The world is so peaceful at night that nobody expects anything from me
Kishore Ramkrishna Shintre
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Staying up all night is my new “Normal” these days as in “the way most people do it” then of course, and wanting to stay up all night is not considered normal. Normal as in wanting life to be more peaceful, and so wanting to avoid what is not peaceful, yes, that is my normal.
The problem I normally perceive is that embedded in the question why normal, is the sense that something is going wrong in the life of the questioner, where daytime is so much uncomfortable, that only night time he found to be peaceful. I used to laugh at this guy who kept awake whole night and kept dozing in the school time sitting next to me. Why are you up all night man? I used to ask him and he used to say "just try it once and see what peace you get at night, when no one expects anything from me, neither my parents nor siblings.
His parents wanted me to “fix” their teen, and get him to behave “normal.” I had suggested that the problem was in the relationship between the boy and the family. That without fixing the relationship, I couldn’t help the teen adjust that sleeping pattern. The same thing started happening to me once I was in college I used to work hard on finishing my journals and assignments at night and dozed in the college library during the day time after the lectures were over.
So coming to this boy again, he liked me but the parents refused to consider their part in the problem on the contrary they decided to stop me from coming over to their house. Is it normal that I want to stay up all night, because I find the world more peaceful? It may be a reasonable way to escape whatever is happening during the day. But it isn’t normal, and it probably means there is something else in life that needs fixing. All that said, it is not necessary in life to “be normal.”
Like there are some people who love to roam the desert but can’t stand living in the woods. Whereas there are people who only love to be in the mountains, and can’t stand living on the sea side and it is considered to be perfectly normal. If living that way is sustainable for you, there is no reason you shouldn’t live that way. Live in a way that is satisfying and functional for you. It is normal to live a satisfying, functional, sustainable life. If the best way to do that is to be up at night, then go ahead and be “not normal.” therefore what is wrong in my finding peace at night when the family slept.
After my marriage of course things changed for some time as I used to get exhausted after having sex with my partner and then I used to doz off for some time but then slowly I found myself staying awake once again after an hour or so when she slept like a log till morning tired of the exhaustion of our vigorous copulation exercise. Then slowly she started ignoring me as I kept watching her sleep for long hours. Why do you stare at me all night instead of sleeping she would ask me and "I would say you do look damn sexy while sleeping honey"
To tell you the truth, if staying up at night is a way to escape a problem that would best be addressed directly, then address the problem rather than avoiding it. If the problem is not fixable and some aren’t, at least for now, and staying up at night makes life bearable, then do what must be done in the interim, while you look for a more permanent solution.
Our family physician told me once when I complained of constant headaches. Listen, we all have a diurnal hormone rhythm, which determines our hormone set for the next day. By staying up in the night you are suppressing the human growth hormone (HGH) that provides your energy for the following day. It also preserves your skin, prevents obesity and gives you a clear mind to think, therefore it is better that you sleep well for 8 hours from midnight to 8 am and find your hormone levels jumping back to normal again.
He also advised that you also may interfere with thyroid hormone restoration, testosterone restoration (if you like to feel horny at one point) and you interfere with the resetting of your stress hormones (CRH, ACTH and cortisol). Unfortunately, by exposing yourself to artificial light after the sun has gone down, you also interfere with your normal Melatonin release, which is what you would need most for a normal sleep pattern, he would keep telling me.
We all know by now that our stress hormones get secreted in a daily rhythm, with the peak 30 min after awakening, in the morning, and minimum around midnight, so being awake all night is bad for health, it was shown that nurses that work night shifts for example have more chances to develop breast cancer.. etc and we badly need sleep, and especially before midnight. It is better to go to bed from 22 hrs till midnight would be best to sleep and till 3–4 am, at least.. but you do like you feel is good for you.. occasionally spending the night awake wont harm you.. if it gives you peace, do it.. sleep deprivation is sometimes beneficial for people with depression.
Whatever is the reason for you to believe that my stress levels must be higher as I am a nocturnal animal, you would be prove wrong as my best written work is done at night normally and writing does reduce my stress levels. Stay blessed! #kishoreshintre
In search of serenity
4 年Same here .....worth reading it
Operations Management, Risk Management, Risk Architecture, Volunteer Work.
4 年Well said, I don’t think that it matters. Work when and how you are most productive. All things considered, I am pretty healthy. Thank you for your thoughts Kishore.
Connect, Engage, Empower; Value Creator; Champion of internal and external stakeholder success; Mental health advocate; Musician
4 年Very interesting Kishore Shintre glad you find what works for you.
Very informative article Sir and its something which many are facing these days. This is very alarming because sleep is an essential element that keeps us healthy. One might sleep late but must take 7-8 hrs sleep to function properly. Thanks for sharing this insightful post and have a great weekend :-) Kishore Shintre