World Mental Health Day
Bamboo Marketing (Worcester) Ltd
Marketing services, customer and staff incentives and specialist contact centre for the automotive industry
Today is World Mental Health Day. 1 in 4 people will experience a mental health problem of some kind each year in England and the overall number of people reporting mental health problems has been going up in recent years. We want you all to know that we are always here to listen and support you. Please do reach out to a manager, colleague, friend or health worker if you need support.
Everyone can experience stress, whether at home or work, and having some healthy stress management techniques is vital in dealing with any stress that comes your way. Below are some techniques that can help reset things when you are feeling the pressure-
- Track your stressors- Knowing what is causing stress and how you respond to this is really important in knowing how to reduce overall stress. Taking notes can help you find patterns among your stressors and your reactions to them.
- Develop healthy responses- Having a healthy outlet for stress really helps you unwind after a busy day. Choose something that you enjoy to do and that makes you feel great- it may be cooking a homemade meal, going for a walk, making time for hobbies, reading, going to the cinema, seeing family, a relaxing bath- anything that makes you smile and makes you feel great. Making time for yourself and building healthy habits really makes a difference. Sleep management is massive and we all know that when you don’t sleep great it impacts your day. Limiting caffeine and phone, computer or TV use late at night can really improve sleep.
- Establish boundaries- In today’s world it can be easy to feel the pressure to feel connected 24-7. Establishing some boundaries is really important. Switching off at night and creating that work-life balance is vital to be able to unwind.
- Take time to recharge- Ensure you book that accrued holiday- time away from work is important to relax and unwind so you can come back to work feeling recharged and ready to perform to your best level.
- Relaxation techniques- Techniques such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, and mindfulness can really help reduce stress levels. If you have never practised these techniques before it can take some getting used to, but starting with a few minutes each day where you are quiet and have time for just you, really does make a difference. It can be any time of the day- early morning when the house is quiet and you have time to yourself, on your lunch break or at the end of a busy day. I have tried meditation myself in the past and there are some really great guided meditation apps which are free to use.
- Talk to your supervisor- Mental health has been linked to productivity at work, so we want to create a work environment that promotes employee well-being. Start by having an open conversation with your supervisor- we can help develop an effective plan for managing stressors, so you can perform at your best on the job.
- Get some support- Accepting help from trusted friends and family members can improve your ability to manage stress. If you continue to feel overwhelmed you may want to speak to a mental health professional who can help you manage stress and mental health. They can refer you through to further resources.