The World Islamic Science-Tech Review, August-September,2024(Special issue on the 6th anniversary of IRRSTC)
Muhammad Sheikh Ramzan Hossain
Chief Editor at Islamic Science-Tech Review
In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
A’uzubilla-hi Minash shaito-nir Rozeem
Nahmuduhu Wa nusowlli A’laa Rosoolihil Kareem
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?Praise be to Allah, The Cherisher and Sustainer of the Worlds ;
(Source: ?Sūra 1: Fātiha, Ayat: 1,
How the process the Muslims returned to the leadership of the Science again?
Muhammad Ramzan Hossain, Director-in-charge, World Science-Tech Research Center
Introduction: Insha Allah,? through possible knowledge-based answers to the following newly emerging questions of the new science called "frontiers" including the existing analog-digital unsolved scientific questions with a view to reach the dreamy "Grand Unification Theory" of scientists through the simple solution of scientific problems in the mid path of the holy religion of Islam and the simple method of Newton's searching truth for the "advancement of the science of knowing the truth" under the new 'super digital frontier' science, we will once again take the leadership of science like in the Middle Ages, by the infinite mercy, support, and help of the Almighty Allah:
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And my success (in my task) Can only come from Allah.
(Source: Sūra 11: Hūd (The Prophet Hūd), Ayat: 88,
Analog-Digital Unsolved Questions in Physics
What is the universe and its subsisting matter made of?
New Questions in New Frontier Science: Research Themes of IRRSTC
1) Was the universe created by the Big Bang of “highest energetic radiation” 'accident' or 'purposeful'?
2) If the universe was created by the Big Bang of the“highest energetic radiation”, how was the highest energetic radiation created? What is in this radiation? Is this radiation the “theory of everything”?
3) Why did “entropy” cool from hot after the Big Bang? Why not warm from warm?
4) Why does “time” flow forward,never back since the Big Bang so we get older, not younger?
5) Is the speed of light actually 186,000 miles per second?
6) Is Albert Einstein's theory of relativity really relativistic or invariant?
7) Will gravity forever remain a wonder?
8) Gravitation can always explain to us how the planets rotate. But that doesn't explain who put the planets in this state?
9) Why are all the planets including the earth, the moon, all the satellites, the sun, and all the stars round and pointy? If the point is the shape of the string according to the string theory, then is the universe woven with strings?
10) Who is the heartbeat beater?
11) The amazing gravity of the universe pulls or pressures? Where is the end of this mystery?
12) Street theory unrealistic or true?
13) Time travel: science fiction or reality?
The in-depth answer to the above mentioned fundamental questions are explained in detail in the light of the following verses of the Holy Quran, Issac Newton's simplistic theory of truth, bold hypothesis and Albert Einstein's equation of mass and force:
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In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
(Al Quran: Sūra 36: Yā-Sīn (being Abbreviated Letters),Ayat:82,Verses 83 — Makki; Revealed at Makka — Sections 5,
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Do not the Unbelievers see That the Skies and the Earth Were joined together (as one Unit of Creation), before We clove them asunder ? We made from water Every living thing. Will they Not then believe ?
(Holy Quran: Sūra 21: Anbiyāa, or The Prophets, Ayat:30, Verses 112 — Makki; Revealed at Makka — Sections 7,
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“And We sent down Iron, In which is (material for) Mighty war, as well as Many benefits for mankind” (Al Quran: Sūra 57: Hadīd, or Iron, Verses 29 —Ayat: 25, Madani; Revealed at Madina — Sections 4,
The following atomic theory of Farabi al-Arabi “Every matter reaches its root” (Farabi al-Arabi), Newton's Simplicity of Truth (a) "Truth is sometimes found in simplicity, not in confusion". (b) "No great discovery can ever be made without bold speculation".
Einstein's mass-force equation Einstein's mass-energy equation E=mc2 is the key: stored energy is the same as stored matter.
From the distant past, Democritus, Aristotle, Jaber Ibn Hayyan, Newton, Einstein, Max Planck, Stephen Hawking, all in their tireless research to uncover the secrets of the inner circle of super atomicity in order to understand the universe, but often encountered incomprehensible things that could not be expressed in language: not generally: x, Dark, Telepathy. Supernatural or unbelievable but true, strange etc.
?At the end of the 20th century, scientists started the concept of new frontier science to investigate mysterious subjects like gravity.
On the basis of the above mentioned concept IRRSTC started the super digital scientific journey.
?How did this universe come about? This is the age-old question "To understand this world, worldly rules, we have to turn our eyes to the smallest part of the world. What is the work of the stars, what are the behavior characteristics, what is the work of the galaxy? The answer to what are the behavior-characteristics is in the constituent elements of the stars. Now if the worldly rules- If one want to go deeper into principles and phenomena, one seeks the solution of more profound mysteries, then one has to go deeper into the atom. One has to analyze its interior" (Scientific Thought, June, p. 49).
?Modern Cosmological Standard Model Theory
??Modern scientists wrote "Modern Cosmological Standard Model Theory" to know and understand the universe. This modern cosmological standard model is helping to understand the origin and evolution of the universe, as well as opening up new horizons of knowledge about matter and energy. Practically in the second and third decades of the 20th century, the development of observational cosmology started by observing the universe with the help of telescopes. It should be noted that physicists have so far found the material structural elements of the universe to be basically 2 namely: 1) energy or force and 2) matter particles.
?According to scientists, there are at least 4 types of force or energy in the universe, namely: 1) Electromagnetic force 2) Weak nuclear force 3) Strong nuclear force and 4) Gravitational force. Moreover, each ball needs a counterfactual particle. Scientists have so far discovered 3 of the 4 balls in the universe and their counterforce’s, but the cool-edge and counterforce of the 4th gravitational ball, the graviton, has yet to be discovered. However, scientists are not making mistakes in trying to fully understand the universe through NASA, Voyager-1, Voyager-2, Hubble-James Webb telescope, particle crushing cyclotron machine, Large Hadrons Collider, etc.
It should be noted that along with the increase in science and technology, the efficiency of Hubble and James Webb telescope has also increased. Humans are sending spaceships to collect a lot of space data. Physical cosmology was developed to analyze these data in a theoretical framework through computer simulations (Scientific Thought, March, 2020, page 16). In understanding the world and worldly rules through the ages, first of all, the ancient Greek philosopher-scientist Democritus found the atom, another Greek philosopher Aristotle found 1) soil 2) water 3) fire and 4) air, in the Middle Ages Jabir Ibn Hayyan Al Arabi found 1) mercury and 2 ) Sulfate, Ernest Rutherford Pelen nucleus. In this way, scientists have practically reached the lowest level of matter, the quarks of 10-33 cm. On the other hand conceptually arrived at “string theory of dimensions 10-33 cm
In the Light of Cosmological Standard Model Theory Understanding the universe through the cosmological standard model theory, modern scientists know that the universe began with the Big Bang (Big Bang) caused by the highest energetic radiation. It is known that at the beginning of the Big Bang, the universe was extremely hot and dense. At extreme temperatures the entire universe was composed of a liquid soup, with all the particles bouncing around in isolated vibrations.
Note that every particle is always vibrating according to string theory and particle physics. The Standard Model states that the temperature of the universe at the time of the Big Bang was billions of degrees Kelvin with the highest energetic radiation. Then the universe cooled down to 3,000 degrees Kelvin over four hundred thousand years. Then the electron interacted with the nucleus to form Atoms, Hydrogen, and Helium etc.
?No charged particles remained. Uncharged photons remained separated. Photons of mass less light particles (quantum’s) spread unhindered throughout the universe. As the universe expanded, light waves also expanded, the wavelengths increased, and the energy decreased. As a result, visible light became invisible microwaves. In cosmology, this light radiation is known as the Cosmic Microwave Back Ground. The temperature of the Back Ground Radiation plays a helpful role in measuring how much matter was created in the Big Bang (Science Thought, March, 2020, page 16)
?Universe According to the standard model of cosmology, the current age of the universe is 13.75 billion or 1,375 million years. The "current" diameter of the visible part of this universe is about 93 billion light years. The diameter of the universe is greater than 13.75 x 2 = 27.50 billion light years. Moreover, if the universe is imagined as a sphere centered on Earth, its radius would be about 46 billion light years. Astronomers believe that there are about 100 billion galaxies in the visible universe. Each galaxy contains 100 billion stars, i.e. the Sun.
The Islamic Science-Tech in light of the Holy Quran
Research and Islam
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He is Allah, the Creator, The Evolver, The Bestower of Forms (Or Colours).
(Al Quran: Sūra 59: Hashr,?or The Gathering (or Banishment), Ayat: 24, Verses 24 — Madani; Revealed at Madina — Sections 3, Ayat: 24.
?Assuredly the creation Of the Skies And the earth Is a greater (matter) Than the creation of men : Yet most men understand not.
(Sūra 40: Mū-min,?or The Believer,Verses 85 — Ayat 57, Makki; Revealed at Makkah — Sections 9)
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“Such are the similitudes Which We propound to men, That they may reflect. Such are the similitudes Which We propound to men, That they may reflect. (Sura Hashor, Ayat: 20,
Cosmology and Islam
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He (Moses) said : “ Our Lord is He Who gave to each (Created) thing its form And nature, and further, Gave (it) guidance.” Sūra 20: Tā-Há?(Mystic Letters, T.H.)
Sūra 20: Tā-Há?(Mystic Letters, T.H.), Verses 135 — Makki; Revealed at Madina — Sections 8, Ayat: 50,
Physics and Al Quran
i) Iron and Al Quran
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25.?We sent aforetime Our apostles with Clear Signs And sent down with them The Book and the Balance (Of Right and Wrong), that men May stand forth in justice ; And We sent down Iron, In which is (material for) Mighty war, as well as Many benefits for mankind, That God may test who It is that will help, Unseen, Him and His apostles : For God is Full of Strength, Exalted in Might (And able to enforce His Will).
Sūra 57: Hadīd,?or Iron,Verses 29 — Madani; Revealed at Madina — Sections 4, Ayat:25,
“Nothing have We omitted from the Book” (of Al Quran) (Sura Ana’m, Ayat: 38,
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“And We have sent down To thee the Book explaining All things, a Guide, a Mercy, And Glad Tidings to Muslims”. (Sura Nahl, Ayat: 89,
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“We detail Our Signs for people who know”.( (Sura Ana’m, Ayat: 97,?
ii) Lead and Al Quran
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96. “ Bring me blocks of iron.” At length, when he had Filled up the space between The two steep mountain-sides, He said, “ Blow (with your bellows) ” Then, when he had made It (red) as fire, he said : “ Bring me, that I may Pour over it, molten lead.”
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97. Thus were they made Powerless to scale it Or to dig through it.
Sūra 18: Kahf,?or the Cave,Verses 110 — Makki; Revealed at Makka — Sections 12, Ayat: 97,
iii) Quark and Al Quran
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Who believe in the Unseen are steadfast in prayer and spend out of what We have provided for them. Sūra 2: Baqara,?or the Heifer, Verses 286 — Ayat: 3, Madani; Revealed at Medina — Sections 40
Indeed, the Quark particle is yet unseen to the scientist.
iv) Neutrino and Al Quran
But most surely, By my Lord, it will come Upon you ;—by Him Who knows the unseen,— From Whom is not hidden The least little atom In the Skies or on earth : Nor is there anything less Than that, or greater, but Is in the Record Perspicuous: Sura Saba.
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40. Said one who had knowledge Of the Book : “ I will Bring it to thee within The twinkling of an eye ! ” Then when (Solomon) saw it Placed firmly before him, He said : “ This is By the grace of my Lord !— To test me whether I am Grateful or ungrateful ! And if any is grateful, Truly his gratitude is (a gain) For his own soul ; but if Any is ungrateful, truly My Lord is Free of all Needs, Supreme in Honour ! ”Sūra 27: Naml,?or the Ants, Ayat: 40,
v) Periodic table and Al Quran
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32. So (Moses) threw his rod, And behold, it was A serpent, plain (for all to see) !
