World Review of Political Economy 15. 3

World Review of Political Economy 15. 3

In World Review of Political Economy, Volume 15, Issue 3 (Fall 2024) Xian Zhang and Jingyuan Fan analyse and demonstrate that “The Basis for the International Division of Labour and International Trade Is Absolute Rather Than Comparative Advantage: Theory and Empirical Evidence”. Maria Socrates Markaki and George Economakis, develop an empirical investigation of “The Economic Pyramid of Unequal Exchange within the European Union”.

In “Plundering the Skilled Workforce: Depriving Developing Nations of Their Most Valuable Assets”, Hasan Gürak, raises vital questions over the difference which exists between developed and less developed countries in terms of “skilled mental labour” (SML), which is needed? to use technologies effectively and to attain economic growth and development while ?making best use of its companies and institutions.

Joseph Musasizi and Iain Watson, investigate how aid recipient states such as Uganda are using Korean official development assistance (ODA) to legitimate a specific roll-out of neoliberal state regulations in their article “Authenticating Neoliberalism: Korean Official Development Assistance in Uganda and East African Region”.

Finally Zhihong Luo and Xiaoqin Ding present “Chinese Modernization and the Prospects of World Modernization: A Review of the 16th Forum of the World Association for Political Economy”.

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