World Prematurity Day
Chiltern Music Therapy
A music therapy organisation doing things differently: * Non-profit * Social enterprise * Self-managed * Employee-Owned
World Prematurity Day (17th November) is a global movement to raise awareness of premature birth
Although music therapy in neonatal intensive care
Our Music Therapist, Emma shares what it's like working on a NICU ward:
"When in the NICU as a Music Therapist, I have to remain flexible with the current treatment
Breastfeeding isn’t always easy for mothers or the baby, so offering a conversation as well as musical sounds and lullaby singing can help to calm both mother and baby, and help to support breastfeeding. Sometimes offering singing and sounds can help to stimulate the baby and motivate sucking.
Music therapy can also help to build a connection and bond
Each neonatal experience will affect families differently, and it's important we raise awareness about the hurdles babies and parents face, and overcome, every single day."
What benefits does Music Therapy provide for preterm infants?
What approaches do we use?
The music therapist or caregiver layers simple singing of lullabies for example (auditory), followed by gentle massage (tactile). The visual element is the music therapist or caregiver carrying out the technique and the vestibular element is a final gentle rocking. If there is any sign of overstimulation the session is layered back or is stopped. Overall, the longest length of this type of session is approximately twenty minutes. It is suggested the infant is 30-32 weeks GA for this technique.?
Lullabies for your baby
We have put together a lullaby playlist on Spotify, which you can use to soothe your baby. It’s also a collaborative playlist, so you can add your very own lullaby. Perhaps a favourite from your own childhood or the one your baby has responded to most.?
If you're interested in finding out more about our work on NICU wards, please do get in touch or visit our website to find out more.