Sūra 26: Shu’arāa,?or The Poets,Verses 227 — Makki; Revealed at Mecca — Sections 11, Ayat: 32.
vi) Aeroplane Technology and Al Quran
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12.?And to Solomon (We Made) the Wind (obedient) : Its early morning (stride) Was a month’s (journey), And its evening (stride) Was a month’s (journey) ; And We made a Font Of molten brass to flow For him ; and there were Jinns that worked in front Of him, by the leave Of his Lord, and if any Of them turned aside From Our command, We Made Him taste Of the Penalty Of the Blazing Fire
Sūra 34: Sabā,?or the City of Sabā,Verses 54 — Makki; Revealed at Makka — Sections 6, Ayat: 12.
vii) Voyager-Rocket Technology and Al Quran
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O?ye assembly of Jinns And men ! If it be Ye can pass beyond The zones of the heavens And the earth, pass ye ! Not without authority Shall ye be able to pass !
Sūra 55: Rahmān,?or (God) Most Gracious,Verses 78 —Ayat: 33, Madani; Revealed at Madina — Sections 3,
Voyager 1
It may be noted Voyager 1?is a?space probe?launched by?NASA?on September 5, 1977, as part of the?Voyager program?to study the outer?Solar System?and interstellar space beyond the Sun's?heliosphere. Launched 16 days after its twin?Voyager 2,?Voyager 1?has been operating for 45?years, 2?months and 23?days as of November 29, 2022?UTC ]. It communicates through NASA's?Deep Space Network?to receive routine commands and to transmit data to Earth. Real-time distance and velocity data is provided by NASA and JPL.?At a distance of 158.79?AU?(14.760?billion?mi) from Earth as of November?7, 2022,?it is the most distant human-made object from Earth. Speed Capacity: 17 k.m. per minute.
Rocket Technology?
A?rocket?(from?Italian:?rocchetto,?lit. 'bobbin/spool')?is a?vehicle?that uses?jet propulsion?to?accelerate?without using the surrounding?air. A?rocket engine?produces thrust by?reaction?to exhaust expelled at high speed. Rocket engines work entirely from?propellant?carried within the vehicle; therefore a rocket can fly in the?vacuum?of space. (Source:
Speed capacity of Rocket
If a rocket is launched from the surface of the Earth, it needs to reach a speed of at least?7.9 kilometers per second?(4.9 miles per second) in order to reach space. This speed of 7.9 kilometers per second is known as the orbital velocity, it corresponds to more than 20 times the speed of sound.
viii) Dark Matter-Energy and Al Quran
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Say : None in the heavens Or on earth, except God, Knows what is hidden : Nor can they perceive When they shall be raised Up (for Judgment).
Sūra 27: Naml,?or the Ants,Verses 93 —Ayat: 65, Makki; Revealed at Makka — Sections 7
ix) Event Horizon (Black Hole) and Al Quran
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6. Say : “ The (Qur-ān) was sent down By Him Who knows The Mystery (that is) in the heavens And the earth : verily He Is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.”
Sūra 25: Furqān,?or The Criterion,Verses 77 —, Ayat: 6, Makki ; Revealed at Makka — Sections 6,
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Praise be to God, Who created (out of nothing) The heavens and the earth, Who made the angels Messengers with wings,— Two, or three, or four (Pairs) : He adds to Creation As He pleases : for God Has power over all things.
Sūra 35: Fātir,?or The Originator of Creation,Verses 45 — Makki; Revealed at Makka — Sections 5.
Space and Al Quran
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He Who created The seven heavens One above another : No want of proportion Wilt thou see In the Creation Of (God) Most Gracious. So turn thy vision again : Seest thou any flaw ?
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Again turn thy vision A second time : (thy) vision Will come back to thee Dull and discomfited, In a state worn out.
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And We have, (From of old), Adorned the lowest heaven With Lamps, and We Have made such (Lamps) (As) missiles to drive away the Evil Ones, And have prepared for them The Penalty Of the Blazing Fire.
Sūra 67: Mulk,?or Dominion,Verses 30 — Makki; Revealed at Makka — Sections 2, Ayat: 3-5,
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Do they not look At the sky above them ?— How We have made it And adorned it, And there are no Flaws in it ?
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And the earth—We have spread it out, And set thereon mountains Standing firm, and produced Therein every kind of Beautiful growth (in pairs)—
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To be observed And commemorated By every devotee Turning (to God).
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We created the Skies And the earth and all Between them in Six Days, Nor did any sense Of weariness touch Us.
Sūra 50: Qāf,?or The Letter Qaaf, Ayat 6, 7, 8, 38 Verses 45 — Makki; Revealed at Makka — Sections 3.
Human and Islam
Born History and Al Quran
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Man We did create From a quintessence (of clay) ;
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Then We placed him As (a drop of) sperm In a place of rest, Firmly fixed ;
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Then We made the sperm Into a clot of congealed blood ; Then of that clot We made A (f?tus) lump ; then We Made out of that lump Bones and clothed the bones With flesh ; then We developed Out of it another creature. So blessed be God, The Best to create !
Sūra 23: Mū-minūn,?or The Believers,Verses 118 —Ayat:12-14, Makki; Revealed at Makka— Sections 6,
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It is He Who has Created you from dust, Then from a sperm-drop, Then from a leech-like clot ; Then does He get you Out (into the light) As a child : then lets you (Grow and) reach your age Of full strength ; then Lets you become old,—Though of you there are Some who die before ;—And lets you reach A Term appointed ; In order that ye May learn wisdom. ( Sūra 40: Mū-min,?or The Believer,Verses 85 —Ayat: 67, Makki; Revealed at Makka — Sections 9, )
Death and Al Quran
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After that, at length Ye will die.
Sūra 23: Mū-minūn,?or The Believers,Verses 118 —Ayat:15, Makki; Revealed at Makka— Sections 6,
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68. It is He Who gives Life And Death ; and when He Decides upon an affair, He says to it, “ Be ”, And it is. (
New Questions in New Frontier Science: Research Themes of IRRSTC
1) Was the universe created by the Big Bang of “highest energetic radiation” 'accident' or 'purposeful'?
2) If the universe was created by the Big Bang of the“highest energetic radiation”, how was the highest energetic radiation created? What is in this radiation? Is this radiation the “theory of everything”?
3) Why did “entropy” cool from hot after the Big Bang? Why not warm from warm?
4) Why does “time” flow forward,never back since the Big Bang so we get older, not younger?
5) Is the speed of light actually 186,000 miles per second?
6) Is Albert Einstein's theory of relativity really relativistic or invariant?
7) Will gravity forever remain a wonder?
8) Gravitation can always explain to us how the planets rotate. But that doesn't explain who put the planets in this state?
9) Why are all the planets including the earth, the moon, all the satellites, the sun, and all the stars round and pointy? If the point is the shape of the string according to the string theory, then is the universe woven with strings?
10) Who is the heartbeat beater?
What scientists were found after entering the super atomic inner circle
Scientists were found the following particles as well as energies after entering the super atomic inner circle:
a) Particle with force Photon gluon w, w+z? gravitated Higgs boson.
b) Mass less light quanta particles carriers of oscillating magnetic force. Potential particles: Photons
c) Holds quarks together. Particles of the strong nuclear force are possible particles: glutinous
d) Weak nuclear force particles. Responsible for radioactivity. Possible particles: wino and zino
e) Gravitational particles. Not proven experimentally.
Possible particle: gravitino. All the mass of matter particles is attributed to the Higgs particle. Artificial production at the Large Hadrons Collider became possible in 2012. The first version of the particle accelerator was launched in the second decade of the 20th century by American scientist Ernest Lawrence to learn the history of the universe through simultaneous observation of the particle world and the cosmos.
Scientists have learned that there is one particle for each of the four fundamental forces of nature: gluons for the strong nuclear force, w and z bosons for the weak nuclear force, and photons or particles of light for the electromagnetic force. Another fundamental force proposed to be the force-carrying particle for gravity is the graviton. Graviton was not found in hand. Beyond these are the Higgs boson particles. After many stages of history, Higgsboson particles were artificially produced in 2012 by installing a cyclotron (particle smasher) with a circumference of 27 km called the Large Hadrons Collider by Cern. Quarks: Bricks or walls of the material infrastructure of the universe the history of quarks Scientists first discovered two types of quarks. 1. Up quark 2. Down quark. Later four more types of quarks were discovered. The top quark was discovered in 1995 as the last quark. The remaining quarks are 1. Strange Quark 2. Charm Quark 3. The bottom quark.
Both protons and neutrons are made up of quarks. Proton has two up quarks and one down quark. And neutrons have two down quarks and one up quark. After the Higgs boson particle was discovered in 2012, what are scientists looking for at the Large Hadrons Collider? Answers to countless unknown questions. Know the unknown of the world the bending of distant light and the swirling of galaxies suggests that there is five times more unknown matter in the universe than what we know as matter. From the increased speed of expansion of the universe, it seems that the universe is filled with an unknown energy!
According to current estimates, 4 percent of the universe is made up of matter as we know it. 21 percent of the remaining mass energy is made up of unknown dark matter and 75 percent of unknown energy. Dark matter and dark energy scientists are now seeing the mustard flower. Scientists are making various arrangements to catch them. Someone is sitting underground in an abandoned mine to trap, someone is looking at the sky with binoculars, and someone is looking for a completely unfamiliar face in the crowd of particles in the Large Hadrons Collider. While the currently proven Standard Model unifies three of the four fundamental forces of nature—the electromagnetic force, the strong and weak nuclear forces—gravity remains separate.
?Moreover, although photons of electromagnetic force, strong nuclear force particle gluon and weak nuclear force particles w, w+ and z have been discovered, the gravitational force particle graviton, which is thought by scientists, has not been discovered so far. Dark energy and dark matter have been added like a sharp wound to the skull (Scientific Thoughts, June, 2019, p. 38). Newton said that he had merely picked up pebbles on the shores of the sea of knowledge, seeing nothing of the real sea. Einstein contrasted Newtonian classical force science with Max Planckian quantum force science and said: If this is research, it is better to be peon than to be researched. Physicists are in the same situation today. If the universe is a tiger, then scientists have only been chasing the tiger's tail so far (Science Thought, June, 2019, page 37).
?The Grand Unification of Religion-Science and Theist-Atheist: Grand Unification of Religion and Science: Science: How did the universe come about? Science: From the Big Bang. How did the Big Bang happen? Science: Through the Big Bang at Highest Energetic Radiation. Religion: How did the universe come about? Religion: Do not the unbelievers see that the heavens and the earth were joined together, and then I separated them. (Al Surah Ambiya, verse 30).
?The Grand Unification of Theist-Atheist: How did the universe come about? Atheism: Common beliefs of atheists: This starry sky, this cool air, this green earth, the moon full of light, the bright sun, innumerable astrological planets, plains full of crops, high mountains, vast oceans, dense Forests, insects, animals, birds, animals, etc. are all created naturally in the green sediments. Creator vs. Nature Allahu Badiyus Samawati Wal Arad "Allah is the Creator of the heavens and the earth without worldly material" (Al Qur'an).
?In fact, there is a single name of "Nature" for everything that is free from human hands, front-back, right-left, up-down, invisible - all of which is creation, whose single creator's name is "God" i.e., "Allah Jalla Jalaluhu Wa Shanuhu".
?Not God particle but God's particle
?God is never a particle but all particles of the universes are made by Allah, almighty i.e., all are God's particle.
?In 2012, the artificially created Higgs boson by CERN was nicknamed God Particle According to IRRSTC the actual meaning would be: God's Particle i.e., God created particle (not God Particle).
?IRRSTC Research Report 2023 on Gravity
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“ I put my trust in Allah, My Lord and your Lord ! There is not a moving Creature, but He hath Grasp of its fore-lock. Verily, it is my Lord that is on a straight Path.
(Al Quran: Sūra 11: Hūd (The Prophet Hūd), Ayat: 56,Verses 123 — Makki; Revealed at Makka — Sections 10,
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What Allah out of His Mercy Doth bestow on mankind there is none can withhold: What He doth withhold, there is none can grant, Apart from Him: And He is the Exalted in Power, Full of Wisdom.
