World Islamic Science-Tech Review, November, 2022 (Special issue on World Science Day).

World Islamic Science-Tech Review, November, 2022 (Special issue on World Science Day).

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?In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

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“Behold! in the creation of the Skiess and the earth and the alternation of night and day there are indeed Signs for men of understanding”.

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?“Men who celebrate the praises of God standing sitting and lying down on their sides and contemplate the (wonders of) creation in the heavens and the earth (with the thought): “Our Lord! not for naught hast Thou created (all) this! Glory to thee! Give us salvation from the penalty of the fire”.

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Allah Jalaluhu Washanuhu

Allah, almighty:

He is Al 'Aleem, Al Hakeem. Al Aziz

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He knoweth what (appeareth to his creatures as) before or after or behind them. Nor shall they compass aught of his knowledge except as He willeth.(

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22.?God is He, than Whom There is no other god ;— Who knows (all things) Both secret and open ; He, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.Sūra 59: Hashr,?or The Gathering (or Banishment),Verses 24 —Ayat:22, Madani; Revealed at Madina — Sections 3,

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18. There is no god but He: that is the witness of God His angels and those endued with knowledge standing firm on justice. There is no god but He the Exalted in Power the Wise.

(Sūra 3: āl-i-‘Imrān,?or The Family of ‘Imrān,Verses 200 —Ayat: 18, Madani; Revealed at Madina — Sections 20,

Allah is the Greatest teacher of us

Allah teaches Al Quran: !

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2. It is He Who has Taught the Qur-ān. ( )

Al Quran is the best Science

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1.?Ya Sin.

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2. By the Qur-ān, Full of Wisdom,—

Sūra 36: Yā-Sīn?(being Abbreviated Letters),

Muhammadur Rasoolullah (May Allah peace be upon him) is the best Quranic scientist

Muhammadur Rasoolullah (May Allah peace be upon him) used to say that: Ana Buistu Muallim i.e., he is the best teacher of his followers. He used to teach his followers by Quran as well as Hikmah i.e., Quranic Science.

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2. It is He Who has sent Amongst the Unlettered An apostle from among Themselves, to rehearse To them His Signs, To sanctify them, and To instruct them in Scripture And Wisdom,—?(

The Holy Islam: Knowledge and Scientific Religious

Reading and the Islam

The first Surah Al Alaq (Iqra) of Al Quran's first version's first Ayat is: ??????? (Read)

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1.?Proclaim ! (or Read !) in the name Of thy Lord and Cherisher, Who created—

Sūra 96: Iqraa?(Read or Proclaim)?or ‘Alaq?(The Clot of Congealed Blood), Ayat: 1,

Writing and the Islam

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4. He Who taught (The use of) the Pen,—

Sūra 96: Iqraa?(Read or Proclaim)?or ‘Alaq, Ayat: 4

Allah, almighty is the Greatest Creator of Universe

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24. He is God, the Creator, The Evolver, The Bestower of Forms (Or Colors). To Him belong The Most Beautiful Names : Whatever is in The Skies and on earth, Doth declare His Praises and Glory : And He is the Exalted In Might, the Wise.??

Sūra 59: Hashr,?or The Gathering (or Banishment),

Allah is the Greatest Creator of Us

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3.?He has created man : ( )

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14. Should He not know,— He that created ? And He is the One That understands the finest Mysteries (and) is Well-acquainted (with them).(Sūra 67: Mulk,?or Dominion,Verses 30 — Makki; Revealed at Makka — Sections 2).

Al Quran is called Kitabullah i.e., holy book of Allah. It is also called complete code of human life. Indeed, the Quran is a research able holy book.

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24. Do they not then Earnestly seek to understand The Qur-ān, or are Their hearts locked up By them?

Sūra 47: Muhammad,?(the Prophet),Verses 38 — Madani; Revealed at Medina — Sections 4 ( ).

Indeed, the power and Knowledge collectively base of Universe

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12. God is He Who Created seven Firmaments And of the earth A similar number. Through the midst Of them (all) descends His Command : that ye may Know that Allah has power Over all things, and that Allah comprehends all things In (His) Knowledge. (

Indeed, Allah, almighty is the Super Supreme Highest Power

Allah, almighty is Noor (Light), one of 99 Ismi Sifats (name of quality)

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Allah is the Light Of the Skies and the Earth. The parable of His Light Is as if there were a Niche And within it a Lamp : The Lamp enclosed in Glass : The glass as it were A brilliant star : Lit from a blessed Tree, An Olive, neither of the East Nor of the West, Whose Oil is well-nigh Luminous, Though fire scarce touched it : Light upon Light ! God doth guide Whom He will To His Light :Allah doth set forth Parables For men : and Allah Doth know all things. Sūra 24: Nūr,?or Light,Verses 64 —Ayat: 35 Madani ; Revealed at Medina — Sections 9,

Cosmology and Highest Energetic Radiation

Through the computer simulation, scientists reached to the conclusion that there was a very powerful light energy before the beginning of the creation of the universe, i.e. before the Big Bang, from zero/Nil (0), that’s scientific name is: "Highest Energetic Radiation (HER).

Scientists believe that between 1500 crore to 20000 crore years ago busted the Higher Energetic Radiation and formed Skies as well as Earth (along with Sun, Moon, Stars, Galaxies etc., . As a result of the discovery of Back Ground Radiation in 1965, science was able to inform the human race that the Highest Energetic Radiation, created from the void, was the source of (1) light (2) energy and (3) Heat.

There was nothing before the Universe (except Allah, almighty." (Fatwaye Siddiquin, Vol. 1, Page: 74, Quran Hadith Research Center (Furfura Darbar Research Institute), Published by: Ishaat-e- Islam, Qutb Khana, Markaj-e- Isha'ate Islam, 2/2, Darus Salam, Mirpur, Dhaka-1216, Banglaedh,, Date of Publication: Saban-1420 Hijri, November 1999 Christian "Allah Ta'ala's kun fa ya kun Tajalli is present in all creation" (previous p. 38).

Allah, almighty creator of very-high-energy gamma ray

Very-high-energy gamma ray?(VHEGR) denotes?gamma radiation?with?photon energies?of 100 GeV (gigaelectronvolt) to 100 TeV (teraelectronvolt), i.e., 1011?to 1014?electronvolts.?This is approximately equal to?wavelengths?between 10?17?and 10?20?meters, or frequencies of 2 × 1025?to 2 × 1028?Hz. Such energy levels have been detected from emissions from astronomical sources such as some?binary star?systems containing a?compact object.?For example, radiation emitted from?Cygnus X-3?has been measured at ranges from GeV to?exaelectronvolt-levels.?Other astronomical sources include?BL Lacertae,?3C 66A[3]?Markarian 421?and?Markarian 501.?Various other sources exist that are not associated with known bodies. For example, the?H.E.S.S.?catalog contained 64 sources in November 2011. Instruments to detect this radiation commonly measure the?Cherenkov radiation?produced by secondary particles generated from an energetic photon entering the Earth's atmosphere.?This method is called imaging atmospheric Cherenkov technique or?IACT. A high-energy photon produces a cone of light confined to 1° of the original photon direction. About 10,000?m2?of the earth's surface is lit by each cone of light. A flux of 10?7?photons per square meter per second can be detected with current technology, provided the energy is above 0.1?TeV.?Instruments include the planned?Cherenkov Telescope Array,?GT-48?in Crimea,?MAGIC?on?La Palma,?High Energy Stereoscopic System?(HESS) in Namibia?VERITAS?and?Chicago Air Shower Array?which closed in 2001. Cosmic rays also produce similar flashes of light, but can be distinguished based on the shape of the light flash. Also having more than one telescope simultaneously observing the same spot can help exclude cosmic rays.?Extensive air showers?of particles can be detected for gamma rays above 100?TeV. Water scintillation detectors or dense arrays of particle detectors can be used to detect these particle showers.Air showers of elementary particles made by gamma rays can also be distinguished from those produced by cosmic rays by the much greater depth of shower maximum, and the much lower quantity of?muons.

Very-high-energy gamma rays are too low energy to show the?Landau–Pomeranchuk–Migdal effect. Only magnetic fields perpendicular to the path of the photon causes pair production, so that photons coming in parallel to the geomagnetic field lines can survive intact until they meet the atmosphere. These photons that come through the magnetic window can make a Landau–Pomeranchuk–Migdal shower. (Source: )

Electromagnetic radiation

In?physics,?electromagnetic radiation?(EMR) consists of?waves?of the?electromagnetic (EM) field, which propagate through?space?and carry electromagnetic?radiant energy.?It includes?radio waves,?microwaves,?infrared,?(visible) light,?ultraviolet,?X-rays, and?gamma rays. All of these waves form part of the?electromagnetic spectrum.

