The World is a Narrow Bridge...
Jay Mattern, CSP, CPC, CTS
Staffing Professional and creator of the Sixfold Path of Business. Keep staffing human!
In Aaron Thier’s wonderful new novel, The World Is A Narrow Bridge there is a scene where Eva and Murphy, the two young prophets of the god Yahweh, are sent on a mission that terrifies them. As they begin the mission, Eva and Murphy are approached by Satan, who has been sent by Yahweh, to give them their final instructions. After Satan gives the instructions, he begins to leave for his next mission:
“You have to go so soon?” says Eva. “Right away?”
She looks devastated. Murphy, too, is unhappy. Satan frowns and chews on his lip. He doesn’t like to leave them like this.
“I’ll teach you a trick,” he says. “I’ll teach you an incantation that will protect against despair. If things are dark, and I’m not around to help, you can repeat it a few times and it’ll help. I assume you speak Hebrew?”
Eva shakes her head.
“You don’t speak Hebrew?” He seems incredulous. “Are you sure?”
“No need to apologize. Let’s see. The translation would go something like this: ‘The world is a narrow bridge, and the most important thing is not to be afraid.’”
Murphy and Eva both repeat this very slowly. Eva says, “That’s lovely.”
Satan nods. “Just repeat it to yourself when things are bad. You could try different translations too. ‘Do not make yourself afraid, the whole world is a narrow bridge.’ It would really be better if you knew Hebrew.”