?Sources: Sūra 35: Fātir, or The Originator of Creation, Verses 45 — Makki; Revealed at Makkah — Sections 5,Ayat: 2,
Gravity: the wonder of the universe! Have you ever wondered why you are stuck on earth? Why not fall into space? There is only one answer, gravity. This ball is what keeps you grounded. Without gravity, none of us would be stuck on Earth; we would have to float in space (scientific thought). ? We who are lying in bed, sitting or standing on the ground, at least know this for sure, without the pull of gravity, we would have floated in space like dust particles (Scientific Thought).
The new theory that can be found in the union of quantum mechanics and relativity is called quantum gravity. But the problem is how it will be? It is known that everything in the universe actually obeys the laws of quantum mechanics but the only exception is gravity. Moreover, gravitons or gravitation particles have been limited to paper till now. No quantum particle called graviton has been discovered. Physicists have failed as many times as they have tried to unify quantum mechanics and relativity and faced in infinity.
?These efforts have yielded infinitesimal results, which are meaningless. If we observe that two objects are exchanging graviton particles between each other, then it will be conclusively proved that gravity is a quantum phenomenon. ? According to Einstein's diagram, there is no such thing as gravitational force; in fact it is all a result of the distortion or curvature of space.
?However, scientists are not satisfied with Einstein's gravity equation. So, for coherent reasons, the question is: Is gravity a 'curvature of space' or an 'unknown flying quantum ball' between particles? Scientific Concept of Graviton: To accommodate gravity in the Standard Model, one must imagine that gravity is also transferred through a particle. Physicists have named this hypothetical particle the 'graviton'. In Bengali it is called gravitational particle.
?If this particle really exists, then no matter where you are lying, sitting or standing, graviton particles are constantly shooting from your body like microscopic balls towards the surface of the earth. Again, similar quantum particles are rushing towards you from the surface. Due to the exchange of these two gravitational particles, you are stuck on the surface of the Earth. In this way gravity can be explained quite well. However, gravity's apparent inconsistency with other forces may mean that the pattern of gravity we discovered may not be correct, or that there is something larger we don't yet understand. Which one is correct? That is also unresolved.
Hard condition for seeing gravity!
? We need very heavy objects to see graviton particles. Those objects must be of cosmic mass, so that the other forces are balanced. When these super massive objects collide with each other, it is possible to observe gravitons or gravitational particles. For that, by gathering tons upon tons of any object at hand, it is not necessary to create a super heavy object and cause a collision. We need a super massive black hole-like object or a collision of two black holes.
? It is hoped that one day a good idea may pop into the minds of scientists, through which these two contradictory theories can be united. Among the fruits of these efforts is string theory and loop quantum gravity. ? However, we do not know whether these two theories are correct or not. Because they are difficult to test. We need incredibly large particle accelerators to prove both theories experimentally. Each accelerator will be shaped like our solar system.
It is impossible for us to make it at the moment. ? what is the correct explanation of mysterious gravity? Why is this ball weak? Why is it not like other balls? This could be because gravity is a special force. It may not be that gravity must be like another ball or that a single theory must explain everything. ? a head-turning idea to explain the weakness of gravity is the idea of extra dimensions. According to this concept, we live in a world of more than four dimensions. ? some physicists say that gravity is weakened by moving to other dimensions.
Gravity is actually just as strong as any other force when extra dimensions are taken into account. But we still don't know the way to prove that it is not right. So gravity is still a big mystery to us. ?We need to keep our minds open to the bigger picture. Because we are still in the dark about some of the fundamental truths of the universe. In many cases we have made certain assumptions, which later proved to be wrong. Or it is true subject to certain conditions. ?It may be that gravity is something different than anything we know before, which we could never think about before.
Or who knows the opposite may be true. ?Remember, our goal is to understand the universe correctly. So “Remember, our goal is to understand the universe properly. So much speculation about what it really is like should be avoided” (scientific thought). ?Truth is sometimes found in simplicity, not in confusion (Isaac Newton). In short, if gravity is ever seen to be special and quite different from other fundamental forces, it can provide important clues about the big picture of the universe. This may mean that gravity is something deeper, built into the design of the universe.
IRRSTC Letter: 2023
Unification of Gravitation: Gravitation by space is mainly of two types 1) Geo-Spherical Gravitation 2) Celestial Gravitation. Earth's gravitational pull is called gravitational force.
IRRSTC believes that to obtain the root-edge of gravity the first thing that is necessary is: integration of the above dual gravity. To that end, the Earth's crustal mineral iron based particles can be considered as 'positive charge' due to gravity and the celestial magnetic field and electromagnetism based force as 'negative charge'.
Explanation: First, if Earth's crustal positive charge rich in iron particles and secondly, electromagnetism-affected upper space gravitational force are considered negative charge under the overall unification, the much-anticipated low-pressure "quantum graviton" may arise from the mutual attraction interaction. In this case, Einstein's theory of relativity will be effective. As a result, the apparent (not actual) iron and magnetic poles will change relative to each other, i.e. the attractive pole of the magnet will become the repulsive pole of the iron and the repulsive pole of the iron will become the attractive pole of the magnet. As a result, instead of the magnet pulling the iron, the iron will pull the magnet. Generally, the magnet will attract the iron that is smaller than the magnet if the iron that is bigger than the magnet - that iron will attract the magnet. The earth's crust rich in mineral iron particles is actually nothing more than a huge solid block of iron.
It should be noted that 84% of the mineral iron content was found in a meteorite that fell to earth from space eighty thousand years ago. Note that with the amount of iron (iron particles) in a man's body, it is possible to make a nail so large that it would be possible to stick a person into a wall with ease.
Moreover, there is a huge magnetic field throughout space. The corona stream (corona covid-19 is named after this corona of the sun) coming from the sun with high velocity is blocked by this magnetic field and returns towards the sun. Also there is the electromagnetic force. Gravitational interactions with magnetic fields and electromagnetic forces can produce the much-anticipated "quantum graviton particles," which are a form of energy according to the mass-force equation. Since energy has mass and weight is composed of multiple masses and since downward force creates mass or weighty depression, this pressure presses down on our head and the air pressure on us becomes ineffective. As a result, we are "quantum gravitons" with our physical mass. "Particles" press the earth's skin by touching only the skin of the feet. It should be noted that almost the whole of our body (except the skin of the feet) is located in the void.
Scientific Evidence of Gravitational Stress:
Around the event horizon of a black hole is the massive presence of gravity. A black hole's event horizon, or event horizon, is located here, where gravity flows into the hole like a strong current. Due to the strong pressure, even the straw-like light is pulled forward by gravity. Due to the excessive pressure of gravity, it is not possible for light to go back.
In contrast, the acceleration of gravity on the surface of the Moon is about 16.6% or 0.166 ɡ of the Earth's surface. Since the acceleration of gravity on the Moon is less than that on Earth, it was possible for Apollo 11 astronaut Neil Armstrong to easily jump onto the surface of the Moon.
It is clear that gravity does not pull, but create downward pressure. Although we do not feel gravity pressing down on our heads due to the infinite weakness of gravity.
Note that perhaps the reason for the weakening of the gravitational force is that this pressure is tolerable for us by nature, that is, the infinite mercy, blessings, favors, and deeds of the Creator, Allah Ta'a, are special
Magnetic power
?In addition to mineral iron particles in the earth's skin, cobalt, magnesium etc. are also active in our body in the form of nitrogen cycle due to consumption of plant food. Elderly and diseased patients have to walk with crutches due to reduced magnetic power. Magnetic imbalance causes sleeping people to fall. Infirm or old people cannot stand in water for long. Animals other than horses cannot therefore sleep standing up. A specialized system of tendons and ligaments that enables a horse to lock the major joints of its legs. The horse can then relax and sleep without worrying about falling. When horses need deep sleep, they lie down. It seems that the horse's magnetic power becomes ineffective during deep sleep.
This is why the gravitation equation does not effective -
The problem is that our above equation for gravity and gravitons does not hold true due to the following global facts, despite the scientific philosophy that “the Earth rotates”:
?(1): Earth is composed of approximately equal amounts of positive and negative charges. Again the Sun is also made up of equal amounts of positive and negative charge. So they do not affect each other electromagnetically.
Due to equal positive and negative charges, the electro-magnetic effect does not affect the Sun and Earth as each positive and negative particle on the Earth is attracted and repelled by both the positive and negative particles of the Sun.
?So all electro-magnetic forces cancel out.
On the other hand, just like the positive and negative charges of the Sun and the Earth, our bodies also have both positive and negative charges of the mineral iron and the mineral magnet.
Conclusion: The crust centered on 'Earth' can be visualized as a biggest "iron lump" of mineral iron particles, and gravity as just a "magnet" source centered on 'space' influenced by the electromagnet force and magnetic field in space.
?In this case, the Earth's crust with iron particles can be considered as "positive charge" and the electromagnet force and magnetic field affected gravity as "negative charge".
?Moreover, if we consider the magnetic state created by the interaction of electromagnetism force and Earth's magnetic field as "quantum gravity" and the intermediate state of iron-magnet and its downward pressure as "quantum graviton", then Newton's law of gravity will be effective in this case.
?"According to Newton's laws, the force of gravity between the sun and the earth is such that the earth is forever prevented from around the sun by an invisible string connecting the two bodies” (Bigganchinta, page: 63).
It should be noted that the interaction of gravitation with the electromagnetic force and the earth's magnetic field existing in the upper space, which is the "curvature of space-time" in Einstein's thought, was assumed as the "unknown flying quantum force" conceived by scientists.
But the Earth's crust is made up of mineral 'iron particles' – biggest iron lumps with a positive charge-negating this reality when know that strong magnetic fluxes exist in underground, that is enough to invalidating the IRRSTC's hypothesis of quantum gravity and its graviton potential.
In order to simplify research by avoiding complications related to gravity, IRRSTC has not been able to avoid the complications of gravity despite not taking into account the scientific claim that the earth revolves around the sun and rotates in its own orbit. This at least confirms the claim of physicists about gravity, that there are questions that cannot be answered in this world.
Note that the fact that Newton became the world's best scientist by discovering the theory of local earth based gravity but he was keenly surprised when he realized that it was not acting in the space, Newton unannounced his retirement from the scientific world with the question: "Can gravity always explain to us how the planets rotate? But that doesn't explain who put the planets in this state?"
And Newton stood at the end of his life and concluded the scientific life by saying:
“I do not know how I am presented myself to the world, but to myself I seem to myself a little boy who is only playing in the sea valley and looking for a tiny pebble or a smaller and more common stone, while the great ocean of truth lies before him which remains undiscovered. ”.
“We can know about a drop of water in the white of the eye but we know little about the vast ocean”.
Newton's final advice to science-minded truth-seekers: “Live your life as an exclamation rather than an explanation”.
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“ I put my trust in Allah, My Lord and your Lord ! There is not a moving Creature, but He hath Grasp of its fore-lock. Verily, it is my Lord that is on a straight Path.
(Al Quran: Sūra 11: Hūd (The Prophet Hūd), Ayat: 56,Verses 123 — Makki; Revealed at Makka — Sections 10,
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What Allah out of His Mercy Doth bestow on mankind there is none can withhold: What He doth withhold, there is none can grant, Apart from Him: And He is the Exalted in Power, Full of Wisdom.
?Sources: Sūra 35: Fātir, or The Originator of Creation, Verses 45 — Makki; Revealed at Makkah — Sections 5,Ayat: 2,
String Theory
Cosmology: In light of String theory
How did the highest energetic radiation come about?
Scientific Analysis:
According to Einstein's E=mc2 equation, matter and energy are actually synonymous. (Scientific Thought p. 44). accumulated energy is like accumulated matter (p. 35). In string theory, the resulting particles are actually vibrations of a kind of string that we see as particles.