Classically, electromagnetic radiation consists of?electromagnetic waves, which are synchronized?oscillations?of?electric?and?magnetic fields. Electromagnetic radiation or electromagnetic waves are created due to periodic change of electric or magnetic field. Depending on how this periodic change occurs and the power generated, different wavelengths of electromagnetic spectrum are produced. In a vacuum, electromagnetic waves travel at the?speed of light, commonly denoted?c. In homogeneous, isotropic media, the oscillations of the two fields are perpendicular to each other and perpendicular to the direction of energy and wave propagation, forming a?transverse wave. The position of an electromagnetic wave within the?electromagnetic spectrum?can be characterized by either its?frequency?of oscillation or its?wavelength. Electromagnetic waves of different frequency are called by different names since they have different sources and effects on matter. In order of increasing frequency and decreasing wavelength these are: radio waves, microwaves, infrared radiation, visible light, ultraviolet radiation, X-rays and gamma rays.(Source: )

Ultra-high-energy gamma rays?are?gamma rays?with?photon energies?higher than 100 TeV (0.1 PeV). They have a frequency higher than 2.42 × 1028?Hz and a wavelength shorter than 1.24 × 10?20?m. The existence of these rays was confirmed in 2019.[1]?In a 18 May 2021 press release, China's?Large High Altitude Air Shower Observatory?(LHAASO) reported the detection of a dozen ultra-high-energy gamma rays with energies exceeding 1 peta-electron-volt (quadrillion electron-volts or PeV), including one at 1.4 PeV, the highest energy photon ever observed. The authors of the report have named the sources of these PeV gamma rays PeVatrons.

Noted that, Ultra-high-energy gamma rays are of importance because they may reveal the source of?cosmic rays. Discounting the relatively weak effect of gravity, they travel in a straight line from their source to an observer. This is unlike cosmic rays which have their direction of travel scrambled by magnetic fields. Sources that produce cosmic rays will almost certainly produce gamma rays as well, as the cosmic ray particles interact with nuclei or electrons to produce photons or neutral?pions?which in turn decay to ultra-high-energy photons.

The ratio of primary cosmic ray?hadrons?to gamma rays also gives a clue as to the origin of cosmic rays. Although gamma rays could be produced near the source of cosmic rays, they could also be produced by interaction with?cosmic microwave background?by way of the?Greisen–Zatsepin–Kuzmin limit?cutoff above 50 EeV.

(Source: )

Big Bang and Islam

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"Do not the Unbelievers see That the heavens and the earth Were joined together (as one Unit of Creation), before We clove them asunder ? We made from water Every living thing. Will they Not then believe ?".

Sūra 21: Ambiyāa,?or The Prophets,Verses 112 — Makki; Revealed at Mecca — Sections 7, Ayat: 30),

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81. “ Is not He Who created The Skies and the earth Able to create the like Thereof ?”—Yea, indeed ! For He is the Creator Supreme, Of skill and knowledge (infinite) ! (Sura Yasin, Ayat: 81).

Sūra 36: Yā-Sīn?(being Abbreviated Letters),Verses 83 — Makki; Revealed at Makka — Sections 5, Ayat : 81,

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82. Verily, when He intends A thing, His Command is, “ Be ”, and it is !

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83. So glory to Him In Whose hands is The dominion of all things : And to Him will ye Be all brought back.

Structure of Universe (according to the Modern Cosmological Standard Model)

Universe: From point to circle ??? ???????? ?????? ????????? ??????? ??? ????????????? ????? ??? ????????? ????? ???????? ??? ??????? ????? ???????? ?????? ??? ??????? ?????????? The least little atom In the Skies or on Earth : Nor is there anything less Than that, or greater, but Is in the Record Perspicuous. Sūra 34: Sabā,?or the City of Sabā,Verses 54 — Makki; Revealed at Makka — Sections 6, Ayat: 3, Noted that Andy Parker once said in a BBC program called "How Small is the Universe" that it (string length 10–35 m) could be much smaller than quarks. Billions of times smaller or shorter than the smallest length (proton) we have seen so far. Noted that Digital microscopes have made it possible to measure the length of protons, the smallest particle ever measured—with a radius of 0.833 femtometres. Digital microscopes have made it possible to measure the length of protons, the smallest particle ever measured—with a radius of 0.833 femtometres Unit of?length?in the?International System of Units?(SI) equal to 10?15?metres, which means a quadrillionth of one metre.(Source: String length In theories of particle physics based on string theory, the characteristic length scale of strings is assumed to be the Planck length, or 10–35 m, the scale at which quantum gravity effects are thought to be important. Like the many long-wavelength strings seen in physics laboratories, matter will be indistinguishable from zero-dimensional point particles, and the vibrational state of the string will determine the type of particle. A string carries a gravitational force in a vibrational state.

Universe: From circle to point The size of the universe is huge. According to current cosmological models, the current age of the universe is 13.75 billion or 1,375 million years. The "current" diameter of the visible part of this universe is about 93 billion light years. The diameter of the universe is greater than 13.75 x 2 = 27.50 billion light years. Moreover, if the universe is imagined as a sphere centered on Earth, its radius would be about 46 billion light years. Black hole: Star to Singularity (String) When a massive star burns out all its fuel and approaches death, the strong gravitational pull collapses all its mass, all its matter into a single point. That point is called the singularity or the absolute point (Biggan Chinta, October 2021, p. 55). A?black hole?is a region of?spacetime?where?gravity?is so strong that nothing, including?light?or other?electromagnetic waves, has enough energy to escape it.?The theory of?general relativity?predicts that a sufficiently compact?mass?can deform spacetime to form a black hole.?The?boundary?of no escape is called the?event horizon Black holes of stellar mass form when massive stars collapse at the end of their life cycle. After a black hole has formed, it can grow by absorbing mass from its surroundings.?Supermassive black holes?of millions of?solar masses?(M☉) may form by absorbing other stars and merging with other black holes. There is consensus that supermassive black holes exist in the centres of most?galaxies. The presence of a black hole can be inferred through its interaction with other?matter?and with electromagnetic radiation such as visible light. Any matter that falls onto a black hole can form an external?accretion disk?heated by?friction, forming?quasars, some of the brightest objects in the universe. Stars passing too close to a supermassive black hole can be shredded into streamers that shine very brightly before being "swallowed." If other stars are orbiting a black hole, their orbits can determine the black hole's mass and location. Such observations can be used to exclude possible alternatives such as neutron stars. In this way, astronomers have identified numerous stellar black hole candidates in?binary systems?and established that the radio source known as?Sagittarius A, at the core of the?Milky Way?galaxy, contains a supermassive black hole of about 4.3?million?solar?masses. History The idea of a body so big that even light could not escape was briefly proposed by English astronomical pioneer and clergyman?John Michell?in a letter published in November 1784. Michell's simplistic calculations assumed such a body might have the same density as the Sun, and concluded that one would form when a star's diameter exceeds the Sun's by a factor of 500, and its surface?escape velocity?exceeds the usual speed of light. Michell referred to these bodies as?dark stars. He correctly noted that such supermassive but non-radiating bodies might be detectable through their gravitational effects on nearby visible bodies.(Source: Black hole: Star to Singularity (String) When a massive star burns out all its fuel and approaches death, the strong gravitational pull collapses all its mass, all its matter into a single point. That point is called the singularity or the absolute point (Biggan Chinta, October 2021, p. 55). Black Holes: From circle to point (String) A?black hole?is a region of?spacetime?where?gravity?is so strong that nothing, including?light?or other?electromagnetic waves, has enough energy to escape it.?The theory of?general relativity?predicts that a sufficiently compact?mass?can deform spacetime to form a black hole.?The?boundary?of no escape is called the?event horizon. Black holes of stellar mass form when massive stars collapse at the end of their life cycle. After a black hole has formed, it can grow by absorbing mass from its surroundings.?Supermassive black holes?of millions of?solar masses?(M☉) may form by absorbing other stars and merging with other black holes. There is consensus that supermassive black holes exist in the centres of most?galaxies. Astronomers have identified numerous stellar black hole candidates in?binary systems?and established that the radio source known as?Sagittarius A, at the core of the?Milky Way?galaxy, contains a supermassive black hole of about 4.3?million?solar?masses. Natural Structure of Universe:

Highest Energetic Radiation (HER) Big Bang Photon (Mass less particle) Higgs Boson Particle (Mass full particle)Quark.


1.????Proton 2. Neutron 3. Electron

Sky+Earth (along with Stars+Moon+Galaxies etc).

Lepton = i) Chargeable ii) Charge less

i) Chargeable: i) muon ii) tau ii) Charge less: i) muon neutrino ii) tau neutrino iii) electron neutrino.

In light of Modern Cosmological Standard Model, Quark is treated just like Wall and Higgs Boson as like Cement for building structure of universe.

Where did this universe come from? This is the original question. The second question is where did the matter get mass and weight?

Once upon a time nothing called the universe existed, never will. When it wasn't, what was it? What will be when there is no? The question is.

Ever since humans learned to ask, what is the relationship between the solar system and the numerous star clusters across the sky, why are all the constraints in the larger structure? Cosmology - the science of the universe - was developed to answer that question.

There are at least 100 billion i.e., 10 thousand Crore galaxies in the universe. Each galaxy contains at least 100 billion i.e., 10 thousand Crore stars. Our earth is a very small part of this vast universe. A fundamental question remains, when and where does this universe begin, and where does it end? (Biggan Chinta, October, 2019, Year 4, Issue, 01, p. 16).

If you want to understand this world, if you want to understand worldly rules, you have to turn your eyes to the smallest part of the world. What is the function of star, what is the behavior characteristic, what is the function of galaxy? The answer to what is the behavior characteristic lies in the constituent elements of the star.

Now if one wants to go deeper into the mundane principles and properties of phenomena, if one wants to find the solution to the more profound mysteries, then one has to go deeper into the atom. It has to be analyzed inside (Biggan Chinta, June,page 49).

