SNS institution celebrating its SILVER JUBILEE , to make 25th anniversary more memorable ,we set the world record by performing free style dance with 11000+students.
I am going to share my experience of the Yuvan concert organized by black sheep at SNS college of arts an science. This concert was conducted on account of 25th annual day (silver jubilee) of SNS institution. Mr. Yuvan Shankar Raja was invited to share this wonderful achievement of SNS institutions along with the Black sheep team was also a part of the concert. Yuvan sang his songs in the concert , we enjoyed it and also started to sing in chorus with him.
In the concert SNS Institution has done a world record for free style dance with more than 11000+ students . A week before the concert a dance troop had trained our college students to dance for Rowdy baby song which was composed by Mr. Yuvan Shankar Raja. It would remain as a great day in history of SNS.