According to particle physics, elementary particles are like dimensionless dots. The definition of a point in geometrical language is: “That which has no length, width and height is called a point”. That is, a particle that does not have length, width and height should not actually have any dimensions. So, according to particle theoretical physics, elementary particles are like dimensionless points, on the other hand, according to string theory, elementary particles are not like dimensionless points, rather they are one-dimensional wires. Like A cable has just such length; so are elementary particles. That is why this theory is also called string theory.
Gravitation, Quantum and Relativity in light of String Theory
In 1985 scientists reported that String's density is 1021gm/c.c, which is hard to imagine. Cosmic strings' seeded the first galaxies in the early universe. Then the young universe was full of smoke. At that time, cosmic strings appear in the smoke and attract smoke, gas and dust particles through strong gravity and start accumulating inside themselves. As a result, at some point the young universe broke up into clusters of gaseous material. Then, under the influence of gravitational force, the cloud fragments began to rotate and transformed into proto-galaxies in two million years and full galaxies in four million years, becoming the main structure of the universe.
Scientists are still using radio telescopes to find cosmic strings at the center of some galaxies. Looking at the galaxies, the clear influence of Cosmic strings can be seen in their structure.
In a chemical reaction, one substance becomes another substance. If you leave the iron outside, it will rust. Burning wood is turning into ash and coal.
From seed to plant, plant to tree, tree to flower, flower to fruit, fruit to seed again. Similar underground wood to coal, wood to diamond, wood to gas, oil - people have come to see the question, what does the substance actually look like? Is each substance different, or can another substance be made from one substance? What is the root?
For example, just as a green plant blessed with flowers and fruits has seeds in its root, so the universe full of countless satellites-planets-stars-galaxies also has roots or seeds. In the 'Modern Cosmological Standard Model Theory' this seed of the universe is called the "Highest Energetic Radiation". The Big Bang had been performed by the Radiation.
If the question is the fruit from the flower and the seed from the fruit, but where did the seed come from? Or the origin of the Big Bang from the highest energetic radiation, but how did the highest energetic radiation come? In physics there are theoretical restrictions on this type of variation. It says: "There are questions that cannot be answered in this world".?
On the other hand, the famous American astrophysicist Carl Sagan said: "We can make meaningful the world with the courage to ask questions and the depth of our answers" (Scientific Thought).On the other hand, Isaac Newton said: Truth is sometimes found in simplicity, not confusion.
Under the above situation, additional question is not relevant, just as it is not relevant to know simple things in a difficult way, but IRRSTC thinks that by the midpath of the Holy Qur'an-Sunnah based Deen Al Islam, Newton's philosophy of simplicity and Carl Sagan's necessity of bravo question are necessary to make the world meaningful.
The question is, everything is from the seed, but where did the seed come from? Man to man, cow to cow, goat to goat, fish to fish, but where did the first human, the first cow, the first goat, the first fish come from? If everything reaches the root, what is the root, where?
The question is, everything is from the seed, but where did the seed come from? Man to man, cow to cow, goat to goat, fish to fish, but where did the first human, the first cow, the first goat, the first fish come from? If everything reaches the root, what is the root, where?
"Hopefully, one day a better idea might pop into scientists' heads, which would bring together such contradictory theories as quantum and relativity. Among the fruits of these efforts is "String Theory".
But we do not know whether this theory is correct or not because it is difficult to test. We need incredibly large particle accelerators to prove the theory experimentally. Each accelerator will be shaped like our solar system. It is impossible for us to make it at the moment” (Bigganchinta)
Two and a half thousand years ago, the scientists and philosophers of that time tried to get answers to these questions. The ancient Greek philosopher-scientist Aristotle once asked the question, how many times will a piece of gold be cut in half before its golden character will be lost? He also presented the answer, he said: Surely there is a limit, below which there will be no gold. This limit is called 'Natural Minimum'. Every substance will have a natural minimum, below which a substance will no longer have the properties of that substance will go down to a minimum state, which is the same for all substances.
Aristotle's idea is that all matter is essentially the same thing. It involves 'form' or condition. Matter takes different forms for that condition, sometimes water, sometimes silver, sometimes stone or earth. The main based is not too many, only four, Fire, water, air and earth.
Eighth century Arab scientist Jabir Ibn Hayyan revolutionized Aristotle's concept of cosmology. His principles were two characteristics based. One was called mercury, the other sculpture. This mercury or sulfur is not exactly the mercury-sulfur we know. The Mercury principle is 'cold' and 'wet', in English cool-moist and on the other hand sulfur is 'hot' and 'dry', in English hot-dry indicates a new position between the four elements. According to this sulfur-mercury theory, these four religions make up the seven basic metals—gold, silver, copper, tin, iron, lead and mercury, respectively.
The Greek philosopher Democritus, tired by the breakdown of matter, stopped by saying: It cannot be broken again- which in Greek terms is 'atom', in Bengali, 'molecule'. In the modern era, the scientist Dalton broke the atom into a nucleus. Later neutrons and protons as well as electrons are seen in the nucleus. Finally, quarks are found.
The fineness of which is 10-16 cm. In physics, quarks are the most microscopic particles of all time. Despite multiple evidences of string theory with 10–33 cm fineness, it is not yet recognized in modern cosmological standard model theory due to lack of visual evidence.
The question is what are these made of? His scientific answer: “No one knows”. The explanation of this answer says: There are questions that do not have answers in this world. On the other hand, according to American astrophysicist Carl Sagan, making the world meaningful requires bold questions and deep answers. Islamic cosmology, on the other hand, is in the middle. According to Islamic orthodoxy, meaningful questions are essential for a meaningful world. Meaningless questions are just a waste of effort, time and talent. The foundation of meaningful questions is the intensive care of knowledge. Essential for this is the discovery of “scientific principles of knowledge” which is the basic mission and vision of IRRSTC.
According to string theory, all elementary particles found in nature are actually strings. These wires (strings) again vibrate at different frequencies. Due to the variation in the frequency of these wires, fundamental particles with different properties are created. The difference in the vibration of the wire determines the mass of these particles.
In physics, strings are point-like particles defined by a mathematical theoretical framework. On the other hand, according to the string theory, if any round point without length, width, height is magnified many times, only one-dimensional huge long wire or string (as long as a thread) will be seen there.
Where the string is proved as such
Strings have evidence. (String theorist Ashok Sen)
1) For example, take a thin strong wire several hands long and tighten both ends firmly. Divide the wire in three parts ABC. Let starting point be A, end point C and middle point B. It can be seen that the cable is still and silent. Now if you apply some force with the index finger on the middle end B, it will be seen that the wire vibrates with a gentle sound. As power is applied the rate of vibration increases and the noise gets louder.
2) The mosquito that enters through the hole or gap of the mosquito net at night makes a sound like a small jumbo jet and disturbs the night's sleep with an audible woo woo sound. This is because the mosquito exerts its maximum force on its body and produces numerous vibrations in its two wings, producing the buzzing sound. It turns out that energy is directly related to sound and vibration, which is the core of string theory.
3) A person with hair can be seen as having hair on the skin, but not on the head. But in an X-ray machine, the head can be seen as a complete skull with bones. On MRI, numerous veins can be seen as elongated strings.
What is the origin of the string and its vibrations in the universe?
According to the Greek philosopher Democritus: which is the “atom”, according to Aristotle: it is soil+water+fire+air, according to Jabir Ibn Hayyan al-Arabi: mercury+ sulfur, according to Ernest Rutherford: the “nucleus” of the atom, according to Sir James Chadwick: “ Neutron”, according to Jay, J, Thomson: “Electron”, according to Murray Gelman: “Quark” and according to Gabriel Venezian: “String” [String] i.e. thread or wire (Wire)] and the vibration of that wire is the material core of infrastructure of the universe.
Helena Ravetsky wrote in The Key to Theosophy, published in 1889: We live on a cosmic invisible principle—the root of all, from which all things grow, and ultimately return to at the end of the animal cycle. (Source: Great Ideas: Innovation, Nayadigant, Dhaka).
Every matter reaches its root
“In our ordinary world arguments have meaning. But in the world of sub-atomic particles, this argument is meaningless. So in the real world scientists are ready to accept the existence of invisible elementary particles.” (Source: Neda-e-Islam,, Darus Salam, Dhaka, Bangladesh, p. 32, year: 70, number: 03, Ramadan-Shawal 1431 AH, September-2010).
The first scientific attempt to reach the root was the philosopher-scientist Democritus of ancient Greece who discovered the atom. Scientist Dalton updated it by discovering the nucleus. The nucleus contains neutrons and protons, then electrons, and finally quarks, which are the smallest in size: 10-16 cm.
However, it was not possible to reach the root. Because, there has been considerable possibility of the reality of string theory with 10-33 cm resolution—which may lie in the unification of Max Planck's quantum mechanics and Einstein's theory of relativity. IRRSTC is committed to arrive at the overall unified theory and root through the analysis of the miracle word Kun, the holy verse of Surah Yasin, Insha Allah.
Cosmology and Islam
“The jointing of many parts together is called taraqqub. And the combined form (combined substance) is called Motaraqkeb” (Pr. 97).
Spiritual Cosmology vs. Modern Scientific Cosmology
Latin word past participle of emanate means “To flow pour forth or out of, that is to flow or come from a source” etc. The belief of emanate is that all creations, all things have originated from First Reality or First Principle or Perfect God. Emanate is one kind of the Transcendental matter. "Transcendental Principle, that is, miraculous or beyond human knowledge" (Beyond human knowledge: Source: A Student Dictionary).
On the other hand, according to IRRSTC, the mundane root of the physical structure of the universe is energy and the spiritual root is: the divine commandment word of Almighty Allah Jallaluhu wa Shanuhu. The mundane core consists of mass and mass less matter. On the other hand, at the spiritual root of the structure of the universe is the immaterial nature commanding word: ?????:(Kun) Be ”.
Allah is all-powerful. Therefore, ??- ???????? ???????? ????? ??????? ??????? (Innama Amruhu Ijaa Arada Shaioon: Verily, when He intends A thing,it is enough to become ????????? : and it is (Fayakun). But a special commanding word had been used is: ?????:(Kun)Be ” - ??? ??????? ???? ??? scientific analysis. Creationism is the fundamental belief of Islamic monism. If ????????? : and it is (Fayakun) was through ???????? ????? ??????? ??????? (Amruhu Ijaa Arada Shaioon):it would have been monotonous. But the use of the word: ?????:(Kun) Be ” after:???????? ????? ??????? ??????? (Amruhu Ijaa Arada Shaioon) makes the basic Islamic cosmology based on monotheism.
Noted that the Messenger of Allah ? (May Allah blesses him and grants him peace), said: 'His (Allah’s) veil is light.' [Muslim: 293] And the Messenger of Allah, ? saw its light on the night of Mi'raj.
The Messenger of Allah, ? (May Allah bless him and grant him peace) said: If He (Allah) had opened His veil, all that His eye could see would have been burned by the light of His face.'' [Muslim: 293-295]
It should be noted that Tur Pahar was burnt to ashes in the Tajalli of Allah's Light.
The similar Kudrati word kun is basically a kind of medium or screen between the creation and the creator. He would not have been veiled if he had been Fayakun through Arada Shayoun. Ijtehad or research into His cosmology of Allah, almighty is encouraged able. In hundreds of verses of the Holy Qur'an, Almighty Allah encourages ijtihad or research into His cosmology.
Importance of String Theory
String theory is a broad and varied subject that attempts to solve fundamental questions in physics. Black holes, the material structure of the early universe, by string theory have been applied to a variety of problems in nuclear physics and condensed matter physics, and have inspired several major developments in pure mathematics. Because string theory reveals a possible unified account of gravity and particle physics, string theory is also called the theory of everything. A theory of everything is a mathematical model that explains the states of matter and all forces together.
“Einstein wanted a theory that could simultaneously explain the nature of large objects, while also moving comfortably into the world of tiny particles. That theory is still under investigation. Many people think that string theory is the universal theory or theory of everything”.
"Scientists are looking for a unified theory that ties together quantum field science and the general theory of relativity" (Science, p. 54).