Another question that remains for a related reason is, where do particles get their mass from? It is assumed that there is an extra particle in nature that has its own mass and dissipates some energy into the void. The existence of energy in the vacuum is not new to quantum theory. (Biggan Chinta, June 2019, Vol. 3, No. 9, p. 35).

According to classical mechanics, all objects are particles. Even if the stars in the sky look the same, the distance, size, nature are different. This difference can be indicated by using different symbols. And when such individual particles are exchanged with each other, a new state is created (Previous pg. 56)

Boson particles, on the other hand, mean that they are all the same and their quantum behavior is indistinguishable. No new stage is created by the exchange of two Basu particles. This means that, according to cosmology, the Earth, asteroids and other planets came from the same source (Biggan Chinta, January 2020, Year 4, Issue 4, p. 73).

Once upon a time all the molecules and atoms of matter in the universe were bound in a single point or string. The scientific name for this condition is Highest Energetic Radiation.

This highest energetic radiation was caused by an unknown superpower which has the scientific name Big Bang.

To reach the origin of the universe, we have to go back to the beginning of the universe or even before that, i.e. the Big Bang.

What is Big Bang

The?Big Bang?event is a?physical theory?that describes how the?universe expanded?from an initial state of high?density?and?temperature.Various?cosmological models?of the Big Bang explain the evolution of the?observable universe?from the?earliest known periods?through its subsequent large-scale form.?These models offer a comprehensive explanation for a broad range of observed phenomena, including the abundance of?light elements, the?cosmic microwave background?(CMB)?radiation, and?large-scale structure. The overall uniformity of the Universe, known as the?flatness problem, is explained through?cosmic inflation: a sudden and very rapid expansion of space during the earliest moments. However, physics currently lacks a widely accepted theory of?quantum gravity?that can successfully model the earliest conditions of the Big Bang.(Source:

Al Quran and String Theory

Least Little Thing

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Hast thou not turned thy vision to those who claim sanctity for themselves? Nay but God doth sanctify whom He pleaseth but never will they fail to receive justice in the least little thing. Sūra 4: Nisāa,?or The Women,Verses 176 — Madani; Revealed at Madina — Sections 24, Ayat: 49, (

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7.?By the Sky With (its) numerous Paths, (Sūra 51: Zāriyāt,?or the Winds that Scatter,Verses 60 — Makki; Revealed at Makka — Sections 3, Ayat 7).

Hubuk ??????" is plural of Habka which means a knot or a weave.

The wick in the Quran looks exactly like the string in String Theory.

From String Theory we know that the smallest mass is the mass of a string. The vibration of the string determines its mass. However this was portrayed in the Quran 1400 years before it was discovered. The Quran says that the smallest mass is a pluck.

Quran 4:124
But whoever works righteousness, whether male or female, and is a believer, those will enter Paradise, and will not be wronged by a pluck.

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Nakara ??? means pluck. Pluck the string of a musical instrument means ??? ????? ?????. Nakir ???? means vibrations of a string. In this verse Nakiran ???????? means a single vibration of a string. So in the Quran the smallest mass is the single vibration of a string.

In this verse the smallest mass is a pluck and in the previous verse the smallest particle is a wick. Both verses are describing the same smallest particle. Today we know what it is, this is a vibrating string.

The Quran insists on seven superimposed heavens. We are in the lowest heaven; Angels on your shoulders are in the seventh heaven; Satan and Jinn passing through you are in one heaven in-between. However all seven heavens are superimposed. We cannot see nor collide with Angels nor Jinn but we can detect their gravity, however these are the exact same properties of Dark Matter, we cannot see them nor collide with them but we can detect their gravity. String Theory explains what they are: They are mass in extra dimensions.

Traditionally physicists thought that the smallest particles in atoms were point like, that is, they looked like points. However recently discovered evidence suggest that the smallest particle is not point like, as previously thought, but rather a vibrating string of energy. But physicists also discovered that these strings need more than three spatial dimensions to vibrate in; particularly they need six extra spatial dimensions. In all versions of String Theory there are 10 dimensions: "Time" plus the usual three spatial dimensions (T,x,y,z our observable universe) plus six extra spatial dimensions making a total of ten dimensions (1 time + 9 spatial = 10 dimensions).


String Theory

Composed power just like composed matter (Albert Einstein) i.e., power and matter and matter and power are same thing. According to the modern cosmological Standard Model, i.e., string theory that all matters or particles of the universe had been created by vibration of string. So, string or its vibration is one kind of power but in view of CIRRN that the power is contributed merely the structure of universe, not for its governing as well as managing. Indeed, the universe is being governed and managed by Knowledge.

What is String?

In?physics,?string theory?is a?theoretical framework?in which the?point-like particles?of?particle physics?are replaced by?one-dimensional?objects called?strings. String theory describes how these strings propagate through space and interact with each other. On distance scales larger than the string scale, a string looks just like an ordinary particle, with its?mass,?charge, and other properties determined by the?vibrational?state of the string. In string theory, one of the many vibrational states of the string corresponds to the?graviton, a?quantum mechanical?particle that carries the?gravitational force. Thus, string theory is a theory of?quantum gravity. (Source:

Research and Islam

? ? ???????? ???????????? ??????????? ????????? ??????????? ?????????????? ?“Such are the similitudes Which We propound to men, That they may reflect. Such are the similitudes Which We propound to men, That they may reflect. (Sura Hashor, Ayat: 20,

Physics and Al Quran

i) Iron and Al Quran

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25.?We sent aforetime Our apostles with Clear Signs And sent down with them The Book and the Balance (Of Right and Wrong), that men May stand forth in justice ; And We sent down Iron, In which is (material for) Mighty war, as well as Many benefits for mankind, That God may test who It is that will help, Unseen, Him and His apostles : For God is Full of Strength, Exalted in Might (And able to enforce His Will).

Sūra 57: Hadīd,?or Iron,Verses 29 — Madani; Revealed at Madina — Sections 4, Ayat:25,

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“Nothing have We omitted from the Book” (of Al Quran) (Sura Ana’m, Ayat: 38,

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“And We have sent down To thee the Book explaining All things, a Guide, a Mercy, And Glad Tidings to Muslims”. (Sura Nahl, Ayat: 89,

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“We detail Our Signs for people who know”.( (Sura Ana’m, Ayat: 97,?

ii) Lead and Al Quran

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96. “ Bring me blocks of iron.” At length, when he had Filled up the space between The two steep mountain-sides, He said, “ Blow (with your bellows) ” Then, when he had made It (red) as fire, he said : “ Bring me, that I may Pour over it, molten lead.”

??- ????? ?????????? ??? ??????????? ????? ???????????? ???? ?????????

97. Thus were they made Powerless to scale it Or to dig through it.

Sūra 18: Kahf,?or the Cave,Verses 110 — Makki; Revealed at Makka — Sections 12, Ayat: 97,

iii) Quark and Al Quran

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Who believe in the Unseen are steadfast in prayer and spend out of what We have provided for them. Sūra 2: Baqara,?or the Heifer, Verses 286 — Ayat: 3, Madani; Revealed at Medina — Sections 40

Indeed, the Quark particle is yet unseen to the scientist.

iv) Neutrino and Al Quran

But most surely, By my Lord, it will come Upon you ;—by Him Who knows the unseen,— From Whom is not hidden The least little atom In the Skies or on earth : Nor is there anything less Than that, or greater, but Is in the Record Perspicuous: Sura Saba.

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40. Said one who had knowledge Of the Book : “ I will Bring it to thee within The twinkling of an eye ! ” Then when (Solomon) saw it Placed firmly before him, He said : “ This is By the grace of my Lord !— To test me whether I am Grateful or ungrateful ! And if any is grateful, Truly his gratitude is (a gain) For his own soul ; but if Any is ungrateful, truly My Lord is Free of all Needs, Supreme in Honour ! ”Sūra 27: Naml,?or the Ants, Ayat: 40,

v) Periodical Table and Islam

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He (Moses) said : “ Our Lord is He Who gave to each (Created) thing its form And nature, and further, Gave (it) guidance.” Sūra 20: Tā-Há?(Mystic Letters, T.H.)

Sūra 20: Tā-Há?(Mystic Letters, T.H.), Verses 135 — Makki; Revealed at Madina — Sections 8, Ayat: 50,

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32. So (Moses) threw his rod, And behold, it was A serpent, plain (for all to see)!

(Sūra 26: Shu’arāa,?or The Poets,Verses 227 — Makki; Revealed at Makka — Sections 11, Ayat: 32).

In view of Greek scientist Democritus

In view of the Greek scientist Democritus, the absolute essence of matter is the 'atom' which means that it cannot be broken down.

In view of Greek Philosopher Aristotle

Later, according to another Greek philosopher Aristotle, the absolute of matter is not one-dimensional, but four-dimensional, that is, i) Earth ii) Water, iii) Air and iv) Fire.

In view of Arabic Scientist Jabir-Ibn-Hayyan?

