World-renowned TheSoupMan Joins as a CTFO Non-Profit to Feed & Clothe the Homeless
CTFO Continues to Raise the Bar, offering a Unique Fundraising Program no other company in the industry has. Do you or anyone you know want to help a non-profit program?
Watch the Soup Man Video Here
Following are just a few of the thousands of different types -
Religious, Educational, Charitable, Scientific, Literary, Amateur Sports Competition, Prevention of Cruelty to Children or Animals Organizations, Civic Leagues, Social Welfare Organizations, Social and Recreational Clubs, Fraternal Societies and Associations & so much more!
Click here to View YOUR FREE Page
Fundraising Benefits Include -
Organization Auto-Responders.
A series of four Customer Auto Responders.
Specialized Non-MLM Website.
Waive Monthly Qualifications.
Automatically Qualifies Organization at the Platinum Level.