"To explain the overall structure of the universe, to solve the mystery of black holes or to arrive at a general theory of physics, quantum gravity theory has become necessary. Many theories have been born to explain this theory. The most successful theory among them is string theory. Only string theory can theoretically explain almost all the unsolved problems in the universe. So this theory is going to be the mainstay in the physics of the future." (Source: Bigganchinta: Ashok Sen, Researcher, String Theory).
Types of String Theory:
Fundamental particles can be divided into two main categories according to their properties. a) One class is called boson b) Another class is called fermion. The first form of string theory was called Bosnian string theory.
Main goal of string theory:
The main goal of string theory is to explain the behavior of all fundamental conics in nature using the quantum states and properties of strings.
The origin of string theory
The initial name of string theory was “Bosnic String Theory”. Scientists formulated this theory only with boson particle. This model of string theory was based on very low energy “quantum gravity”. It explained the behavior of only "gauge boson" particles like photons.
According to string theory, all elementary particles found in nature are vibrating identical wires!
According to string theory, all elementary particles found in nature are actually identical wires. These vibrate at different frequencies. These wires appear as basic particles with different shapes and characteristics due to the variation in diameter and frequency. The difference in vibration of the wires determines their charge and mass.
String theory: Graviton's glimmer of hope
According to string theory, a type of vibration creates a mass less particle called spin-2. The best example of a spin-2 type particle is a particle called a graviton. Graviton interaction produces a type of force, which has properties similar to the gravitational force.
Cosmic String
Cosmic String is a very important topic in present day science which is rich in high level knowledge.
In the 80s of the 20th century, for the first time, science presented the cosmology related to the 'Cosmic String' and shocked the world. Scientists researching the Big Bang model, while experimenting with various things, began to understand the presence of this cosmic wire and the magical activity of this wire at an important stage in the creation of the universe.
These cosmic strings are millions of light years long or more. But the diameter is so subtle that it is difficult to imagine. Expressed mathematically, it is about 10-33 cm. That is, 1 cm. It is equal to the length divided by 100 crores, crores, crores. Their shape is sometimes like a coil, sometimes like a ring, sometimes like a spiral and sometimes like a belt. The material mass of cosmic strings is unimaginable, huge and massive; the mass of just a few kilometers of string is several times the mass of the entire Earth. These wires are very strong and their density is greater than that of black holes.
In string theory, particles are like vibrating very fine strings/wires
In string theory, the resulting particles are actually vibrations of a kind of string that we see as particles.
Energy of Vibrating String/Wire in String Theorem
According to German physicist Albert Einstein's theory of special relativity, matter and energy are actually synonymous, according to the E=mc2 equation. (Scientific Thought p. 44). ... “So, accumulated energy is like accumulated matter” (p. 35).
String Theory Context
According to particle physics, elementary particles are like dimensionless dots. The definition of a point in geometrical language is: “That which has no length, width and height is called a point”. That is, particles that do not have length, width and height, should not have any dimensions in reality. Therefore, according to particle theoretical physics, elementary particles are similar to dimensionless dots.
According to string theory, on the other hand, elementary particles are not like dimensionless dots, but rather like one-dimensional wires. A cable has just such length; so are elementary particles. That's why this theory is also called string theory or string theory.
Main goal of string theory:
The main goal of string theory is to explain the behavior of all fundamental particles in nature using the quantum states and properties of strings.
Energy Introduction
Einstein's mass-force equation and special relativity theory is based on mass force. So what is mass is energy, what is energy is mass. That is, stored energy is the same as stored matter. So matter + mass + energy are synonymous.
What are the general characteristics of energy?
In physics and chemistry, the law of constancy of energy states that the energy of a closed system is always constant; It is not variable over time. This means that energy has no creation or destruction; rather it is simply transferred from one form to another. This law of force constancy was first proposed and tested by Emilie du Chatele.
String M-theory
This theory is called String M-theory, can explain the entire fundamental forces, including gravity, and their interactions, so scientists believe it can accurately describe our universe and become the theory of everything.
Yarn woven universe!
Particle matter is the basic foundation of the material infrastructure of the universe. And according to particle physics, every particle is vibrated. The main point of the string theory is: depending on the vibration level of the string, which is to be electron, which is to be quark, and the remaining 14 elementary particles are also products depend on the vibration level.
The theory of constancy of energy
“Every matter reaches its root”. In material terms this root is energy. String theory has an excellent polarization of this force which is briefly described as follows:
According to Einstein's theory, when an object begins to run out of life, the object's mass and energy gradually decrease. In this way a time gradually becomes an absolute point after stop of decreasing which is called a singularity. According to particle physics, every molecule vibrates. Particles are also vibrating in string theory. According to IRRSTC, the source of this vibration is energy.
Laws: Newton's first law states, "If no external force is applied, a stationary object will remain at rest forever and an object in motion will remain forever in motion". In short, matter cannot change its state by itself; it needs an external force (energy) to do so.
Newtonian Test of String Theory: Take a very fine or thin (thin) stiff string or wire several feet long. Mentally divide the wire into A, B and C. Let A be the tip of the wire, ‘B’ the middle and ‘C’ the end. Then tie the tip and the end ‘C’ of the wire tightly. It can be seen that, according to Newton's first law above, the wire lies at rest without any vibration or noise.
Then the center of the wire i.e. ‘B’ is lightly movement (with physical force) by the index finger, it will be seen that the wire is gradually activated causing gentle vibrations and soft sounds. It is reinforced in the center of the wire and the faster it to movement, the more vibration and noise it will produce. Here the source of vibration and sound will stand energy and power.
Constancy of Power:
The 1st law of thermodynamics states that energy is neither created nor destroyed; it is simply transformed from one form to another. The universe is a collection of energies. According to the formula E=mc2 mass of matter is also energy. Q. What is this power source?
It is said that nothingness originates from nothingness. The question may be, does shunya mean only shunya i.e. nothing or nothing? Answer: According to the quantum theory of the Modern Cosmological Standard Model, the void is not actually a void; it is a giant Higgs field. It contains quantum fluctuation vacuum energy!
The question is, where does this vacuum energy come from?
Newton's first law states, "An object at rest will remain at rest forever and an object in motion will remain in motion forever in the absence of any external force." That is, an external force (energy) is required to change the state of matter.
String in real life
There is a proverb in Bengali called “Bini sutar mala”—which is closely related to string theory. If you look at the space, you can see that the planets and stars are tied with each other like a string of love.
Through computer programming, the cosmic network that can be seen within a distance of 100 million light years can be seen that the universe is woven into string or yarn (Bigganchinta, December, 2020, Year: 5, Number: 3, page 52).
The entire sky is like a big sphere, big string!
There are huge stars in the sky which appear tiny due to their distance. The Sun is bigger than the Earth. Due to the difference in distance, all 3 eclipses look like large dots of the same size, even though the Moon is smaller than the Earth, the Earth is smaller than the Sun, and the Sun is much smaller than there are other giant stars. Compared to the Solar System, the Milky Way Galaxy is much smaller or a point, which is not a point in string theory, but a long string. The entire sky is like a big sphere!
There are huge stars in the sky which appear tiny due to their distance. The Sun is bigger than the Earth. Due to the difference in distance, all 3 eclipses look like large dots of the same size, even though the Moon is smaller than the Earth, the Earth is smaller than the Sun, and the Sun is much smaller than there are other giant stars. Compared to the Solar System, the Milky Way Galaxy is much smaller or a point, which is not a point in string theory, but a long string.
String in water
There are 2 main chemical components of water. 1) Hydrogen 2) Oxygen. Water molecules (atoms) are formed by 2 hydrogen and 1 oxygen atom. A single drop of water contains several lakhs of water molecules. Molecules are held together by molecular bonds in the form of strings due to the force of electric attraction. This bonding of water atoms is called hydrogen bonding.
Water molecules stick to each other due to strong hydrogen bonds. Water contains some other elements. Molecules also bind to them in the form of strings of love - called attraction. Due to this attraction, flow of water is created, as a result of which water flows even on plains.
When a negative charge bonds with a proton in a string form, the two combine to form a neutron particle.
To make bond between proton-proton neutral pion meson play role as string or bone.
According to Henrik Yukawa, a positive pion particle is exchanged between a proton and a Newton through interlacing (in the form of a string). As a result, the strong nuclear force is formed.
The main point of the quantum theory is that when the elements of nature are broken, the original particles are found.
According to string theory, these core particles are actually vibrations of a kind of fiber or thread. It is because the strings vibrate in different modes that we perceive them as particles (Scientific Thought, page 47).
Many people think that in the future all energy can be explained by this string theory. (Ashok Sen, string expert).
“Basically there is some proof of string theory. Exploding particles at very high energies may be revealed the structure of strings” (Ashok Sen)
String theory of 11 dimensions
In the early stages, boson particles were known only as particles of energy. Later scientists discovered a string-like connection between bosons and fermions - known as super symmetry. The behavior of two types of particles, bosons and fermions, can be explained using super symmetry theory. It combines the concepts of super symmetry and extra dimensions to form a set of theories. This subset of string theory is called 11-dimensional string theory.
In physical life, sound and vibration occur in many ways and have many results or outputs. For example, the constant vibration of a mosquito's wings produces a sound like a small jumbo jet, which is a bit annoying. We get cool air as a result of the constant three-bladed electric fan overhead whirring loudly. CERN's Large Hadron Collider has also produced Higgs bosons among thousands of particles as a result of high-energy collisions between protons and protons. Until now, when any matter is broken, only electrons and quarks are found as absolute points or strings, which is called pair creation. 3 of the 4 balls in the universe have been found in pairs. Scientists are searching for the graviton power force, the pair of gravity.
Note that complex conditions are attached to the scientific acceptance of the truth of string theory. Among them is that this theory requires 1) the existence of gravitons along with gravity 2) the creation of a super digital microscope instrument with 10-33 cm resolution to visualize the string. These are complex conditions. At the moment, scientists only have 10-17 cm microscopes. Joel Shark and John Schwarz came forward to meet the conditions of Graviton. The two scientists imagined the existence of a hypothetical particle. The imaginary particle is called graviton. According to string theory, gravitons are like bridges between particles. Through this graviton, one super atomic material particle binds to another through wave flow or string, creates attraction through mutual interaction, and carries out all the creative activities of the material universe. These bonds cause water to flow, the sun to burn heat and light without fuel, and particle to particle pairing. But the graviton is much like the life of an animal or the recognized strange quark of the standard model.
Auditory String
A fluid, inside the ear acts as a proxy for detecting sounds or vibrations in an inert medium in organisms that hear sound.
When that fluid is consumed, the floating fibers of the special cells there move. The mechanical energy of that movement is converted into electrical energy by the cell and the signal is carried through the musculature to the brain, causing the sensation of sound.
In addition to external noise, even if you can shake the mentioned liquid or floating cellular fibers but the brain will consider it as sound. (Bigganchinta, October, 2021, page 28).
Language string
?- ????????????? ?
(Allah) Most Gracious !
?- ????????? ?????????? ?
He has taught him speech (And Intelligence).
(Source:Al Quraan:Sūra 55: Rahmān, or (Allah) Most Gracious,Ayat:1 & 4, Verses 78 — Madani; Revealed at Medina — Sections 3:
Almighty Allah has given man the power to speak. The place is different, the language is different, the pronunciation, language letters, words, sentences are also different, but the meaning of each language is single and same.
For example: Mother in Bengali Amma, in English Mother, Ummu in Arabic, Ammi in Urdu are all the same, single meaning. Apni Kemon Achen? in Bengal, "Kaifa Haluka" in Arabic, "How Are You" in English, "Apa Khabar" in Malay have the same meaning in all languages.
In the light of the above description, it is clear that although the letters, pronunciation patterns of the language are different, the meaning is the same, which reveals the string theory. That is, due to variation in vibration, which is electron, which is quark, which is proton, neutron, hydrogen, helium, nuclear, nucleus, Higgs boson etc?
Catecholamines, Catecholamine Receptors, Cell Adhesion Molecules, and Acute Stressor-Related Changes In Cellular Immunity?-?Jalees Rehman
“In 1905, Einstein established the relationship between the frequency and energy of light waves. The relationship between frequency and power is proportional. The higher the frequency of the wave, the higher the energy” (Scientific Thought, January, 2020, page 58).