Before arriving in Europe, Aristotle's ideas did not change much, but a new part was added. The concept was introduced by the eighth century medieval Arab scientist Jabir Ibn Hayyan. The principle given by him was of two kinds. One was called i) Mercury, another ii) Sulphur. This mercury or sulfur is not exactly the mercury-sulfur we know.Mercury principle is 'cold' and 'wet'. Sulfur on the other hand is 'hot' and 'dry'. Cool-moist and hot-dry in English.These four characters indicate a new position between the four basic substances. According to this sulphur-mercury theory, these four religions make up the seven basic metals—i) Gold ii) Silver iii) Copper, iv) Tin v) Iron vi) Lead and vii) Mercury. The four qualities of the sulfur-mercury theory determine what a metal will look like.Aristotle's four elements and Jabir Ibn Hayyan's sulfur-mercury - the most common list is made together. This list of four elements in the four corners of a square is called the first periodic table. Paracelsus, a Swiss medical scientist, added innovation to this concept in the 16th century. He made a slightly more elaborate theory by adding 'salts' to the mercury-sulphur theory. viichemistry. Even in his ideas, some ideas like atom-molecule-chemical reactions came up. But in the meantime, Joseph Priestley was able to separate the gases in the air. Lavoisier published a list of 33 elements in 1777. He distinguished for the first time between metals and non-metals. In 1803 John Dalton proposed 'Dalton's Law'. Dalton's law is an important formula in chemistry and physics. The statement of this formula is, "The total pressure exerted by a mixture of gases without mutual reaction is equal to the sum of the partial pressures exerted by each gas. After that slowly people started to understand the true concept of basic matter. Man began to separate the elemental substances. As time passed, the number of material elements increased day by day. At that time, as people understood, elemental matter is the basis of creation of all matter. So scientists thought, since each element has a specific atomic mass, to put the elemental substances together in a list based on mass. After many attempts, Dmitri Mendeleev, in 1869, arranged a list of 63 elements based on atomic mass. Because, at that time, people knew that Mendeleev made a beautiful pattern by arranging atomic masses. In this pattern, Mendeleev divides the elements into rows and columns which are almost identical in Characterstic. Mendeleev named the rows as periods, and the columns as groups. Periods and groups make up the "Periodic Table".

vi) Aeroplane Technology and Al Quran

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12.?And to Solomon (We Made) the Wind (obedient) : Its early morning (stride) Was a month’s (journey), And its evening (stride) Was a month’s (journey) ; And We made a Font Of molten brass to flow For him ; and there were Jinns that worked in front Of him, by the leave Of his Lord, and if any Of them turned aside From Our command, We Made Him taste Of the Penalty Of the Blazing Fire

Sūra 34: Sabā,?or the City of Sabā,Verses 54 — Makki; Revealed at Makka — Sections 6, Ayat: 12.

vii) Voyager-Rocket Technology and Al Quran

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O?ye assembly of Jinns And men ! If it be Ye can pass beyond The zones of the heavens And the earth, pass ye ! Not without authority Shall ye be able to pass !

Sūra 55: Rahmān,?or (God) Most Gracious,Verses 78 —Ayat: 33, Madani; Revealed at Madina — Sections 3,

Voyager 1

It may be noted Voyager 1?is a?space probe?launched by?NASA?on September 5, 1977, as part of the?Voyager program?to study the outer?Solar System?and interstellar space beyond the Sun's?heliosphere. Launched 16 days after its twin?Voyager 2,?Voyager 1?has been operating for 45?years, 2?months and 23?days as of November 29, 2022?UTC ]. It communicates through NASA's?Deep Space Network?to receive routine commands and to transmit data to Earth. Real-time distance and velocity data is provided by NASA and JPL.?At a distance of 158.79?AU?(14.760?billion?mi) from Earth as of November?7, 2022,?it is the most distant human-made object from Earth. Speed Capacity: 17 k.m. per minute.

viii) Rocket Technology?

A?rocket?(from?Italian:?rocchetto,?lit. 'bobbin/spool')?is a?vehicle?that uses?jet propulsion?to?accelerate?without using the surrounding?air. A?rocket engine?produces thrust by?reaction?to exhaust expelled at high speed. Rocket engines work entirely from?propellant?carried within the vehicle; therefore a rocket can fly in the?vacuum?of space. (Source:

ix) Speed capacity of Rocket

If a rocket is launched from the surface of the Earth, it needs to reach a speed of at least?7.9 kilometers per second?(4.9 miles per second) in order to reach space. This speed of 7.9 kilometers per second is known as the orbital velocity, it corresponds to more than 20 times the speed of sound.

x) Dark Matter-Energy and Al Quran

??- ???? ??? ???????? ???? ??? ????????????? ??????????? ????????? ?????? ???????? ????? ??????????? ???????? ?????????????

Say : None in the heavens Or on earth, except God, Knows what is hidden : Nor can they perceive When they shall be raised Up (for Judgment).

Sūra 27: Naml,?or the Ants,Verses 93 —Ayat: 65, Makki; Revealed at Makka — Sections 7

xi) Event Horizon (Black Hole) and Al Quran

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6. Say : “ The (Qur-ān) was sent down By Him Who knows The Mystery (that is) in the heavens And the earth : verily He Is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.”

Sūra 25: Furqān,?or The Criterion,Verses 77 —, Ayat: 6, Makki ; Revealed at Makka — Sections 6,

All praises of creation for Allah, almighty

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Praise be to God, Who created (out of nothing) The heavens and the earth, Who made the angels Messengers with wings,— Two, or three, or four (Pairs) : He adds to Creation As He pleases : for God Has power over all things.

Sūra 35: Fātir,?or The Originator of Creation,Verses 45 — Makki; Revealed at Makka — Sections 5.

xii) Space and Al Quran

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He Who created The seven heavens One above another : No want of proportion Wilt thou see In the Creation Of (God) Most Gracious. So turn thy vision again : Seest thou any flaw ?

?-????? ??????? ????????? ??????????? ????????? ???????? ????????? ???????? ?????? ?????????

Again turn thy vision A second time : (thy) vision Will come back to thee Dull and discomfited, In a state worn out.

?-???????? ????????? ?????????? ?????????? ???????????? ?????????????? ???????? ??????????????? ? ????????????? ?????? ??????? ????????????

And We have, (From of old), Adorned the lowest heaven With Lamps, and We Have made such (Lamps) (As) missiles to drive away the Evil Ones, And have prepared for them The Penalty Of the Blazing Fire.

Sūra 67: Mulk,?or Dominion,Verses 30 — Makki; Revealed at Makka — Sections 2, Ayat: 3-5,

?- ???????? ????????? ????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????? ???????????? ?????????????? ????? ????? ??? ?????????

Do they not look At the sky above them ?— How We have made it And adorned it, And there are no Flaws in it ?

?- ??????????? ???????????? ????????????? ?????? ????????? ???????????? ?????? ??? ????? ?????? ?????????

And the earth—We have spread it out, And set thereon mountains Standing firm, and produced Therein every kind of Beautiful growth (in pairs)—

?- ?????????? ?????????? ??????? ?????? ??????????

To be observed And commemorated By every devotee Turning (to God).

??- ???????? ????????? ????????????? ??????????? ????? ??????????? ??? ??????? ???????? ????? ???????? ??? ??????????

We created the Skies And the earth and all Between them in Six Days, Nor did any sense Of weariness touch Us.

Sūra 50: Qāf,?or The Letter Qaaf, Ayat 6, 7, 8, 38 Verses 45 — Makki; Revealed at Makka — Sections 3.

xiii) Human and Islam

Born History and Al Quran

??- ???????? ????????? ???????????? ???? ????????? ???? ???????

Man We did create From a quintessence (of clay) ;

??- ????? ??????????? ???????? ??? ??????? ?????????

Then We placed him As (a drop of) sperm In a place of rest, Firmly fixed ;

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Then We made the sperm Into a clot of congealed blood ; Then of that clot We made A (f?tus) lump ; then We Made out of that lump Bones and clothed the bones With flesh ; then We developed Out of it another creature. So blessed be God, The Best to create !

Sūra 23: Mū-minūn,?or The Believers,Verses 118 —Ayat:12-14, Makki; Revealed at Makka— Sections 6,

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It is He Who has Created you from dust, Then from a sperm-drop, Then from a leech-like clot ; Then does He get you Out (into the light) As a child : then lets you (Grow and) reach your age Of full strength ; then Lets you become old,—Though of you there are Some who die before ;—And lets you reach A Term appointed ; In order that ye May learn wisdom. ( Sūra 40: Mū-min,?or The Believer,Verses 85 —Ayat: 67, Makki; Revealed at Makka — Sections 9, )

Death and Al Quran

??- ????? ????????? ?????? ??????? ??????????????

After that, at length Ye will die.

Sūra 23: Mū-minūn,?or The Believers,Verses 118 —Ayat:15, Makki; Revealed at Makka— Sections 6,

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68. It is He Who gives Life And Death ; and when He Decides upon an affair, He says to it, “ Be ”, And it is. (

Quiamat (Day Of Judgment) and Al Quran

??- ????? ????????? ?????? ???????????? ?????????????

Again, on the Day Of Judgment, will ye be Raised up.

Sūra 23: Mū-minūn,?or The Believers,Verses 118 —Ayat:16, Makki; Revealed at Makka— Sections 6,

??- ????? ??????? ???????? ???? ??????? ? ??????? ????? ?????? ?????? ???????? ???????? ? ??????? ?????? ?????? ????????

He said : “ This is A mercy from my Lord : But when the promise Of my Lord comes to pass, He will make it into dust ; And the promise of My Lord is true.”

