The World of NGOs
Written by Almas Zareen

The World of NGOs

For a considerable period of time, the social sector has been commonly defined by the term NGO, which encompasses not only a particular organizational form but also the collective work, ideas, cultures, mindsets, and lifestyles of an entire sector and its members. The image of an NGO professional, wearing a kurta pyjama or jeans with a dhoti and sandals, and carrying a jhola or bag is often the first association that comes to mind when people think of this term.

In recent years, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) have achieved remarkable success, particularly in developing countries such as India. With over a million NGOs operating in India, these organizations have made significant contributions to various sectors, including health, education, poverty reduction, and promoting equality. By actively participating in efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), NGOs are helping to make a positive impact in communities and beyond.

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) represent a visionary and comprehensive pact to eliminate poverty in all its forms and create a world that is equitable, inclusive, and sustainable. This global agreement aims to benefit people, the planet, and prosperity, by fostering conditions that are fair, secure, and just for all. India was ranked 112th out of 156 countries in the 2018 SDG Global Ranking, with a score of 59.1%.?

As society continues to evolve, there is a growing trend of young people taking up the mantle to serve their peers. NGOs are adopting modern training models, such as "train the trainers," to ensure the sustainability of their projects. With the active participation of youth, we are witnessing the emergence of new and innovative structures, as opposed to the traditional methods that NGOs previously relied upon. Today's youth possesses the skills and knowledge of the 21st century, thereby preparing younger generations to be smart and future-ready.

“I interned with VOICE 4 Girls in 2014 and currently I am working as a Senior Project Officer there. I believe NGOs are important because I have seen the girls whom I have taught personally changing their lives. I have seen girls as young as 13-14 years change their lives, stopping child marriages and continuing their education. Girls whom I have taught in class have come back to intern with us. This is the power of knowledge. It is 2023 and we may think that girls have all the knowledge that they need. But no, even now when I step foot in a class and talk to the girls about menstrual health and violence, I see their faces turn into inquisitiveness. Girls empower me, more than I empower them. And that’s the heart of working in an NGO.”
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Bhagyasree with V4G Campers
“When the lockdown happened, I and my friends opened a platform to talk about mental health, which was the need of the hour as people in isolation wanted to connect with someone. Every Sunday, I spent two hours bringing people from around the world to discuss societal taboos such as sexuality education, body shaming, and toxic masculinity. Working in NGOs has taught me dignity and humanity. It has taught me courage to take steps that no one around you will ever take.”
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Almas Zareen with V4G Campers
“It is when I set foot on the field for the first time during my Master’s, I realized how a place that is just 35 minutes away from my hometown is another world in itself. I never imagined a 12-year-old not being able to spell his name; 13-year-olds dropping out of school; 14-year-olds labouring and supporting their families. My privileges came crashing at my door that night, reminding me of my obliviousness towards the society I grew up in.”
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Bazilah with V4G campers

As we observe World NGO Day, let us take a moment to come together and celebrate the ever-evolving social sector in India with all its glory and pride. Let us also remind ourselves of the famous quote by Margaret Mead: "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." This quote serves as a reminder that even the smallest of efforts can make a significant difference in the world and that NGOs and other social sector organizations have the potential to bring about real change for the betterment of society.