String M-theory
This theory is called String M-theory, can explain the entire fundamental forces, including gravity, and their interactions, so scientists believe it can accurately describe our universe and become the theory of everything.
Einstein's groundbreaking mass-force equation.
Note, "inertia" is dependent on the "energy" of matter? In 1905, the German physicist Albert Einstein published his research paper in a research journal called "Analen Dar Physic" under this title. Aristotle called "inertia" in Newton's terms, which is "momentum". In the research paper, Einstein named inertia or momentum as "inertia". And Einstein again called this inertia as the "gravity" of matter. Based on this, Einstein wrote a revolutionary equation called the mass-energy equation.
Gravitational waves are the vibrations created by the collision of two gravitational waves more than a billion years ago (Bigganchinta, March 2020, page 38).
Thunderstorms can cause glass windows to vibrate with loud noises, and friction with the window can cause the glass to break. In that case the noise level should be more than 100 decibels. We usually talk at a level of: 50 decibels. Screaming at twice this level can cause the glass to break due to the sharp increase in frequency (Source: Bigganchinta, June, 2019, page 93).
Just how loud the sound or scream is not the only thing that breaks the window glass. The intensity of the frequency of the scream should also be intense. Otherwise, the glass will not break with just a loud scream (Science Thought, June, 2019, Year 3, and Number 9).
Einstein basically wanted to prove with the E=mc^2 equation that mass and energy are not different things, but they are the same thing, so in the E=mc^2 equation E= energy, M= mass and c = value of speed of light.
Mass energy/static energy/constant mass-whatever we call it; conversion of different types of energy such as thermal energy or kinetic energy, electrical energy, mechanical energy etc. is possible and on the other hand conversion of various forms of energy into mass energy/constant energy/constant mass is also possible.
String theory is going to give new science to the old world!
Since the Standard Model of particle physics deals with particles, string theory can spontaneously explain the gravitational relationship of these particles very well. Because of this, scientists are optimistic that string theory as a theory of everything in the universe claims to be effective, that is, with the help of this theory's own mathematical model, string theory can explain the four fundamental forces in nature, all types of energy and any state of matter. Hypotheses of this theory are used in particle physics today.
?In physics, every particle vibrates, which is the key to string theory.
In fact, the concepts of string theory are an important tool of modern physics and quantum field theory and quantum gravity (quantum form of gravity) are going to give a new frontier to our old world by removing all the fog - based on which, by the infinite mercy of Allah, the Muslim Ummah on 10th of 2017- in the opening speech of the First World Islamic Science Conference held on September 11, under the initiative of the Organization of Science-Technology in? Astana, capital of Kazakhstan, "Islamic Research for Reviving Science-Tech Center (IRRSTC) established on August 14, 2018 in response to the call of Muslims to return to the world of science. With a new answer to the question, the Muslim Ummah has once again acquired the leadership of science, as in the mediaeval - which is truly commendable!
Is the speed of light really invariant by the E= MC± equation?
It is question that according to neutrino, is the speed of light really invariant by the E= MC± equation?
What is Neutrino?
A?neutrino?(/nju??tri?no?/?new-TREE-noh; denoted by the Greek letter?ν) is a?fermion?(an?elementary particle?with?spin of??1?/2) that interacts only via the?weak interaction?and?gravity.[Sources ?Close, Frank?(2010).?Neutrinos?(softcover?ed.).?Oxford University Press.?ISBN?978-0-199-69599-7.
The neutrino is so named because it is?electrically?neutral and because its?rest mass?is so small (-ino) that it was long thought to be?zero. The rest?mass?of the neutrino is much smaller than that of the other known elementary particles (excluding?massless particles).[Source Mertens, Susanne (2016). "Direct neutrino mass experiments".?Journal of Physics: Conference Series.?718?(2): 022013.?arXiv:1605.01579.
1]The weak force has a very short range, the gravitational interaction is extremely weak due to the very small mass of the neutrino, and neutrinos do not participate in the?electromagnetic interaction?or the?strong interaction.[Source "Why the Big Bang produced something rather than nothing ?]?Thus, neutrinos typically pass through normal matter unimpeded and undetected.
Weak interactions?create neutrinos in one of three leptonic?flavors:
1.???? electron neutrino,? ν e
2.???? muon neutrino,? ν μ
3.???? tau neutrino,? ν τ
The neutrino[a]?was postulated first by?Wolfgang Pauli?in 1930 to explain how beta decay could conserve?energy,?momentum, and?angular momentum?(spin). In contrast to?Niels Bohr, who proposed a statistical version of the conservation laws to explain the observed?continuous energy spectra in beta decay, Pauli hypothesized an undetected particle that he called a "neutron", using the same?-on?ending employed for naming both the?proton?and the?electron. He considered that the new particle was emitted from the nucleus together with the electron or beta particle in the process of beta decay and had a mass similar to the electron.[source ?Brown, Laurie M.?(1978). "The idea of the neutrino".?Physics Today.?31?(9): 23–28.
It should be noted that in September 2011 the Center for European Research of Nuclear (CERN), the world's largest scientific research center located near the city of Geneva, Switzerland, located on the border with France, announced that "Neutrino moves faster than light." After three years of research, CERN's scientists officially released this discovery after thousands of proofs.
Neutrino motion studies are carried out by the European Center for Nuclear Research (CERN) under a scientific project called 'Project OPERA'. In the first step of an experiment taken in this case, an underground device named Synchrotron in Switzerland produced proton particles and threw them on graphite. In this, the proton particles break up to form some complex particles, which decay in a short time to produce muons and mu neutrinos. These particles are then cast onto the iron. All other particles except the muon neutrino are reflected or absorbed.
Preliminary studies show that muon neutrinos travel through Earth's soil and rocks at a speed of at least advance more over 60 nanoseconds per second and reach Italy about 750 kilometers away.
It is known that even Neutrinos can easily travel through light-year thick lead.
Note that the normal speed of light is actually 186,282.397 miles per second with fractions and 186,000 miles in round figures.
On the other hand, in 1905, the famous German scientist Albert Einstein wrote the theory of special relativity E = MC ± equation. The key to this theory is "there is nothing in this world that travels faster than light" i.e., there are no other particles except light can travel at the speed of light because, as the speed increases, the mass of the object will increase and the speed will naturally decrease.
It appears that in the Einstein's above mentioned formula does not mention the fixed speed of light of 1,86,000 miles.
The IRRSTC believes that the fraction of the speed of light of 282.397 miles may have been omitted for mathematical convenience in the formulation of the Modern Cosmological Standard Model Theory, resulting in a round speed of 186,000 miles.
IRRSTC Review: If light actually has a fractional speed of 282.397 miles in excess of 186,000 miles, and if this does not break the Standard Model, if no need for rewriting the laws of physics and no need to send the modern cosmology in to the museum, then the neutrino If the speed is only 60 nanoseconds faster than the speed of light, why should physics be in so much trouble? What is the moderate solution? Isn't there such a moderate approach of Islam, Newton's theory of science simplification that snakes will? die but sticks will not break - i.e., in this moderate principle, 60 nanoseconds of neutrinos will increase and the standard model will not collapse.
Conclusion: I.R.R.S.T.C believes that the natural speed of light can be increased in a very simple way in the light of Islamic midrate and Newton's simplification principle, without the need for a new approach to physics and may be required the186, 000 miles simply declaration as "Standard Speed of Light Force" just like Greenwich Mean Time, which may be called the “Einsteinium Standard Light Force” (ESLF).
The IRRSTC proposed “Einsteinium Standard Light Force” (ESLF) may bring good news for science fictionists!
From many years ago Science fictionists' used to dream for traveling the universe in moments like the Holy Mirajunnabi ? by space boat Wormholes and Warp drives beyond the speed of light. IRRSTC thinks that the proposed “Einsteinium Standard Light Force” (ESLF) may bring a milestone or good news for science fictionist’s inshallah to fulfill this dream.
Warp drive
A?warp drive?or a drive enabling?space warp?is a fictional?superluminal?(faster than the speed of light)?spacecraft propulsion?system in many science fiction works, most notably?Star Trek,[Source: Krauss, Lawrence Maxwell. (2007).?The physics of Star Trek. Basic Books.?ISBN?978-0-465-00863-6.?OCLC?787849957.]?and a subject of ongoing physics research. The general concept of "warp drive" was introduced by?John W. Campbell?in his 1957 novel?Islands of Space?and was popularized by the?Star Trek?series. Its closest real-life equivalent is the?Alcubierre drive, a theoretical solution of the field equations of?general relativity.[Source: ?Alcubierre, Miguel (1994).?"The warp drive: Hyper-fast travel within general relativity".
History and characteristics
Warp drive, or a drive enabling space warp, is one of?several ways of travelling through space found in science fiction.[Source: ?"SFE: Space Warp".? Retrieved?2021-11-10.^?Stableford, Brian M. (2006).?Science Fact and Science Fiction: An Encyclopedia.?It has been often discussed as being conceptually similar to?hyperspace. A warp drive is a device that distorts the shape of the?space-time continuum.[Source: Prucher, Jeff (2007-05-07).?Brave New Words: The Oxford Dictionary of Science Fiction. Oxford University Press.?ISBN?978-0-19-988552-7.] ?A spacecraft equipped with a warp drive may travel at speeds greater than?that of light?by many orders of magnitude. In contrast to some other fictitious?faster-than-light?technologies such as a?jump drive, the warp drive does not permit instantaneous travel and transfers between two points, but rather involves a measurable passage of time which is pertinent to the concept. In contrast to hyperspace, spacecraft at warp velocity would continue to interact with objects in "normal space" (Sources: ?Musha, Takaaki; Minami, Yoshinari (2011).?Field Propulsion System for Space Travel: Physics of Non-Conventional Propulsion Methods for Interstellar Travel. Bentham eBooks. p.?58.?ISBN?978-1-60805-270-7.
A?wormhole?is a hypothetical structure connecting disparate points in?spacetime, and is based on a special?solution of the Einstein field equations.[Source: ?. What do you get? Just maybe, a holographic cosmos".?The New York Times. Retrieved?10 October?2022.
A wormhole can be visualized as a tunnel with two ends at separate points in spacetime (i.e., different locations, different points in time, or both).
Wormholes are consistent with the?general theory of relativity, but whether wormholes actually exist is uncertain. Many scientists postulate that wormholes are merely projections of a?fourth spatial dimension, analogous to how a two-dimensional (2D) being could experience only part of a three-dimensional (3D) object.[Source: Choi, Charles Q. (2013-12-03).?"Spooky physics phenomenon may link universe's wormholes". NBC News]?
A well-known analogy of such constructs is provided by the?Klein bottle, displaying a hole when rendered in three dimensions but not in four or higher dimensions.
Theoretically, a wormhole might connect extremely long distances such as a billion?light-years, or short distances such as a few?meters, or different points in time, or even?different universes.[Source: ?"Focus: Wormhole Construction: Proceed with Caution".?Physical Review Focus. Vol.?2. American Physical Society. 1998-08-03. p.?7.]
For a simplified notion of a wormhole,?space?can be visualized as a two-dimensional surface. In this case, a wormhole would appear as a hole in that surface, lead into a?3D?tube (the inside surface of a?cylinder), then re-emerge at another location on the 2D surface with a hole similar to the entrance. An actual wormhole would be analogous to this, but with the spatial dimensions raised by one. For example, instead of circular holes on a?2D plane, the entry and exit points could be visualized as spherical holes in?3D space?leading into a four-dimensional "tube" similar to a?spherinder.(Source:
Einstein's space warp and real-world physics
Einstein's theory of?special relativity?states that speed of light travel is impossible for material objects that, unlike?photons, have a non-zero rest mass. The problem of a material object exceeding light speed is that an infinite amount of kinetic energy would be required to travel at exactly the speed of light. Warp drives are one of the science-fiction tropes that serve to circumvent this limitation in fiction to facilitate stories set at galactic scales.[Source: ?"SFE: Faster Than Light".? Retrieved?2021-11-10]
However, the concept of space warp has been criticized as "illogical", and has been connected to several other?rubber science?ideas that do not fit into our current understanding of physics, such as?antigravity?or?negative mass.[Source: ?"SFE: Faster Than Light".? Retrieved?2021-11-10]
The Einstein-Rosen (ER) bridge, initially proposed by Albert Einstein and Nathan Rosen in 1935 as a solution within the framework of general relativity, served a specific purpose that diverged from the common perception of a shortcut or link between distant regions of spacetime.