(Sūra 18: Kahf,?or the Cave,Verses 110 — Makki; Revealed at Makkah — Sections 12, Ayat; 98,

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90. At it the skies are ready To burst, the earth To split asunder, and The mountains to fall down In utter ruin,

Sūra 19: Maryam,?or Mary, Verses 98 — Makki; Revealed at Makka — Sections 6, Ayat: 90 ,

??- ???????? ????????? ?????????? ?????? ????????? ????? ?????? ???? ????????? ????????????

17. And We have made, above you, Seven tracts ; and We Are never unmindful Of (Our) Creation.

Sūra 23: Mū-minūn,?or The Believers,Verses 118 —Ayat:17, Makki; Revealed at Makka— Sections 6,,

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57.?Assuredly the creation Of the Skies And the earth Is a greater (matter) Than the creation of men : Yet most men understand not. (Sūra 40: Mū-min,?or The Believer,Verses 85 — Ayat 57, Makki; Revealed at Makkah — Sections 9

Highest Energetic Radiation-Big Bang and Islam

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30.?Do not the Unbelievers see That the skies and the earth Were joined together (as one Unit of Creation), before We clove them asunder ? (

Al Quran is the best Science

?- ????

1.?Ya Sin.

?- ???????????? ????????????

2. By the Qur-ān, Full of Wisdom,—

Sūra 36: Yā-Sīn?(being Abbreviated Letters),

Muhammadur Rasoolullah (May Allah peace be upon him) is the best Quranic scientist

Muhammadur Rasoolullah (May Allah peace be upon him) used to say that: Ana Buistu Muallim i.e., he is the best teacher of his followers. He used to teach his followers by Quran as well as Hikmah i.e., Quranic Science.

.?- ???? ??????? ?????? ??? ?????????????? ???????? ????????? ??????? ?????????? ???????? ?????????????? ??????????????? ?????????? ?????????????

2. It is He Who has sent Amongst the Unlettered An apostle from among Themselves, to rehearse To them His Signs, To sanctify them, and To instruct them in Scripture And Wisdom,—?(

The Holy Islam: Knowledge and Scientific Religious

Reading and the Islam

The first Surah Al Alaq (Iqra) of Al Quran's first version's first Ayat is: ??????? (Read)

?- ??????? ??????? ??????? ??????? ????????

1.?Proclaim ! (or Read !) in the name Of thy Lord and Cherisher, Who created—

Sūra 96: Iqraa?(Read or Proclaim)?or ‘Alaq?(The Clot of Congealed Blood), Ayat: 1,

Writing and the Islam

?- ??????? ??????? ?????????????

4. He Who taught (The use of) the Pen,—

Sūra 96: Iqraa?(Read or Proclaim)?or ‘Alaq, Ayat: 4

The first Ayat of Sūrah's name is Al Qalam (Pen) ?

?- ? ? ??????????? ????? ?????????????

1.?Nun. By the Pen And by the (Record) Which (men) write,—

Human's Body structure and Al Quran

?- ?????? ??????????? ???? ????????

2. Created man out of A (mere) clot Of congealed blood :

The world stands on Knowledge, Science-Tech

-Muhammad Sheikh Ramzan Hossain


We move with knowledge”.

?Definition of Knowledge

Noun, understanding, comprehension, grasp, grip, command, mastery, apprehension, expertise, skill, proficiency, expertness, accomplishment, capacity, capability, know-how, learning, erudition, education etc.

The term "knowledge" can refer to a theoretical or practical understanding of a subject. It can be implicit (as with practical skill or expertise) or explicit ; formal or informal; systematic or particular ."knowledge: definition of knowledge in Oxford dictionary (American English) (US)". oxford Archived from the original on 14 July 2010.

The philosopher Plato argued that there was a distinction between knowledge and true belief in the Theaetetus, leading many to attribute to him a definition of knowledge as "justified true belief". The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Fall 2020 ed.), Metaphysics Research Lab, Stanford University, , Oxford: Clarendon Press, ISBN 978-0199230419, Chapter 7, pp. 95–101.

Indeed, Knowledge is the most essential subject of the field of epistemology, which studies what we know, how we come to know it, and what it means to know something.

?The root word of Knowledge is "Know".Indeed,the Best knowing is self-knowing.

?That self-knowledge is the highest aim of philosophical inquiry appears to be generally acknowledged. In all the conflicts between the different philosophical schools this objective remained invariable and unshaken: it proved to be the’ Archimedean point, the fixed and immovable center, of all thought. (Source: An Essay on Man is a work, written and published in English in 1944 by Ernst Cassirer).

?Know thyself:

The Ancient Greek aphorism "know thyself" are: γν?θι σεαυτ?ν, transliterated: gnōthi seauton; also ... σαυτ?ν … sauton and in Latin the phrase, "know thyself", is given as nosce te ipsum[3] or temet nosce.

The Suda, a 10th-century encyclopedia of Greek knowledge, states: "the proverb is applied to those whose boasts exceed what they are", and that "know thyself" is a warning to pay no attention to the opinion of the multitude.

?By Socrates

One of Socrates's students, the historian Xenophon, described some of the instances of Socrates's use of the Delphic maxim "Know Thyself" in his history titled: Memorabilia. In this writing, Xenophon portrayed his teacher's use of the maxim as an organizing theme for Socrates's lengthy dialogue with Euthydemus.[16]

?By Plato

Plato, another student of Socrates, employs the maxim "Know Thyself" extensively by having the character of Socrates use it to motivate his dialogues. Benjamin Jowett's index to his translation of the Dialogues of Plato lists six dialogues which discuss or explore the Delphic maxim: "know thyself".

?Scientific knowledge

Science (from the Latin word scientia, meaning "knowledge") is a systematic enterprise that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about the universe.

The earliest roots of science can be traced to Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia..Their contributions to mathematics, astronomy, and medicine entered and shaped Greek natural philosophy of classical antiquity, whereby formal attempts were made to provide explanations of events in the physical world based on natural causes. After the fall of the Western Roman Empire, knowledge of Greek conceptions of the world deteriorated in Western Europe during the early centuries of the Middle Ages but was preserved in the Muslim world during the Islamic Golden Age.

The recovery and assimilation of Greek works and Islamic inquiries into Western Europe from the 10th to 13th century revived "natural philosophy", which was later transformed by the Scientific Revolution that began in the 16th century as new ideas and discoveries departed from previous Greek conceptions and traditions. The scientific method soon played a greater role in knowledge creation and it was not until the 19th century that many of the institutional and professional features of science began to take shape; along with the changing of "natural philosophy" to "natural science."

?Modern science is typically divided into three major branches that consist of the natural sciences (e.g., biology, chemistry, and physics), which study nature in the broadest sense; the social sciences (e.g., economics, psychology, and sociology), which study individuals and societies; and the formal sciences (e.g., logic, mathematics, and theoretical computer science), which study abstract concepts. There is disagreement,however, on whether the formal sciences actually constitute a science as they do not rely on empirical evidence. Disciplines that use existing scientific knowledge for practical purposes, such as engineering and medicine, are described as applied sciences.

?Science is based on research, which is commonly conducted in academic and research institutions as well as in government agencies and companies. The practical impact of scientific research has led to the emergence of science policies that seek to influence the scientific enterprise by prioritizing the development of commercial products, armaments, health care, and environmental protection

?? The development of the scientific method has made a significant contribution to how knowledge of the physical world and its phenomena is acquired.?"Science – Definition of science by Merriam-Webster".

?? To be termed scientific, a method of inquiry must be based on gathering observable and measurable evidence subject to specific principles of reasoning and experimentation."Rules for the study of natural philosophy", Newton 1999, pp. 794–796, from the General Scholium, which follows Book 3, The System of the World.

? The scientific method consists of the collection of data through observation and experimentation, and the formulation and testing of hypotheses.scientific method, Merriam-Webster Dictionary.

? Science, and the nature of scientific knowledge have also become the subject of philosophy. As science itself has developed, scientific knowledge now includes a broader usage Wilson, Timothy D. (12 July 2012). "Stop bullying the 'soft' sciences". Los Angeles Times.

?The World Science day

Date: Thursday, 10 November 2022; 21st Anniversary.


United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)


The World Science Day for Peace and Development is annually celebrated for four purposes:

·????????To strengthen public awareness of the role of science in promoting sustainable development and paving the way for peaceful societies;

·????????To promote national and international solidarity for shared science between nations;

·????????To renew local and international commitment for the use of scientific knowledge and technology to benefit societies;

·????????To draw attention to the challenges faced by science in raising support for the scientific endeavor.


The first World Science Day for Peace and Development was officially held on November 10, 2002.

The Day was initially proposed in 1999, by the delegations of Ethiopia and Malawi, at the World Conference on Science in Budapest, Hungary.


World Science Day: celebrating knowledge

Science is at the very core of our everyday lives. Virtually everything we know, every comfort we enjoy – from smartphones to painkillers – is a direct result of scientific endeavor.

Today we celebrate World Science Day for Peace & Development. Set up by UNESCO in 2001, the 10th?November is a moment to stop and think about all that science has given us, and how relevant research is to prosperity, peace and the planet.

World Science Day really is an opportunity for Diamond to shine! We’ll have BBC broadcasts from the synchrotron, an online campaign highlighting ways in which science is helping to change lives, and the launch of a new edition of the free popular science magazine,?Inside Diamond, covering recent work on an Ebola vaccine, mental health drugs and insights into the solar system.

?Our scientists will also be taking to the radio, television and social media to speak directly with the public about their work.?

