World Rugby, you are on notice!
Enrique Topo Rodriguez
53 mins ·
Please allow me to start by saying, I personally know Mick Colliss and consider him to be a very professional advertising professional. Fantastic Speaker, a man of immense integrity, intellect and creativity, Mick is respected within the business, rugby circles, work, etc. etc. He has a reputation as a great Australian with an enviable sense of humour and comedic qualities.
So, Mick, I'm with you on this battle of Olympic proportions and any other. THIS IS OUR SCRUM! I pick in my front row TOM LAWTON and ANDY McINTYRE; you pick the other four (but before you do, please run it past me, ok?) I DO NOT want in OUR scrum anyone that may have been 'compromised' dealing with or enjoying the gravy train of this moronic regime (25 years going on, yes since 1996). You and readership, do your research if you want. A few points to chew on:
1) Now, If the figures you are quoting herewith are incorrect, or inflated this is and will be just a 'statistical' shortcoming which I' prepared to let go as 'heat of the battle stuff. And 'HEAT' my Lord it is! - So much so, that this is my reason for joining your understated campaign.
2) The attitude, the air of entitlement, the nastiness, lack of any conscience and the moral campus of the big majority of these people who get ELECTED (How the hell?) and anointed to the BOARD of Australian Rugby (some have been there for 12 consecutive years). This is utterly obscene, it defies any logic and decency of the democratic Westminster System.
3) This idiotic behaviour is completely contrary to what we get taught at home, church, and in school and...that it is reinforced during our rugby-playing years.
4) The aforementioned individuals (mob) have become a "money sucking sect" with no scruples, or conscience. They only care about their pockets, a drinkie or a wonderful trip following the beleaguered limping losing WALLABIES (2000-2020).
LADIES AND GENTLEMEN OF THE BOARD OF 'Rugby Australia' START WINNING FAST AND OFTEN (mind you 1 point difference is enough to me). The great rugby league coach JACK GIBSON wrote a book so aptly named "Winning starts on Monday". Today it is Monday 6/7/2020. And you/me start WINNING when we turn the alarm clock off when we brush our teeth and so on and so forth. Now, if you are a real professional at winning (?) you start your engines when you go to bed the night before...
Mr Hamish McLennan, (Chief Conductor and Strategist of this Titanic) and those that elected you for this little job! Frankly, I'll put this in perspective, fighting the Coronavirus 19, has proven to be the real challenge of today. more than 500.000 have died from it or consequences related to the virus outbreak. Millions are out of work, millions have lost faith and hope, self-esteem has disappeared, so on and so forth. Do you get my gist? (Sorry, me No English, ok!)
Too many Australians walk everyday's life with an ongoing 'neck ache' due to letting our heads down (too often) it's been banging on the deck of this sinking Titanic. By the way, also wasting millions of dollars that belong to the Constituents (not the stakeholders). Please stop playing with the jargonistic lingo; and stop once and for all this jingoistic money-sucking futile exercise.
Yessss, Hamish I got the proverbial 'shits' because I do not see REAL ACTION HERE. Your organisation has been technically insolvent for some time, a couple of steps from Voluntary Administration and then possibly the unthinkable (yet very sinkable) liquidation. You are going to take another 3 months to appoint your CEO and re-shuffle your deck chairs before any abrupt change of route? You will be paying your headhunters HattonNeale lots of mullah to maintain the circus ticking?
If you know who you want (am pretty sure you do and also that person knows it (male or female is as we speak polishing the shoes to jump on to the rugby parade. I did sense a slight voice irritation in your comments (all because of my insistence), perhaps an ounce of extra persistence due to the lack of echo, in wanting to communicate with you? I wanted to transmit my levels of energy, passion and commitment to go and beat the All black again and as many time we have to (or want to). BUT..., I also detected a level of aloofness of your voice last Saturday on the phone. Is this how the Chruch of England Old Boys have been educated?
'Scommo' you and the whole country need to know about this thugby pandemic of 25 years in the making. Will you stop it? I'd love to do it, but No Board. I put my services to you, to head a 'Benevolent Dictatorship' with a group of 15 extremely loyal professionals and friends. Yes does it.
By the calibre of this 'open letter,' you can now detect by my 'tone'
I withdraw my name from the illustrious list of businessmen queuing up to manage, sponsor, fund, or just watch on TV this many times cleverly called "Australian thugby".
Hamish, I have a lot to give in any and every department that the 5-page Position Description, CEO Rugby Australia states and requests. Nonetheless, you and your Board of Directors with shameful ex-Wallabies, respectable businessmen and businesswomen, incestuously connected in the spider web of Australian corporations.
Imagine just for a moment, if all this 'energy-charged prose/essay' could be put to work for Australian Rugby instead of the back and forth backwards steps taken in the last 25 years of pissing the real rugby lovers off.
RAGING BIG TIME I AM. Just got up after a wonderful Sunday, 8 hours sleep and feeling healthy and loved by my closest 100 friends. But today any losing colour does my head, heart and soul in. Nonetheless, I aM A natural-born Leader and compulsive Winning work-horse at everything I do in life. My half glass is full of positivity, how is yours?
Just in case, because I love rubbing it in. I'm getting ready for my next 5-metre scrum...(Bob Dwyer ought to remember back in 1983, Ballymore (18-3) 2 pushover tries. Those were the seeds planted and the very reason why I brought my family to Australia in March 1984. To create a more 'certain' future and life opportunities for them... and so I did. After my arrival, incidentally, (or accidentally) I became the 'gift' to Alan Jones' Wallaby pack and test team.
Enrique TOPO Rodriguez
Triple Rugby Union International (1971-1992)
Mult-Award Winning Author/Writer/Publisher
"Philanthropist and Mental Health Management Advocate"
Mick Colliss [The Detonator]
The ARU will now be overseeing Andrew Forrest's $5 million donations to grassroots rugby. As a result, they have employed a CEO of Funds Distribution on $850K, a Director of High-Performance Fund Distribution on $650K, an Executive Distributor on $800K, a Distribution Coach on $700K, spent $1 million on a new logo and the rest on new furniture for the office.
Mentor - Speaker - Soon to be Author - Journalist in training. Fighting for men's health and pushing for saver areas for children.
4 年Will said and your right, rugby even at grassroots hold on to these leaders for too long. Should be treated like government, your voted in and if your rubbish step aside.
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4 年I feel your pain Topo. It's so sad to see Australian rugby drop to such a low level.