Contrary to its later association with wormholes, the original ER bridge was distinct.
Einstein and Rosen's motivation for introducing the bridge stemmed from their concerns about singularities within the gravitational field equations, particularly the Schwarzschild singularity characterized by R = 2m, rather than the more commonly discussed R = 0.
The concept of wormholes, which deviates from the original bridge idea, emerged later, introduced by John Archibald Wheeler.
Traversable wormholes necessitate exotic matter that violates certain energy conditions. Quantum field effects can lead to energy density becoming negative at specific points, as exemplified by the Casimir effect. Indeed, the notion of a traversable wormhole, exemplified by the Morris-Thorne model, was found to be unstable and prone to collapse into a black hole due to quantum perturbations near the throat. This instability resulted from the formation of closed timelike curves, which generated quantum effects leading to the wormhole's demise.
For details: can take a look at the following paper:?Unveiling the Connection: ER bridges and EPR in the work of Einstein.
If there is any portal that could enable us the compressed time and space options, that would definitely explain the hyperspace and the vacuums as well the all potentials of the future colonization of other planets (e.g. Red Planet).W e all know that long cosmic journeys are very demanding for people and their medical preconditions but even to think about the wormholes and how they are making it all easier, sounds like a perfect comfort of science fiction, offered by one religious book.
The Qur’an. Now, it is only a big issue to detect those bridges in space-time and to test them in a rational framework. Science feeds itself on the source of different ideas. Tunnels among Earth and other planets with other races. Sounds more than thrilling to develop theories and possible experiments on. The Noble Qur’an gives a great task to the scientists because they must discover those gates before Yajuj and Majuj open them and use them for their invading plans.
A good explanation of wormhole:
There is one good explanation of what is wormhole:? The wormhole is the most efficient roller coaster you can imagine. Energy is not required to move through the wormhole, that is, you can simply switch off your rockets. Gravity accelerates you pulls you through and then expels you on the other side. You will feel like being swept by waves at the beach; nothing more. On your way through, gravity causes your clock to run slower and your ruler to shrink. Distant observers see you accelerating to relativistic speeds; as a result, your energy (and mass) increase dramatically in their view; but when you get out the other side everything returns back to normal (your clock, ruler…)”?Now, this is only a theoretical assumption that is far away from experimental confirmation.
The scientific formula of peace in the light of knowledge
-Muhammad-Sheikh-Ramzan Hossain?? ?Chief Editor, World Islamic Science-Tech Review, Director-in-Charge, World Science-Tech Research Center & Member, International Science Council.
. ?????? ????? ????????????? ?????????????
In the name of Allah (God), Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
Knowledge and wisdom are the basis of human excellence in the world. Humans are weaker than other animals in terms of strength and power. Human babies are born with extreme weakness. This weakness tells us- knowledge-is light, knowledge-is-power
Knowledge-is the key to human dignity. Knowledge triumphs over power. Due to which the symbol of power, the tiger-lion in human knowledge today is helpless, imprisoned in zoos. On the contrary, knowledge is power, knowledge is light. Due to this fact, people with knowledge are ruling the world today, leadership is for them. The world is enlightened and enthralled by science. The matter is like the light of the full moon of the moon - on the other side of which is the blackness of the new moon. From the day people forgot the knowledge that man is the best creature in creation, from that day they thought about power, power is the future for leadership and authority in the world.
This world is a hauntingly beautiful place full of unique love and moral depth. Carl Sagan.
In this context, the famous American astrophysicist Carl Sagan's memorable words are worth mentioning. He said: How close we are biologically to other animals. But what a cruel irony—how needlessly we? trouble them; How senselessly we kill them. What shocking! An animal like a whale is killed to make lipstick (Carl Sagan: Scientific Thought, Vol: 6, Issue: 2, November, 2021, Page: 45)
Question: It usually does not cause any embarrassment or discomfort due to using natural muscle force (energy) in our daily work but sometimes do we feel a little shocked when we try to lift, push, or move something but why?
Possible Answer: A stationary object on the Earth's surface moves only when force (energy) is applied to that object. The more energy or force applied, the faster the object gains energy.
It also shows that there is a relation between low and high levels of energy in moving and gaining speed of the object. If so, what is the third source? The source with which there will be a dependent relationship, respectively 1. The object will be stable or 2. Will be active? 3. Will the speed of the object be less or more? For a possible answer is as follows:
i) Light is at the same time energy, particles and also waves - which enter the eye and give rise to the feeling of vision. Light makes the object visible, but it itself disappears. We do not see the light, but we see the illuminated object.
ii) Brain in the biological process we see: the brain controls the lion's share of the human body's activity. For this purpose, the brain collects information from the sensory nervous system or senses, completes its processing, co-ordinates the processed information, and in response decides what kind of instructions will be sent to the neuro-coordinated organ or system.
Functions of the forebrain:
1. The forebrain part acts as the center of various endeavors.
2. The intellect, thought, memory, etc. of the animal controls the human senses.Regulates various physiological functions such as food, intake, excretion, reproduction, etc.
3. Nerves from different clients receive stimuli and analyze those feelings. The average human brain weighs 1.38 or 1.4 kg. The unit of the brain is the neuron.
The number of neurons in the brain is 10 billion. The brain, made up of soft material, is protected inside the skull bones in the human head.
Different parts of your eye work together to help you see. First, light travels through the cornea (the clear frontal layer of the eye). The cornea is shaped like a dome and bends light to help focus the eyes. Some of this light enters the eye through an opening called the PUOO-pul.
The iris (colored part of the eye) controls how much light enters the eyeball. Then, the light passes through the lens (a clean inner part of the eye). The lens works together with the cornea to focus light properly on the retina.
When light hits the retina (a light-sensitive layer of tissue behind the eye), a special cell called the photoreceptor converts light into electrical signals. These electrical signals travel from the retina to the brain through the optic nerve.
The brain then converts the signals into the images you see. The retina is a light sensitive layer behind the eye. The retina acts like a camera film, capturing the image through a photoreceptor. From there, retinal signals or "images" are transmitted through the optic nerve to the visual center of the brain so that we can interpret what we see.
Cerebrum: The regulator of knowledge The cerebrum of the brain controls human thinking, consciousness, knowledge, memory, will, speech and optional muscle activity. The cerebrum is 80% of the brain.
Functions of neurons: Brain cells include nerve cells (neurons) and the nerve cells (glia cells) that support them. The human brain has more than 8,600 billion neurons and the same number or more. Nerve cells are connected to each other and secrete a substance called neurotransmitter in response to neural stimulation, so that the brain can perform its functions.
Test No. 01: Flour sack vs. wheat sack."A" contain there is sack of wheat written in it. "B" contain a sack of Flour . It does not say that it is a sack of Flour. The two sacks have the same size. The laborer, knowing the sack of wheat, easily picks it up, moves it, puts it in its proper place, and when he comes back, using his previous experience (assuming the sack of wheat), he picks up the sack of flour and falls backwards. What is the scientific reason for this?
Test No. 02: For example, think?? a pot at washroom is full of water every day. For some reason, one night the water in the pot was half or zero.
Meanwhile, the power supply was cut off due to load shedding. As a result I have shocked to use the water-less pot in the dark but what is the scientific reason for this? ? ? From the above review, observation, discussion, experimental survey it is clear that, firstly, the light emitted from the object is reflected through the retina of the eye, cornea, iris, photoreceptor, neurons of the brain, cerebrum. As soon as the hand touches a visible object, the cerebrum of the brain provides material knowledge through neurons, and directs how much muscle power has to be expended in moving/lifting the object. ?
As a result we can easily say that we have done the work easily, comfortably everyday due to proper direction of using muscle power by our knowledge. Conclusion: “We move with knowledge”. ???????? ?????????
?. ?????? ????? ????????????? ??????????? ?
In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
?-????????? ?????????????? ?????????? ???????? ??? ?????? ????? ??????????? ????????? ?????? ?????? ?
The angels and The Spirit ascend Unto Him in a Day The measure whereof Is (as) fifty thousand years :
(Source: Al Quran: Sūra 70: Ma’ārij, or the Ways of Ascent, Ayat: 4, Verses 44 — Makki; Revealed at Makka — Sections 2,
It is The Qur’an, The holy book of Muslims and it is talking about physical and astrophysical terms and phenomena that turn the limits of one religion into the never-ending field of speculations, scientific debates, and futuristic thoughts. How is it possible that one religious and sacred text, written almost fourteen centuries ago, offers something that is a big mystery to the scientists if is not already proven as a fact?
The believers will say it is up to Allah (dz.s.), the God who knows everything. The scientists will be impressed, if they are not ideologically biased, by the interesting level of science dilemmas expressed in the Noble Qur’an. It is not anymore about Islam and Muslims, it is about the questions and answers that mankind is waiting for.
The believers of Islam are sure that the wormholes are doors ins25es ?and when someone uses this portal, the big interstellar lengths become the walking distances. This is also the sign to the nonbelievers that wormholes can be opened to all because only God can contract the time and space problems and only those who do not believe can say it is an optical illusion. What does physics say? Here is something very thrilling:?
Have you ever heard of a wormhole? Let’s imagine the journey from our planet to another one, or the distanced star or even galaxy. In available metric measures, it is very hard to determine the time frame of the travel because the general theory of relativity comes up with the model of contracting the huge distances into a few meters.
Albert Einstein called those platforms bridges in space-time but nowadays, scientists call them wormholes. Some kind of portals that connect two distant regions in the universe, overcoming the physical interval, reducing the gap, and escaping from the time vacuum.The scientists know how that portal works in their theories but they are not sure what it would look like in a practice.
There is one good explanation of what is our wormhole:?“Do you remember how a frictionless roller coaster works? That is, you start high and slow then you go down and fast but when you come back up again to your previous height you return to your previous slow speed? Well, the wormhole is the most efficient roller coaster you can imagine. Energy is not required to move through the wormhole, that is, you can simply switch off your rockets. Gravity accelerates you pulls you through and then expels you on the other side. You will feel like being swept by waves at the beach; nothing more. On your way through, gravity causes your clock to run slower and your ruler to shrink. Distant observers see you accelerating to relativistic speeds; as a result, your energy (and mass) increase dramatically in their view; but when you get out the other side everything returns back to normal (your clock, ruler…)
There is the wormhole in Qur’an which we are interested in because the Book promises that anyone, not only angels, who get into the wormhole will experience the same time dilation?(“one day in wormhole vs. 50,000 years on the Earth”)but the problem now is how to find those wormholes, where exactly they will bring us and how long the journey will take. The Muslims believe that Prophet Mohammed once used the wormhole to go to the ‘Israa & Mi’raj’ and that is the reason why all of them think that wormhole is not only reserved for the angels.
That is a pure astrophysical issue but what does that have to do with the holy book of the Qur’an? The Noble Qur’an has also a place for wormholes which is one of the main elements to be considered as very interesting to the experts of religion and cosmologists.
fascinated with mathematical time construction in Qur’an. In verses 22:47, the time of Earth is compared with the time at Paradise or Hell :1 day vs. 1000 years, but verses 70:4 says that the proportion between Earth’s time and wormholes is: 1 day vs. 50,000 years. This is very important because Allah (dz.s.) enabled to His angels the possibility for transport throughout the universe and the time gap. This special portal or wormhole is called ‘Ma’arej’ (?????) and it is used only for angels to get from one place to another one in a short time.
We have developed a science-based civilization, where knowledge and purity of knowledge are very important.