??In a world first, Heptares have successfully used Diamond to scrutinise the atomic structure of receptors in the brain that affect mood, learning and behaviour, and are linked to neurological disorders. Their findings have enabled scientists to design potential drug molecules that fit perfectly with the receptors, modulating their effects and potentially combatting neurological disease.

?Today, Zoe will be spreading the word about how this work could eventually help us to replace dodgy batteries with better ones that last longer.?

?World Science Day for Peace and Development?is an?international day?that highlights the important role that?science?has in society and is celebrated each year on November 10. It also highlights the need to engage the wider public in debates on emerging scientific issues. World Science Day was proclaimed by the?United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization?(UNESCO) in 2001 and celebrated for the first time in 2002.

Individuals and institutions around the world are encouraged to organize an event or activity on World Science Day, including government officials, students, the media and school pupils. World Science Day for Peace and Development has generated many concrete projects, programmes and funding for science around the world.


The impact of science on people’s daily life and its profound societal implications, including those of an ethical nature, make scientific literacy a prerequisite for effective democratic processes. At the World Conference on Science in Budapest, Hungary, in July 1999, which had been co-organized by UNESCO and the?International Council for Science?(now the?International Science Council), many delegates voiced support for greater public awareness of science. The delegations of?Ethiopia?and?Malawi, together with the?British Association for the Advancement of Science, proposed that a World Science Day or World Science Week be created.

Subsequently, the action plan adopted by delegates to the World Conference on Science, entitled?Science Agenda - Framework for Action,?called for an international programme to promote broad-based scientific literacy and culture. UNESCO’s Executive Board, which meets twice a year, was responsive to these calls, recommending at its 160th session (Paris, October 1999) that a feasibility study be undertaken on a Science Day for Peace and Development.

The feasibility study encompassed a broad consultation with stakeholders and was approved by UNESCO's Executive Board at its 162nd Session in October 2000 before being endorsed by the 31st Session of the UNESCO General Conference (Paris, October–November 2001). The General Conference brings all member states of UNESCO together every two years to adopt the programme and budget for the coming biennium. It was decided by the General Conference to proclaim 10 November of each year World Science Day for Peace and Development?and to encourage Member States, intergovernmental and?non-governmental organizations,?universities,?research institutions,?learned societies,?professional associations?and schools to take an active part in the event. All partners in the follow-up to the World Conference on Science were invited to participate in the preparation and celebration of the first World Science Day for Peace and Development in November 2002.

The?World Science Festival?is an annual?science festival?produced by the?World Science Foundation, a?(?non-profit organization headquartered in?New York City. There is also an Asia-Pacific event, held in?Brisbane, Australia.

The foundation's mission is to cultivate a general public informed by science, inspired by its wonder, convinced of its value, and prepared to engage with its implications for the future.


The festival was founded and created by?Brian Greene, professor of mathematics and physics at?Columbia University?and author of several science books (including?The Elegant Universe, and?The Hidden Reality); and?Tracy Day, a four-time National News?Emmy Award-winning journalist, who has produced live and documentary programming for the nation's preeminent television news divisions. Greene now serves as chairman of the World Science Foundation, and Day is chief executive of the World Science Festival.

The festival's events are rooted in science, but also conform to the production standards of professional television and live theatrical events. The founding benefactors were the?Simons Foundation, the?Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, and the?John Templeton Foundation.



The?United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization?(UNESCO;[1]?French:?Organisation des Nations unies pour l'éducation, la science et la culture) is a?specialised agency?of the?United Nations?(UN) aimed at promoting world peace and security through international cooperation in education, arts, sciences and culture.?It has?193 member states?and 12 associate members,?as well as partners in the?non-governmental,?intergovernmental?and?private sector.?Headquartered at the?World Heritage Centre?in?Paris, France, UNESCO has 53 regional field offices?and 199 national commissions that facilitate its global mandate.

UNESCO was founded in 1945 as the successor to the?League of Nations's?International Committee on Intellectual Cooperation.?Its constitution establishes the agency's goals, governing structure, and operating framework.UNESCO's founding mission, which was shaped by the Second World War, is to advance peace,?sustainable development?and human rights by facilitating collaboration and dialogue among nations.?It pursues this objective through five major programme areas:?education,?natural sciences,?social/human sciences, culture and communication/information. UNESCO sponsors projects that improve?literacy, provide technical training and education, advance science, protect independent media and?press freedom, preserve regional and cultural history, and promote?cultural diversity.

UNESCO is governed by the General Conference, composed of member states and associate members, which meets biannually to set the agency's programmes and the budget. It also elects members of the Executive Board, which manages UNESCO's work, and appoints every four years a Director-General, who serves as UNESCO's chief administrator. UNESCO is a member of the?United Nations Sustainable Development Group,?a coalition of UN agencies and organisations aimed at fulfilling the?Sustainable Development Goals.


UNESCO launches a global call for best practices in open science

Further to the adoption of the UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science in November 2021, UNESCO is launching a Global Call for Best Practices in Open Science.

The resulting compendium of best practices will be a useful tool to better understand the current landscape of open science, share lessons learned, identify and connect open science actors around the world, and further develop innovative solutions for open science in a collaborative, inclusive and transparent manner.

UNESCO is aiming to collect best practices in open science at individual, institutional, national, regional and international levels with a particular focus on the?seven priority areas of action highlighted in the Recommendation, namely:

1.?????Promoting a common understanding of open science, associated benefits and challenges, as well as diverse paths to open science

2.?????Developing an enabling policy environment for open science

3.?????Investing in open science infrastructures and services

4.?????Investing in human resources, training, education, digital literacy and capacity building for open science

5.?????Fostering a culture of open science and aligning incentives for open science

6.?????Promoting innovative approaches for open science at different stages of the scientific process

7.?????Promoting international and multi-stakeholder cooperation in the context of open science and with a view to reducing digital, technological and knowledge gaps

If you are involved in an open science initiative that you consider to be a good example or best practice in open science, please provide your input to the survey in?English,?French?or?Spanish.

The resulting compendium will be broadly disseminated and will be available for everyone’s use.

United Nations

The?United Nations?(UN) is an?intergovernmental organization?whose stated purposes are to maintain?international peace?and?security, develop friendly relations among nations, achieve international cooperation, and be a centre for harmonizing the actions of nations. It is the world's largest and most familiar international organization. The UN is?headquartered?on?international territory?in New York City, and has other main offices in?Geneva,?Nairobi,?Vienna, and?The Hague?(home to the?International Court of Justice).

The UN was established after?World War II?with the aim of preventing future wars, succeeding the?League of Nations, which was characterized as ineffective.?On 25 April 1945, 50 governments met in?San Francisco?for?a conference?and started drafting the?UN Charter, which was adopted on 25 June 1945 and took effect on 24 October 1945.

The UN has six principal organs: the?General Assembly; the?Security Council; the?Economic and Social Council?(ECOSOC); the?Trusteeship Council; the?International Court of Justice; and the?UN Secretariat. The?UN System?includes a multitude of?specialized agencies, funds and programmes such as the?World Bank Group, the?World Health Organization, the?World Food Programme,?UNESCO, and?UNICEF.

UN: The voice of mankind.

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Allah the Most Blessed, the most High says: "Mankind was one Ummah, then Allah sent prophets bringing good news and warnings." (Qur'an, 2:213)

Ibn Abbas (may Allah bless him) said: "Between Noah and Adam were 10 generations, all of them followed Shariah, then they differed. So Allah sent prophets as bringers of good news and as warners.

The Prophet (peace be upon him) also said: "Every child is born upon the fitrah (pure human nature).

United we stand, divided we fall

Indeed, United Nation is the largest and best forum?for uniting all nations of the world under UN banner with a view to do best for human's peace, progress and prosperity, those are depend on Knowledge-Science and Technology. Basically Every child is born upon the fitrah (pure human nature) but at present they are divided in Semitic and Non Semitic (Aryan and others) races.

Under the above circumstances, it is obvious that the Knowledge-Science-Technology are move with the said races by several academic institutions.

Knowledge-Science-Tech stand on the World Academies

Indeed, Knowledge-Science-Technologies are being spread under the following well-known World Academies from all times:

Knowledge-Science-Tech stand on the World Academies

  1. Cornell University, USA?
  2. University?of?Michigan

3.?Technical University, Germany

4.??University of Science-Technology, China

5.??University of California

6.??Princeton University

7.??????London Imperial?College

8.??????University of Geneva

9.??????National Institute of Genetic, Japan

10.??Space Telescope Science Institute, Australia

11.???National Museum of Natural History, France

12.???Tokyo University

13.???Illinois State?University

14.???Utrecht University, Nederland

15.??The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences

16. Max Plunk Institution of Meteorology, Germany.

17. Sapienza?University of Rome, Italy.

18. Al Azhar, Cairo, Egypt.

19.?Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM)

20.??Qatar Foundation, Qatar, UAE.

21. Ali ghor Muslim University, India.

22. Ummul Qura University, Saudi Arabia.

23. Al Hakam Seville-Granada University, Spain.

24, The?University of al-Qarawiyyin?(Arabic:?????? ????????;?Berber languages:????????? ? ??????????;?French:?Université Al Quaraouiyine).

25. Charles Sturt University, Australia. 26. University of Hong Kong. N: B: The above list of Academies is not seniority basis. (To be continued Insha Allah)

Science and Technology in the Islamic World -A.B. Zahlan

Science and technology over the past two centuries have made enormous strides that have resulted in widespread social and economic changes. As a consequence of recent scientific and technological developments, there has been a massive dematerialization of the economy. More than 90% of the economic output of industrial nations is knowledge-based and more than 50% of this output is based on quantum physics, which unknown in 1900.

