve, began their fraternal changing of the guard.

Now, a Texas City woman who witnessed what she calls a revenge murder on that night, fears bodily harm or an attempt to be made on her life, for the brave act of speaking up.

It all began when the Galveston County Narcotics Task Force conducted what reminds one of a dress rehearsal-raid- turned-sour, at the Lucky Motel located at 4902 FM 1765 in Texas City.

According to stories printed in the Texas City Sun and the Galveston Daily News, the commander of the task force, Mike Land, reported that one suspect was observed dealing drugs and attempted to flee when approached by one of the approximately 25 officers present.

Eddie Lee Taylor,48,a Vietnam veteran, and former star football player for Lincoln High of La Marque, was killed by a single bullet to the head on October 1, 1992

According to Land, the shooting which occurred at approximately 8:20 pm., was accidental and resulted from Taylor trying to disarm the officer once he was apprehended. However, an eyewitness to the shooting vehemently disputes the original police reports.

Jeanette Cotton, a resident of Texas City, states that she and a friend were with Taylor in his motel room on the night he was killed. According to Cotton, a hooded Texas City police officer, identified by Ms. Cotton as Anthony Morgan, assigned to the Task Force, entered Taylor's room with his pistol already drawn. ''Morgan put his gun to Eddie Lee's neck and jerked him out the door. He called Eddie Lee a crazy motherf------ and pulled the trigger. It was not an accident. It was murder", stated Cotton.

The task force consists of members from several city police departments in the County of Galveston, the Galveston County Sheriff's Department, the Tobacco Alcohol and Beverage Commission, the Internal Revenue Service, and the Drug Enforcement Agency. Officer Morgan has been on the TCPD for 6 years and assigned to the task force.

According to Cotton, Taylor was well known by area police due to several strained and bitter encounters. On one occasion, relates Cotton, Taylor was provoked into a fight by Morgan but got the best of him. "Morgan saw a chance to get revenge on Eddie Lee, for the whipping Eddie Lee gave him and he took it to the max.", stated Cotton.

Other area residents, who have been interviewed, claim that Morgan, a black officer, is trigger happy and has no real use for a holster because his gun is always out. They contend that Morgan has a habit of using racial slurs and unnecessary force when dealing with black citizens. One peace officer, spoke on the condition of anonymity and said, "In my opinion, he's (Morgan) more of a redneck than a redneck is".)

The Texas City police department conducted an internal investigation of the incident but reported no improprieties on the part of its officers. The Galveston County District Attorney's Office also investigated and referred the case to the Grand Jury. On November 9,1992, officer Anthony Morgan was no-billed by the Grand Jury.

As a single tear slowly rolled down her right cheek, Cotton said, " I was really upset by the story when I first saw it in the newspapers. I was mad and scared. I thought if the people of this town let them get away with that, the next time the police may kill two or three for nothing". She continued, " They know I saw what happened and might try to do something to me. I was a little scarred, but I told the truth. Somebody has got to do something. I want him (Morgan) off the police force". Officer Morgan was asked by World Spin News to make a statement regarding the shooting, but declined. In a telephone conversation with World Spin, Mike Land was asked what amount of drugs were seized in the raid, but said that he could not answer that question since the case was still pending. Nevertheless, he did say "No money was found on Taylor, and no firearms were confiscated". Land suggested that additional questions should be directed to the office of the District Attorney.

Meanwhile, officer Anthony Morgan was put back to the business of task force work. Whether or not to continue wearing a hood over his head to protect his identity, "All depends on what case he is working on", states Land. However, Taylor's relatives and friends, and many other concerned citizens are left with nagging question that just won't go away.

If Eddie Lee was seen dealing drugs, what happened to the money? Could it be that he was solvent enough to deal on credit? What happened to the individual that Eddie Lee was supposed to be dealing drugs to ? Was he identified? Did he escape? Were any drugs found on Eddie Lee's body or in his clothes? If Eddie Lee was accidentally shot in the head, why were his clothes removed from his body? Is not such a victim usually kept warm to prevent shock? Where are his clothes?

Why, if Eddie Lee was dealing drugs, would his room be unlocked enabling anyone to walk right in? Why were no drugs found in Eddie Lee's room, or on any other occupants of the room? One woman connected with the case was even choked and sprayed in the face, but no drugs were recovered from her. Why would Eddie Lee try to flee? Could he have hoped to get by a phalanx of officers, and jump over an eight foot brick wall that has barbed wire on the top?

Why would one woman put herself on the line by making charges against the police, which would translate to a cover-up? Why did one member of the Grand Jury signal to Jeanette Cotton to not let on that she recognized him? Why were pictures of hooded task force members with their guns drawn placed on the table directly where Ms. Cotton was instructed to sit in the Grand Jury room? When she asked that the pictures be removed, the room full of men all laughed.

Why were certain individuals summoned, who could not have possibly seen the shooting? Why was the back door to Jeanette Cotton's mother's house busted in and a calling card from a task force member found in the middle of the floor? This same person was a Grand Jury police witness. We get the feeling that these and other questions surrounding the death of Eddie Lee Taylor, must be answered before some people will rest peacefully.

To be sure, it's all very confusing. But no matter how some have tried to discredit Jeanette Cotton's testimony, or intimidate her, she still empathically declares, "I know what I saw". This reminds us of the old saying, "Truth that is crushed to the earth shall rise again". Just as the man in the moon must return what is not his to keep, so must what is done under cover of darkness be brought to light. The majestic sun will reclaim his crown, scepter and throne.

I will always remember Eddie Lee. We were not buddies, but certainly he was a friend. Once, his martial arts prowess saved me from a four on one bad situation. Also I will remember Jeanette Cotton. What a brave woman, with no one to stand by her ! Many things in New History, are still like many things in Old History. Yet, must we Keep The Faith! Thanks to those that adopt the attitude of The New Millennium Heritage Freedom Flag- Unite, Love, Strive, Achieve . Happy Juneteenth to All people of the World !


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