World Mental Health Day 2024: 'It Is Time To Prioritise Mental Health In The Workplace'

World Mental Health Day 2024: 'It Is Time To Prioritise Mental Health In The Workplace'

The theme of this World Mental Health Day is ‘Mental Health At Work: It Is Time To Prioritise Mental Health In The Workplace'. The average person spends approximately 90,000 hours of their life working; that’s a third of our time on Earth!?

With that in mind, it is essential that the time we spend working has a positive impact on our mental health.

The WHO states that it is essential for employers to ‘protect and support mental health at work’. But how exactly can you go about this? At FUEL, employee wellbeing (and especially mental wellbeing) is an essential part of our Employee Experience offering. We create bespoke employee wellness programmes for our clients that help to support employee mental health and overall wellness all year round.

WellFest Partnership

FUEL leverages its strong partnership with WellFest, Ireland’s leading health and wellbeing festival, to offer a unique range of employee health and wellbeing programs. FUEL’s distinctive programs are built around the trusted WellFest brand, offering a powerful USP that combines professional expertise with the credibility and brand recognition of the festival.

Through the 6 wellness categories that we offer, we will foster a fully holistic culture of wellbeing in the workplace. These include:

  • Mental Wellness
  • Physical Wellness
  • Spiritual Wellness
  • Nutritional Wellness
  • Intellectual Wellness
  • Environmental Wellness

Head of WellFest, Sarah King says: "After a busy day of work, it is so important for me to have time away from screens, I am usually booked into my favourite gym class (boxing or yoga) or even just a walk through the park helps me switch off. As the winter months roll in; I tend to lean into a slower yoga practice and enjoy the cosy evenings learning new recipes and sharing them with friends and family. Keeping a balance in my work/life always supports my productivity at work".

Mental Wellness At Work

Inspired by WellMind, the area of WellFest that focuses on mental health and wellbeing, we design workplace sessions that teach employees techniques for managing stress and anxiety, enhancing focus and promoting emotional wellbeing and resilience… As well as just helping them to let loose and shake out the stresses of their day to day work life.

Some examples of what we might include in these sessions are:

  • Laughter Yoga
  • The Importance of Sleep
  • Stress Management

Year Round Programming

Your employee’s mental health at work is not only important on World Mental Health Day. It’s something that needs to be prioritised year round. Our FUEL Employee Wellness programming has a 12 month cycle; with each month focusing on different key elements of employee wellbeing, as well as the overall employee experience.

If you’d like to learn more about how we can help you to protect and support your employees’ mental health and wellbeing at work, please don’t hesitate to reach out by emailing [email protected] today.