The utility and significance of scientific research increase as societies establish an enabling environment for the conversion of knowledge into useful products and services. The advancement of nations depends on mastering the skills needs to benefit from science and technology. During the 19th?century, developing countries were exposed to the power of science at the hands of imperialists. Centuries ago, the Islamic world was at the center of one of the great waves of scientific progress.

[Sources: i) Fakhruddin A. Daghestani and Arafat R. Altamimi,?Science and Technology Issues for development in the Muslim World, The Islamic Foundation for Science, Technology and Development, (Jeddah, 1991)]. ii)

Research output

The research output of nations is measured in terms of the numbers of papers cited in the Institute of Scientific Information (ISI) database. This database examines systematically those periodicals that meet minimal standards. Thus, the ISI enumerates the contents of only 3,600 of the more than 40,000 periodicals published every year. Even amongest these, three is a pecking order with only a small proportion of these periodicals providing the most cited papers.

Turkey with 6,074 publications was the leading Islamic country. Among the non-Arab Islamic countries. Turkey is followed by Iran and then Malaysia and Nigeria. The scientific size of Pakistan is roughly equal to that of Kuwait; that of Iranians equal to that of Saudi Arabia; the scientific size of Malaysia and Nigeria is smaller than Morocco. Bangladesh has roughly the scientific size of the UAE.

The Institutional Base of Scientific Research in the Arab World

80% of all R&D in the Arab world is generated in universities. Hospitals and agricultural research stations account for much of the remaining research output. In 1995, 26 organisations published more than 50 papers or 64% of the output of the Arab world. Of these, 23 were universities; the other three were: the National Research Center, Cairo (150 papers); The International Center for Agricultural in the Dry Areas (ICARDA), Aleppo (57 papers); the Kuwait Institute of Scientific Research (KISR), Kuwait (50 papers)

.[Sources: i) The above topic was reviewed by A. B. Zahlan,?Acquiring Technological Capacity: A Study of Arab Consulting and Contrasting Firms, Macmillan, 1991. ii)].

Research & Development Personnel & Expenditures, 1993

The situation in the non-Arab Islamic countries varies. There are wide differences in the efforts made to harness the national science and technplogy infrastructure. Malaysia, Turkey, Iran, Pakistan and Indonesia have all made efforts in this respect.

However, Turkish scientists published their papers in better rated periodicals (as measured by ISI in terms of their impact factor). He also found that during this period the total output in physics from Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Saudi Arabia and Turkey was less than 1% of world output. He furthermore reports that although the world average of physics research output is 1.6% of total scientific output the middle Eastern countries' share of physics of their national output was: 0,5% for Saudi Arabia, 0.2% for Syria; 1.1% for Iraq; 1.1% for Turkey; and 1.6% for Iran.

[Sources: i) A. Uzan, ?A Bibliometric Analysis of Physics Publications from Middle Eastern Countries?, Scientometrics, 36, 2, pp. 259-269, 1996. ii)]

This confirms my findings that the proportion of research output in all the basic sciences is generally less than 10%.

Source:?Review of National Science Technology Policy: Republic of Korea, OECD, Paris, 1996.

UNISCO's world Science Report, 1998, confirms that the expenditure of Arab states, as a percentage of their GDP, on the lowest in the world. It is 0.2% of GDP. Only Bangladesh of the OIC countries a similar proportion. Iran and Pakistan devote 0.45% and 0.5% of GDP respectively. Latin America, Sub-Saharan Africa and South East Asia each devotes 0.3 of GDP; and China invests 0.5%. The R&D budget is only part of the research community in a Third World country receives. In fact since the vast majority of research is undertaken at universities, as we have said earlier, the employment conditions of academics are crucial. In most Arab countries- except for GCC public universities and possibly the Maghreb- the salary levels of university professors are inadequate for their survival. They often have to take on additional employment, which of course drastically limits their ability to undertake research.

Cooperation in Science and Technology

There are several relevant areas of cooperation in research for science and technology:

(a) Cooperation between research scientists and technologists: regional (i.e. inter-Arab); within OIC; and international;

(b) Participation in international conferences;

(c) Cooperation in the acquisition and application of technology.


We move with Knowledge.

Muhammad Sheikh Ramzan Hossain, Director-in-Charge, World Science-Tech Research Center.

The role of Muslim scientists in modern science and technology

Jafar ibn Muhammad as-Sadiq Rahimahullah

Jafar ibn Muhammad as-Sadiq Rahimahullah (Arabic: ???????? ????? ????????? ??????????; 700 or 702 – 765), also known as Jafar as-Sadiq or simply as-Sadiq, was an 8th-century Muslim scholar of Billah and Aref Billah. He was a teacher of both religious and worldly knowledge.

In the religious world, Jafar As-Sadiq, may Allah be pleased with him, was an important scholar of Islamic theology, jurisprudence, hadith, kalama, and tasawwuf, and in the worldly world of Abu Hanifa and Malik Ibn Anas, the founders of the Hanafi and Maliki Madhhabs, he was the teacher of world-renowned scientists such as Jaber Ibn Hayyan al-Arabi.

He was a privileged descendant of the fourth Caliph of Islam Ali Radiyallahu Anhu on his father's side and Abu Bakr Rahimahullah, the first Caliph of Islam on his mother's side.

His genealogy from Hazrat Fatema Tzuhra Radiyallahu Anhu to Ashraful Ambia reached Hazrat Muhammad SAW as follows:

Hazrat Muhammad Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam->Syeda Fatimatuz Zahra Radiyallahu Anha+Hazrat Ali Radiyallahu Anhu->Hazrat Husayn Ibn Ali Radiyallahu Anhu->Hazrat Zainul Abedin Ibn Husain Rahimahullah->Hazrat Muhammad Bakr Ibn Zainul Abedin Rahimahullah->Hazrat Zafar Sadeq Ibn Muhammad Baker Rahimahullah.

Spiritual Knowledge of Jafar Sadiq Rahimahullah

Who can be considered absolutely literate?

Hazarat Jafar Sadiq Rahimahullah was once asked, who can be considered absolutely literate? He replied: 'There is none other than Allah Almighty. It is not possible for a man to become omniscient, even if he lives for a thousand years and acquires knowledge throughout his life. Even if one acquires all the knowledge of the entire world during a thousand years of his life, he is still incomplete, because beyond his lifetime there is much knowledge in the world beyond that which needs to be known.

Scientific life history of Hazarat? Jafar Sadeq Rahimahullah

Hazarat Jafar Sadiq Rahimahullah was once asked about the science and nature of other worlds. He replied: 'There is a world beyond the world we live in. That world is much bigger than our present world. In that world there are many other worlds different from us.

Hazarat Jafar Sadiq Rahimahullah was ?asked about the number of other worlds. He replied: 'Nobody knows that except Allah Almighty.' He was also asked, if science is teachable then how is it considered different from the science of the present world?

Hazarat Jafar Sadiq Rahimahullah said, 'There are two types of science in the other world.

One kind of science is like this world and another kind of science is beyond our comprehension.' After the death of Hazarat Jafar Sadiq Rahimahullah, scientists were shocked by his statement and some scientists rejected his statement as absurd.
But in last twenty century the scientist Einstein's theory of relativity, Max Plunk’s Quantum theory, Werner Heisenberg’s uncertainty theory, String theory and the discovery of the existence of matter by other scientists proved the logic of Hazarat Jafar Sadiq Rahimahullah’s statement. The physical laws of the material world are different from the external laws of our world. Besides, all the rules of logic are beyond our understanding.

Once, in response to the following scientific question:

1.Question: Why are tears salty?

2. Q: Why bitterness in the ear?

3.Q: Why the warmth of the nose air?

In reply to the first question, Hazarat Jafar Sadiq (Rahimahullah) said, Eyes would melt if not salty. 
In reply to the second question, Hazarat Jafar Sadiq (Rahimahullah) said,? Bitterness in the ears to prevent insects from entering

In reply to the third question, Hazarat Jafar Sadiq (Rahimahullah) said, the air in the nose is warm so that bad odors do not harm the brain.

Scientific Explanation of Jafar Sadique Rahimahulla

(1) Tears are called Aqueous Humor which is produced from the ciliary process of the eye. 80% of which is produced by Na+–K+ ATPase pump & Carbonic Anhydrase. From there the existence of Salt can be traced.

2) Bitter is a kind of germ and insect killer. That is why neem leaves are also used as insecticides. Neem leaf juice is anthelmintic, and it is also a kind of poison for the body. So playing too much can cause problems. The reason ear wax is bitter is because the ear is open. Therefore, if any insect accidentally enters through it, it can damage the tympanic membrane.

(Information: This source is based on the content of the book 'Genius of the Islamic World' published by a group of ?scientists and researchers at the Strasbourg Islamic Study Center in France).

Hazrat Zafar Sadiq Rahimahullah’s scientific openion about the source of creation of the world.

Hazrat Zafar Sadiq Rahimahullah said about the creation of the world, the world is born from a sprout (germ). This bud again divides into two opposite parts. Atoms are created from each part of it. Basic matter is formed by the combination of molecules and atoms. This basic matter expands into various forms ie small and large size or similar objects are created through this transformation.