Without knowledge, no human behavior can develop, he cannot be properly civilized. It is vain to expect justice and moderation from him. Any destructive and arbitrary work can be done easily with them.
Knowledge and wisdom are the basis of human excellence in the world. Humans are weaker than other animals in terms of strength and power. Human babies are born with extreme weakness. This weakness tells us- knowledge-is light, knowledge-is-power-knowledge-is the key to human dignity. Knowledge triumphs over power.
Due to which the symbol of power, the tiger-lion in human knowledge today is helpless, imprisoned in zoos. On the contrary, knowledge is power, knowledge is light. Due to this fact, people with knowledge are ruling the world today, leadership is for them. The world is enlightened and enthralled by science. The matter is like the light of the full moon of the moon - on the other side of which is the blackness of the new moon. From the day people forgot the knowledge that man is the best creature in creation, from that day they thought about power, power is the future for leadership and authority in the world.
Without knowledge, no human behavior can develop, he cannot be properly civilized. It is vain to expect justice and moderation from him. Any destructive and arbitrary work can be done easily with them.
In this context, the famous American astrophysicist Carl Sagan's memorable words are worth mentioning. He said: This world is a hauntingly beautiful place full of unique love and moral depth.How close we are biologically to other animals. But what a cruel irony—how needlessly we? trouble them; How senselessly we kill them. What shocking! An animal like a whale is killed to make lipstick (Carl Sagan: Scientific Thought, Vol: 6, Issue: 2, November, 2021, Page: 45).
In his book The Demon Haunted World, written before his death, Sagan warned that the dark ages were imminent unless science and culture could be reconciled with technological progress.
Small Bang and the Life of Hereafter
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104. The Day that We roll up The heavens like a scroll Rolled up for books (completed),— Even as We produced The first Creation, so Shall We produce A new one : a promise We have undertaken : Truly shall We fulfil it.
(Sūra 21: Anbiyāa, or The Prophets,Ayat:104, Verses 112 — Makki; Revealed at Makka — Sections 7,
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1. When the Event Inevitable Cometh to pass,
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4. When the earth shall be Shaken to its depths,
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5. And the mountains shall Be crumbled to atoms,
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6. Becoming dust scattered abroad,
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7. And ye shall be sorted out Into three classes.
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8. Then (there will be) The Companions of The Right Hand ;—What will be The Companions of The Right Hand ?
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9. And the Companions of The Left Hand,—What will be The Companions of The Left Hand ?
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10. And those Foremost (In Faith) will be Foremost (in the Hereafter).
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11. These will be Those Nearest to God :
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12. In Gardens of Bliss :
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(Source: Al Quran, Sūra 56: Wāqi’a, or The Inevitable Event, Ayat:1,4-12, Verses 96 — Makki; Revealed at Mecca — Sections 3,
And verily the Hour will come : There can be no doubt About it, or about (the fact) That God will raise up All who are in the graves. (Al Quran: Sūra 22: Hajj, or The Pilgrimage, Ayat: 7, Verses 78 — Madani; Revealed at Madina — Sections 10,
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And he makes comparisons For Us, and forgets his own (Origin and) Creation : He says, “?Who can give Life to (dry) bones And decomposed ones (at that) ?”
Sūra 36: Yā-Sīn (being Abbreviated Letters)-Verses 83 — Makki; Revealed at Mecca — Sections 5
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The trumpet shall be Sounded. when behold ! From the sepulchres (men) Will rush forth To their Lord !-Sūra 36: Yā-Sīn-51.
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53. It will be no more Than a single Blast, When lo ! they will all Be brought up before Us !
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Then, on that Day, Not a soul will be Wronged in the least, And ye shall but Be repaid the meeds Of your past Deeds.Sūra 36: Yā-Sīn-54
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55. Verily the Companions Of the Garden shall That Day have joy In all that they do ;
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He Who created Death And Life, that He May try which of you Is best in deed : And He is the Exalted In Might, Oft-Forgiving ;—
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“ Enter thou, then, Among my Devotees !
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“Yea, enter thou My Heaven ! ”
(Al Quran: Sūra 89: Fajr, or The Break of Day, Ayats 29-30, Verses 30 — Makki; Revealed at Mecca — Sections,
—thing in the human body will be worn out. But the last bone of the hip (Coccyx) is not destroyed. People will be aligned with its. Then Allah will make it rain. As a result man will grow like a plant”. (Bukhari, Muslim-Riyadus Salehin, Hadith No. 1836, Vol. 4)
On the authority of Hazrat Abu Hurairah Radiyallahu Anhu, the Holy Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace; said, Adam have a super atomic particle in his body that will never merge with the soil. (The question was asked) O Allah's Messenger! what is it? He said: This is usus. (Bukhari, Al Nasa'i, Abu Dawud, Ibn Majah, Musnad and Mu'atta.
It should be noted that the experiment shows that after 2 weeks of fertilization of the sperm with the ovum, a hard bone called osus is born. After the 3rd week, a bone is formed from this bone, which later forms the spinal bone and gradually becomes a full-fledged human body-remains on the 15th day, on the surface of the embryo, its primary quality or dharma is observed, a specific region called primary attachment. The embryonic cells and organs from which the primary qualities and connections are formed are as follows:
(1) Ectoderm (outer covering of the embryo): composed of central muscles and skin.
(2) Mesoderm (mid-embryonic): Digestive system, skeletal muscle, circulatory system, heart, kidney, reproductive and urinary system (except bladder), subcutaneous tissue, nasal system, bladder and urinary gland are formed at this stage.
(3) Endoderm: The border of the digestive system, respiratory system, organs related to the digestive system (except liver and pancreas), bladder, nervous system etc. are formed at this stage.
Then the primary qualities/relationships and connections are the base of the triangular area at the end of the spine to form the pupa. Embryonic structures are a testament to the fact that all human cells in amphibians carry stem cells.
After the embryo is formed from the primary qualities and junctions, they finally express the spinal cord and acquire their characteristics. Thus, triangular contains the original cells and which the Prophet sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam described from Usus to Qiyaamat.
The resurrection of mankind bears the proof. It is possible to re-create the human race from the Coccyx which possesses the primary qualities/characteristics. So the Coccyx cannot decay.
It should be noted that Dr. Osman Al Jilani and Sheikh Abd-Al Majid Azandani conducted research on Coccyx in the month of Ramadan in 1423 sitting in the house of Sheikh Sahib. 1 out of 2 of 5 Coccyx burn with gas on a stone for 10 minutes to get just like red hot iron and then turn black when cooled. Those coals were taken in sterilized boxes to Sana's most famous Laboratory-Al Olaki Laboratory- professors of Histology I Pathology Sana University. He analyzed the fossils and found that the cancer cells were not greatly affected by the fire i.e. only the stem cells were burnt but the cartilage (muscle or hard bone) remained alive. (Subhanal-ahi wabihamdihi Subhanal-ahil A'zeem).
Theosophy is a branch of philosophy, philosophy concerned with theology. Theosophy teaches that all human beings and organisms, including animals and all things, flow from a pure spiritual formation and subsequently return to the Supreme Being at the end of the cosmic life cycle.
According to the emancipationist cosmology of Russian philosopher and akalist Helena Ratvetsky, divinity in the beginning, the first single indivisible being, arose from the Divine Unity of the beginning of the cosmic cycle and would ultimately return to its source. Helena Ravetsky wrote in her 1889 book, Yab Kabu Hd Yabdrangadhu: We live upon a universal invisible principle—the root of all, from which all grows forward, and into which it will ultimately return at the end of the great cycle of beings. (Source: Great Ideas: Innovation, Nayadigant, Dhaka).
In scientific language, its name is Ridhub Ntdhahangrarah. Incidentally, it should be noted that a kind of distortion has been created in the idea that all creation belongs to Allah (God's), resulting in the creation of pluralism from monotheism. The doctrines of the Theosophical philosophy discussed are essentially derived from pluralistic tendencies. Innalillahi wa inna ilahi rajiun means: Allah has created us (calling the angels to express his desire to create human beings and ask their opinion, creating bodies from clay and breathing souls into them these things are completely separate creations from Allah Almighty).
Part III
Dua-Kalam: In light of Science
Dua kalam is generally based on sound is a collection of many vibrations. Matter varies depending on the level of vibration. According to quantum mechanics, the source energy of matter exists even in vacuum. According to Einstein's equation of mass and energy, matter and energy are identical, just as water and ice are identical. Frozen water is called ice; similarly Coagulated energy is called matter.
Since masnun doa-kalam is sound-based, sound is a collection of countless vibrations. Much variation depends on the degree of vibration. The Dua of Musa Alaihimus Salam: Ma-ji'tum bihis sihr, innallah sayubtiluhu. ??? ??????? ???? ????????? ? ????? ???????? ???????????? ? “What ye Have brought is sorcery: Allah will surely make it Of no effect: (Surah Yunus, Ayat 81. The Dua is effective for changing position of subject and matters and Jabir Ibn Haiyan's mercury sulfur, Mendelif Trimidri implementation of periodic table technology.
On the day of severe reckoning in the Hereafter, both good and bad deeds will be weighed, along with verbal Dua and obscene words. A good deed on one plate will be measured by a bad deed on the other. One of the eight heavens will be assigned to the one who has the heaviest of good deeds, while the one who has the heaviest of the bad deeds will be allotted one of the seven hell.
Morning and evening prayers to avoid evil
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Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said, "Whoever says three times in the evening -
Meaning: 'In the name of Allah, whose blessing nothing in the heavens and the earth can harm, He is the All-Hearing and the All-Knowing.'
No sudden problem will raise upon him until morning whoever recites it three times in the evening and no sudden problem will raise upon him until evening whoever recites it three times in the morning.' (Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah, Musnad Ahmad)
Real facts of reliever of problems by the above Dua
As passenger of Flight No. BG 135 of Bangladesh Airlines Ltd., Seat No. 47E, and Date: Sunday, April 21, 2024 on its way to Chittagong-Jeddah route for performing the holy Umrah, the aircraft was hit by a severe storm in mid-path issued a red alert to stay. For a long time, the plane was moving forward with a heavy jolt. It is known that the country over which the plane is flying does not have permission an emergency landing. So, suddenly remembered the above Dua. With the completion of recite three times the Dua, the plane quickly normalized and no problem has been raised till landing safely at Jeddah Air Port by the grace of almighty Allah.
?Prayer is often used as a tool.
If he falls in front of a ferocious animal - in such a situation that there is no way of worldly help - the tested dua for his protection is as follows:
Allahumma inna naz aluka finuhuriheem wa nauzubiqa min shururiheem.
Evil nature can arise in people due to Iblish or Nafse Amma. The dua for protection from it is as follows: Allahumma inni as alukal huda, watuka, wal a'fa faa'l gina.
Financial crisis is an inherent problem of human life. The tested dua for debt relief is as follows:
Allahummagfini bihalalika a'an haramika wagnini bifadlika amman siwaik.
(I recited the above prayer in the morning and in the afternoon a close relative from Libya came and donated some money - with which I paid off the debt)
Quiamat (Day Of Judgment) and Al Quran
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At it the skies are ready To burst, the earth To split asunder, and The mountains to fall down In utter ruin,
Sūra 19: Maryam,?or Mary, Ayat: 90, Verses 98 — Makki; Revealed at Makka — Sections 6, Ayat: 90 ,
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Again, on the Day Of Judgment, will ye be Raised up.
Sūra 23: Mū-minūn,?or The Believers,Verses 118 —Ayat:16, Makki; Revealed at Makka— Sections 6,
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He said : “ This is A mercy from my Lord : But when the promise Of my Lord comes to pass, He will make it into dust ; And the promise of My Lord is true.”
(Sūra 18: Kahf,?or the Cave,Verses 110 — Makki; Revealed at Makkah — Sections 12, Ayat; 98,
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17. And We have made, above you, Seven tracts ; and We Are never unmindful Of (Our) Creation.
Sūra 23: Mū-minūn,?or The Believers,Verses 118 —Ayat:17, Makki; Revealed at Makka— Sections 6,,