World IP Day – what it means for a digital world

World IP Day – what it means for a digital world

In a world where digital continues to transform and accelerate our lives, IP rights are so important for the creative digital solutions that alter how we operate day-to-day. These innovations could be hinged on a clever piece of code, a slick user interface, a highly utilised web-based app, or a creative data management strategy. Understanding how IP rights could apply enables the careful handling, development, and consideration of on-going protection. That’s why we want to highlight the importance of IP rights on today’s World IP Day.?

What is World IP Day??

World IP Day aims to raise awareness of how intellectual property (or IP) rights can impact our lives. It looks to celebrate creativity and recognise the contributions made by innovators to the development of our societies globally.?

What are IP rights??

IP is the product of mental investment, the creative output of human thought. It could be an invention, literary work, design, artistic work, trade name, etc. IP rights aim to give the owner control over that investment; they aim to reward and incentivise further innovation.????

“IP rights” is also an umbrella term for a lot of different types of rights, for example copyright, design rights (registered and unregistered), patents, trade secrets, and branding rights. Multiple of these rights could apply to any single digital product to protect different components concurrently in a complex overlay of protections.??

What exactly does copyright mean??

Copyright is an IP right that arises automatically to protect original works once they have been written down in some form (hardcopy or e-copy) for a limited duration. There are a lot of different types of works that can benefit from protection, such as photographs, illustrations, musical compositions, sound recordings, computer code, books, blog posts, movies, architectural works, plays, and lots more. In a digital context, copyright will also protect elements of websites, apps, UIs, and other digital offerings with graphic displays.??

And what are trade secrets??

To be a trade secret, information must (i) be secret, i.e. not generally known or readily accessible; (ii) have commercial value because it is secret; and (iii) have been subject to reasonable steps to keep it secret. In a digital industry, trade secrets could be methods of operation, guides to interoperability, workflows, or back-end tools, among others. A trade secrets claim will be limited if the information can be reverse engineered.?

So, what is Endava’s approach to IP????

At Endava, we seek to reimagine the relationship between people and technology. We develop technology for our clients that can revolutionise their customer offering. But alongside that, we recognise the value it holds and the need to draw business benefits from such an investment. Understanding the impact that IP rights can have, we work with our clients to maximise value and realise commercial goals.?

Central to our methodology is working closely with our clients to drive development. Mutual collaboration and innovation enable product development that is highly tailored to align with client ambitions. At the same time, we can fit in with and support on IP strategies.?

Furthermore, our focus is to always respect third-party IP rights. Advances in technology and our understanding of science often involve standing on the shoulders of giants (or previous inventors). However, we must also act ethically and respectfully, ensuring we do not use material subject to third-party ownership rights. Being aware of when IP rights arise ensures that we can operate in a way that does not infringe them. This is why we offer business-wide training and support on IP matters to all Endavans.???

On this World IP Day 2022, I feel a sense of gratitude for all the amazing technology we have in our lives that enhances what we can do and how we can enjoy our time. The international IP framework supports our advancement, and so for that, we can be grateful too, right??