?Bio-chemical constituents of human body organ

?Hazrat Zafar Sadiq Rahimahullah said, the things that exist on the ground also exist in the human body. He also said that the human body has four elements in large quantities, eight elements in some quantity and eight elements in very small quantities.s
According to the cosmological view of Hazrat Zafar Sadiq Rahimahullah, we see it exactly as the molecular formula. Molecules contain two opposite charges of positive and negative charge. Molecules are formed by the combination of these two and elements are formed from molecules.

?Bio-chemical constituents of human body organ

Hazrat Zafar Sadiq Rahimahullah said, the things that exist on the ground also exist in the human body. He also said that the human body has four elements in large quantities, eight elements in some quantity and eight elements in very small quantities.

This theory of Hazarat Jafar Saadiq Rahimahullah is scientifically proven today.

The scientific names of the substances or elements that exist in the human body in some amount are: molybdenum, silicon, fluorine, cobalt, manganese, iodine, copper and zinc.

The other eight elements in the human body are: magnesium, sodium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, chlorine, sulfur and iron.

In addition, the four elements that exist in abundance in the human body are: oxygen, carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen.

Hazarat Jafar Sadiq Rahimahullah has given us the idea that since water contains combustible matter, water can be converted into fire. What a wonderful fact that he discovered hydrogen from a colorless, tasteless and odorless substance.

Water research is not possible without electricity, but this method was invented many years after the death of Hazarat Jafar Sadiq Rahimahullah.

?Environmental pollution

When industry was in its primary stage and there was no threat to the environment, Hazarat Jafar Sadiq Rahimahullah recommended that human society should live in such a way that the environment is not polluted. Otherwise, environmental pollution will reach such a level that human habitation will become impossible.

Jabir ibn Hayyan

Abū Mūsā Jābir ibn ?ayyān (Arabic: ??? ???? ???? ?? ?????, variously called al-?ūfī, al-Azdī, al-Kūfī, or al-?ūsī), died c. 806?816, is the purported author of an enormous number and variety of works in Arabic, often called the Jabirian corpus. The works that survive today mainly deal with alchemy and chemistry and Shi'ite religious philosophy. However, the original scope of the corpus was vast and diverse, covering a wide range of topics ranging from cosmology, astronomy and astrology, over medicine, pharmacology, zoology and botany, to metaphysics, logic, and grammar.

Jabir's works contain the oldest known systematic classification of chemical substances, and the oldest known instructions for deriving an inorganic compound (sal ammoniac or ammonium chloride) from organic substances (such as plants, blood, and hair) by chemical means.?? (Source: References ?Kraus 1942–1943, vol. II, pp. 41–42 (referring to Stapleton 1905; Ruska 1923a; Ruska 1928). See also Stapleton, Azo & Hidayat Husain 1927, pp. 338–340)..

His works also contain one of the earliest known versions of the sulfur-mercury theory of metals, a mineralogical theory that would remain dominant until the 18th century.

A significant part of Jabir's writings were informed by a philosophical theory known as "the science of the balance" (Arabic: ?ilm al-mīzān), which was aimed at reducing all phenomena (including material substances and their elements) to a system of measures and quantitative proportions.

(Newman 1985; Newman 1991, pp. 57–103. It has been argued by Ahmad Y. Al-Hassan that the pseudo-Geber works were actually translated into Latin from the Arabic (see Al-Hassan, Ahmad Y. "The Arabic Origin of the Summa and Geber Latin Works: A Refutation of Berthelot, Ruska, and Newman Based on Arabic Sources", in: al-Hassan 2009, pp. 53–104; also available online).

Hazarat ?Ja?far al-?ādiq Rahimahullah was the master of? Jabir Ibn Hayyan.?n        

Subject: We move with Knowledge.

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1.?????In the name of Allah (God), Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

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21.?Had We sent down This Qur-ān on a mountain, Verily, thou would have seen It humble itself and cleave Asunder for fear of God. Such are the similitudes Which We propound to men, That they may reflect.

(Sūra 59: Hashr,?or The Gathering (or Banishment),Verses 24 — Madani; Revealed at Madina — Sections 3,

Question:?It usually does not cause any embarrassment or discomfort due to using natural muscle force (energy) in our daily work but sometimes do we feel a little shocked when we try to lift, push, or move something but why??

?Possible Answer:?A stationary object on the Earth's surface moves only when force (force) is applied to that object. The more energy or force applied, the faster the object gains energy. That is to say, less is less, speed is more. It should be noted that 1. Matter has an important role to play in the release of stability, that is, force/power to move, so the object is moving as will gain speed.

?It also shows that there is a relation between low and high levels of energy in moving and gaining speed of the object. If so, what is the third source? The source with which there will be a dependent relationship, respectively 1. The object will be stable or 2. Will be active? 3. Will the speed of the object be less or more? For a possible answer is as follows:

Scientific analysis


1)?????Light 2) Brain 3) Knowledge

What is light?

ii) Light is at the same time energy, particles and also waves - which enter the eye and give rise to the feeling of vision. Light makes the object visible, but it itself disappears. We do not see the light, but we see the illuminated object.

?In the biological process we see: the brain controls the lion's share of the human body's activity. For this purpose, the brain collects information from the sensory nervous system or senses, completes its processing, co-ordinates and coordinates the processed information, and in response decides what kind of instructions will be sent to the neuro-coordinated organ or system.

Functions of the forebrain:

1. The forebrain part acts as the center of various endeavors. 2. The intellect, thought, memory, etc. of the animal controls the human senses. Regulates various physiological functions such as food, intake, excretion, reproduction, etc. 3. Nerves from different clients receive stimuli and analyze those feelings. The average human brain weighs 1.38 or 1.4 kg. The unit of the brain is the neuron.

The number of neurons in the brain is 10 billion. The brain, made up of soft material, is protected inside the skull bones in the human head.???

Direct observation: Enlivening knowledge and how the eyes work

Different parts of your eye work together to help you see. First, light travels through the cornea (the clear frontal layer of the eye). The cornea is shaped like a dome and bends light to help focus the eyes. Some of this light enters the eye through an opening called the PUOO-pul.

The iris (colored part of the eye) controls how much light enters the eyeball. Then, the light passes through the lens (a clean inner part of the eye). The lens works together with the cornea to focus light properly on the retina.

When light hits the retina (a light-sensitive layer of tissue behind the eye), a special cell called the photoreceptor converts light into electrical signals. These electrical signals travel from the retina to the brain through the optic nerve.

The brain then converts the signals into the images you see. The retina is a light sensitive layer behind the eye. The retina acts like a camera film, capturing the image through a photoreceptor. From there, retinal signals or "images" are transmitted through the optic nerve to the visual center of the brain so that we can interpret what we see.

?Cerebrum: The regulator of knowledge?The cerebrum of the brain controls human thinking, consciousness, knowledge, memory, will, speech and optional muscle activity. The cerebrum is 80% of the brain.??????????

Functions of neurons: Brain cells include nerve cells (neurons) and the nerve cells (glia cells) that support them. The human brain has more than 8,600 billion neurons and the same number or more. Nerve cells are connected to each other and secrete a substance called neurotransmitter in response to neural stimulation, so that the brain can perform its functions.

Direct observation: Enlivening knowledge

Test No. 01: Flour sack vs. wheat sack. I think there is flour in this sack and there is sack of flour written in it. B contains a sack of wheat. It does not say that it is a sack of wheat. The two sacks have the same size. I think the laborer, knowing the sack of wheat, easily picks it up, moves it, puts it in its proper place, and when he comes back, using his previous experience (assuming the sack of wheat), he picks up the sack of flour and falls backwards. What is the scientific reason for this??

Test No. 02: For example, think??a pot at washroom is full of water every day. For some reason, one night the water in the pot was half or zero. Meanwhile, the power supply was cut off due to load shedding. As a result I have shocked to use the waterless pot in the dark but what is the scientific reason for this??

?From the above review, observation, discussion, experimental survey it is clear that, firstly, the light emitted from the object is reflected through the retina of the eye, cornea, iris, photoreceptor, neurons of the brain, cerebrum. As soon as the hand touches an visible object, the cerebrum of the brain provides material knowledge through neurons, and directs how much muscle power has to be expended in moving/lifting the object.?

?As a result we can easily say that we have done the work easily, comfortably everyday due to proper direction of using muscle power by our knowledge.

?Conclusion: “We move with knowledge”.

For more information please visit the following sites:

Jenna Wu

Investor | Chief financial officer

1 年

american male voice over ....inbox me

Rex Kochanski

Administrative Assistant, Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh

2 年

Solomon addresses God: "Your great power is always at Your service, and who can withstand the might of Your arm? The whole world, for You, can no more than tip a balance, like a drop of morning dew falling on the ground. Yet You are merciful to all, because You are almighty; You overlook people's sins, so that they can change their ways. Yes, You love everything that exists, and nothing that You have made disgusts You, since, if You had hated something, you would not have made it. And how could a thing subsist, had You not willed it? Or how be preserved, if not called forth by You? No, You spare all, since all is Yours, Lord, lover of life!" - (Wisdom of Solomon, from Chapter Eleven; this Book of Wisdom is still preserved [in Catholic and in Eastern Orthodox Bibles.]) Thank you for your post and your attention to mine. May God bless us. Sincerely, Rex Kochanski (Doctor of Philosophy in Molecular Biology)


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