World Population Day
"Empowering People, Strengthening Communities: Celebrating World Population Day!"

World Population Day

This day is declared in order to bring awareness among the people about the adverse effects of the population. This day is declared by the Governing Council of the United Nations Development programme in 1989. This day captured importance when the world's population reached 5 billion approximately on 11 July 1987. This day is been declared in order to give importance on various population issues such as the importance of Family Planning, Poverty, Maternal Health, Gender equality and on Human Rights.

Causes of Overpopulation

1] Rise in Birth Rate :-

?Due to the advancement in medical sciences the fertility rate has increased among the human beings. The recent Medical Science has boost the reproductive rate in human beings as a result the Population has increased in the last 10 years.

2] Fall in the death rate :-

The fall in the death rate has become an another cause of increase in population. As advancement in the Medical Science has resulted in the new invention of modern treatment due which the overall death rate has fallen down. This has resulted in an increase in the life expectancy of people.

3] Lack of Education :-

Literacy is another cause of overpopulation. Illiterate people do not understand the need to prevent excessive growth. They are unaware about the harmful effects of overpopulation.

4] Traditional Beliefs :-

In traditional family pattern, their ancestors? do pressurize there family couples with a desire to have a male child, which results in more number of children in the family.

5] Poverty :-

Poor people think that more number of children would in turn earn more income in their family and such thinking and believe leads to overpopulation.

6] Early Marriages :-

Marriages at early age leads to increase in the reproductive capacity which in turn would result in overpopulation.

Effects of population on the World Economy

1] Unemployment :-

As the population increases rapidly employment opportunities do not grow at a faster pace due to which it leads to imbalance in the employment rate which in turn results in unemployment.

2] Poverty :-

Due to growing unemployment people Are forced to live a poor life, as a result they are not able to fetch even their basic necessities.

3] Resources Depletion :-

Overpopulation gives rise to increase in demand for resources such as water, energy and raw materials. Since, if such a situation continuous the resources might become scares causing conflict for the potential use or a rise in prices.

4] Environmental Pollution :-

?Rapid growth in population results in increase in the waste production including sewage pollution and carbon emission. All this would result in air and water pollution also deforestation will occur which in turn would result in depletion of Natural Habitats.

5] Food Security :-

As the population increases the demand for food also increases, this could result in shortage of food elements or high price rate for the same making it difficult for people to have nutritional meals.

6] Pollution :-

Overpopulation would result in pollution of air, water and land which has adverse effects on our ecosystem as a result it would have a hazardous impact on our health.


So, population has a vast impact on our overall life. Therefore such issue must be addressed on priority basis in order to save our planet from the disasterous consequences.



