World Refugee Day, Everyday!
Traditional Burundian Drummers at World Refugee Day, Kalobeyei Integrated Settlement, Kenya 2024

World Refugee Day, Everyday!

Dear GRD Community,

This year for World Refugee Day, we were thrilled to celebrate amongst our partners at Kakuma Refugee Camp and Kalobeyei Integrated Settlement here in Kenya. It was a day filled with celebrations, meaningful dialogue and an opportunity to stand in Solidarity with Refugees to ensure more equitable care for refugees worldwide. #WorldRefugeeDay2024 #SolidaritywithRefugees.

From GRD

June was a busy month for us!

From celebrating World Refugee Day at Kakuma Refugee Camp and the Kalobeyei Settlement to implementing our very first capacity training activity - we have a lot to tell you.

Our Program Management Graduates learning at Solidarity initiative for Refugees at Kakuma Refugee Camp, Kenya

In June, we facilitated our very first Capacity Training activity in Program Management. The course taught 27 participants leadership, project design, project planning, resource mobilization amongst others. It was a full day of training with refugee leaders and advocates from 9am - 5pm at the Refugee-led Organisation Solidarity Initiative for Refugees in Kakuma Refugee Camp. A very special thank you to our partners and hosts, Voices Rising Consortium, which is a refugee-led consortium of three refugee-led organisations and independent advocates. A huge thank you to our partners Pascal Zigashane from Action pour le Progres, Amin Bolis from Humanity Hands, Deline Ramiro, and Bahana Hydrogene from Solidarity Initiative for Refugees for the invitation and hospitality.

Program Management Certificates & Graduation

If you are a refugee-led organisation and are interested in our Program Management course, please get in touch with us now [email protected]

Migration Summit 2024

This year, we were invited to participate in the Migration Summit 2024. Our panel was titled "Normalizing Refugees’ Right to Meaningfully Participate" hosted by Global Rights Defenders. With Rai Friedman, Edith Ingutia, Geofrey Ochola, Samuel Binja Cimanuka, Phillip Ogonda and Jamin M. Kusuania, this event focused on the experts; perspectives and insights from the Kenyan context, highlighting migration governance measures such as the New Refugees Act, the Kalobeyei Integrated Socio-Economic Development Plan (KISEDP), the Shirika Plan, and the newly announced Garissa Integrated Socio-Economic Development Plan (GISEDP).

The panelists discussed:

  • The gaps and challenges in migration governance in Kenya.
  • The importance and benefits of economic inclusion.
  • Recommendations for creating a more inclusive environment for refugees.

Do you want Rai or the GRD team to host or organize a panel event for you or your organization? Get in touch now [email protected]

From our Human Rights Experts

Learn about the current Human Rights issues happening at the US-Mexico border from our resident GRD blogger Hayley Dick

"Border Struggles: Human Rights Concerns at the US-Mexico Border"

For World Refugee Day, our very own GRD blogger Luwam Mebrahtu wrote about her personal story as a refugee who has been resettled and the importance of recognizing refugees rights globally. Learn more now from her article "World Refugee Day: Advocating for Refugee Rights and Integration"

How do youth participate in peacebuilding? Check out Ahmad Bakdad's latest article "The Role of Youth in Peacebuilding and Development" to learn more

From the Sector

The Refugees Studies Centre at Oxfor University published its newest report "Refugee Debt and Livelihoods in Northern Kenya." This report co-authored by Vittorio Bruni, Patrick Mutinda Muthui, Cory Rodgers and Olivier Sterck looks at how debt is used as a coping strategy by refugees in Kakuma refugee camp and the Kalobeyei settlement, which, together, constitute one of the largest refugee camps in Africa. A few key points:

  • refugees remain highly dependent on humanitarian assistance;
  • 87% of households are indebted to a food retailer; debt levels have increased dramatically since 2019;
  • lack of livelihood opportunities, low levels of assistance, increasing prices, aid delays, aid cutbacks, and shocks all play a role in the creation and continuation of debt;
  • implicit interest rates push refugees into a debt trap.

Want to Hire a Policy & Advocacy Specialist?

Rai Friedman is a Social Impact Consultant who specializes in Policy and Advocacy as it relates to Refugee and Human Rights Issues.

In June, our Founder Rai Friedman facilitated a lecture at the Global Campus of Human Rights in Vienna for their Career Accelerator Program. Our lecture was on Entrepreneurism in the Human Rights Space titled "Ideas of Materialization". Get in touch now if you are interested in having a consultant to assist you with starting a non-profit [email protected]

In May, Rai completed the LERRN Fieldwork Training and Cross-Cultural Research Course hosted by Carleton University. This course focused on doing fieldwork with populations of forced displacement. Global Rights Defenders is currently fundraising to pursue its first research project, and this course assisted Rai in being a strong research lead. Get in touch with her now if you are interested in hiring her for consulting services or partnering with Global Rights Defenders in our research endeavours or [email protected]

The Global Rights Defenders team is expanding! Volunteer your time to issues that matter!

We are looking for dynamic experts to join our departments:

  • Communications
  • Fundraising
  • Events
  • Podcast
  • Research

Or, are you a human rights expert who would like to have their own column/ blog series on our platforms?

All positions are Volunteer based and will not offer compensation at this time

Fill Out Our Google Forms Now to Submit your Candidacy

Donate to Global Rights Defenders to support our ongoing projects

As a not-for-profit organization that is volunteer-based, GRD relies on the generous contributions of its donors to continue the important awareness raising, advocacy, education and research work it is doing. One time donations from its supporters is essential to maintaining the critical work of promoting refugee & human rights by assisting those who defend them.

In 2024, there is so much more that needs to be done and we cannot do this important work without your support. Consider a one-time donation or becoming a regular donor

Global Rights Defenders advocates for marginalized, displaced and vulnerable populations. Specifically, we focus on refugees, refugee rights, and campaign for the protection and promotion of displaced persons. our work is guided by international human rights and humanitarian law and respect for the dignity of each human being.

Any questions? get in touch now [email protected]

Donate to Global Rights Defenders to support our ongoing projects

Global Rights Defenders

604-5307 Victoria Drive

Vancouver BC

V5P 3V6

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