In a world that seems so certain, how do we greet uncertainty when we meet it ourselves?

In a world that seems so certain, how do we greet uncertainty when we meet it ourselves?

I've been re-reading Be Your Future Self Now by Dr. Benjamin Hardy.

I listened to it on Audible and thought a physical copy I can highlight would be great!

It's a great book and inspired me to think seriously about my future self and how they'd greet the moment in front of me. (Really good exercise if you've animals, loved ones or experiences)

I also struggled reading it.

I don't know what I want my future self to want, be or do.


I feel like I should know.

This uncertainty caused me some discomfort so I tried to distract myself as we often do: by scrolling.

I checked my Facebook page, then Instagram, then LinkedIn.

There I only saw people who appeared certain.

People who look like they're doing great.

Enjoying the journey.

Everyone seemed clear on what they want, striving to get it and confident.

No-one feeling like I did.

No-one struggling.

No-one uncertain.

No-one like me.

Then I remembered a moment on a podcast with Ian Mitchell recently where he mentioned that 'Achiever is the shadow of Strategist' referring to action-logics and adult development.

This made me curious.

Plotting myself on an action-logic inner development path, I thought of how I might be kinder along this evolution.

Maybe the achiever "get stuff done, move on, next" in me was bringing some doubt and insecurity that "I should be different than I am now"

What if I'm ok right here as I am?

What if this, right here, is enough?

Maybe the tension of wanting more or different isn't mine to hold?

Maybe it's a society that tells me to want more, better, to scale, to grow.


We can look around and see that our planet, much like ourselves, has boundaries.

Reminding us we're human.

Maybe not knowing is ok.

Maybe experiencing struggle or tension is ok.

Maybe that's a more creative space to exist in.

"The War of Art" as Stephen Pressfield calls it in his book of the same name.

A space full of possibility, a place to expand into, to play in.

But a place with resistance, doubt and tension built in.

To create your life like a piece of art is to live WITH resistance.

I think the caveat to inhabiting this liminal space, a space between known and unknown is:

  • Breathe,
  • Ground yourself,
  • Create your own definition of 'enough',
  • Find the glimmers of positive things daily,
  • Stay present and curious rather than judgemental.

Existing in 'liminal' spaces, places between worlds takes its toll.

Resource yourself through recovery (Vitamin P as I call it - parasympathetic activity).

Go gentle.

Be kind.

But keep moving forward.

Even the next step will do.


Hopefully by sharing this inner exploration, it invites you to be kind on your journey but also to continue to lean into this edge.

Jane Brendgen

Global Citizen, Transformational Coach, Mindfulness Supervisor, Columnist for Coaching at Work, Author.

4 个月

Such wisdom here Philip. Thank you. ??

Dr Ben Levy - High Performance Psychologist

Ensuring Execs- and their teams- get results faster.

4 个月

Breathe. The simplest and the hardest thing.


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