To the World of Physics

In Search of Dr. George Zweig and Dr. Russell Targ... Dr. Josephson etal

I'm looking for the Physicist that can view a video about a NEW Theory of Everything which Explains the Source of the Charge, Magnetism, and REASON for the particle size of ALL Sub-atomic Paritcles for which the Standard Model of Sub-Atomic Particles offers NO explanation except in relative terms. "Mass'Querade: The Theory of Everything" does this and more.

Mass'querade is named as such because of how Mass-less Photons masquerade as Massive Particles. In this theory, ALL of the normally OBSERVED 'natural' Forces and Phenomena are ACTUALLY EXPLAINED for the first time anywhere using the infinite flexibility of the 4th dimensional element of TIME. TIME is distorted to produce all Mass, Matter, and Gravity thus finally unifying ALL the known forces of the Sub-Atomic Particles.

TIME, twisted and torqued, slowed and sped up, compacted and stretched, provides all the normal phenomena labelled as Equivalence, Gravity, Relativity, The 'Speed of Time', Gravitational Waves, Dark Matter, Red Shifting, and Massless Blackholes that exist in the 'Universe'. Dynamic Distortions of TIME contain the Kinetic Energy of the PHOTON. ( The Photon is NOT two sinewaves of E & M travelling along through space. but is a massless, vertical-axis pendulum hinted at by Maxwell, each with a precise, perpetual KINETIC ENERGY of frequency, E=hF, ala Planck.) Each PHOTON possesses a nearly perpetual Energy from the time of its creation and, certain Very Specific, Ultra-High Energy Photons are used in the creation of ALL Sub-Atomic Particles.

I hope you will take the time to view "Mass'Querade: The Movie" and apply your interest and intellect to help bring Mass'Querade into the 'Light of Physics' where it will negate the need to build a bigger CERN collider. Mass'Querade tells us all we need to know about the Standard Model, Mass, Charge Origin, Matter, Gravity, Relativity and Blackholes. The money will be far better spent understanding the Tenets of Mass'querade and applying them to the understanding and production of Anti-Gravity. This is the potential Mass'Querade brings to the world as the FINAL THEORY OF EVERYTHING. 

Thank you for your kind consideration, 

Cliff Arnell :: Linkedin

Please take a look with your Physics mind.  :: The Teaser

Reply to get your FREE KEY to the private Youtube 50min UHD movie.


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