World of IoT: A Bag Mix of Advantages, Shortcomings, and Applications
IoT integration with real world

World of IoT: A Bag Mix of Advantages, Shortcomings, and Applications

Technology has now integrated more than ever into human lives and transformed them like never before. It’s the beginning of an era when machines are taking over the globe, transforming everything right from home to offices, pen to plates. During the past decade, the Internet of Things term has started gaining more importance and has become part of our daily lives. Today almost every device is connected to the internet and communicates in possible mediums with each other. This is probably the time to get our feet wet and explore what is IoT all about.

To begin with the origin of the term, #IoT was first sighted by Kevin Ashton in 1999. The Internet of Things refers to the network of connected devices capable of intercommunication. These are often driven by automation taking it to next level where devices can take decisions absolutely free from any human intervention. Any object having built-in sensors that can gather data and transmit it over a network ensuring passage without human involvement qualifies as a thing in the Internet of Things world. Moreover, the object's embedded technology enables interaction with internal states as well as with the outside environment, which aids in decision-making.

Like humans, devices also interact, collaborate, and contribute to each other’s experiences. As per the recent report by Gartner, in 2020 there were about 20.6 Billion connected devices across all technical domains.

A room temperature #sensor informs about the outdoor temperature of the refrigerator which adjusts its inside cooling as per need. Likewise, the #airconditioners also adjust on their effects, this is how devices are now working with coordination. All thanks to the plethora of opportunities brought by the Internet of Things (IoT).

Some of the common IoT-enabled devices near us are temperature sensors, gyroscopes, image detectors, #RFID tags, light sensors, and whatnot. There are many wearable gadgets like smartwatches that keep a track of our physical activities, and 3D glasses that adjust TV brightness as per our eyes. These devices are making life easier, aren’t they?

Mobile Phones!!! The device contributed tremendously to the development of IoT. Mobile apps are revolutionizing technical possibilities with GPS, connectivity like Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, and cellular activating communique among other devices. Fitness bands and smartwatches are some of these devices which work great with mobiles and enhance user experience. IoT applications are not only multiplied in devices but also multivariate in terms of industries.

·????????The energy sector application of IoT helps in the control and reduction of energy consumption by monitoring usage at various levels such as home, appliances, grid, and distribution. Smart grids and energy meters are enhancing threat detection and system performance.

·????????Healthcare applications improve the daily lives of people through devices such as bands that monitor walks and health on regular breaks. Telemedicine and data gathered by these applications are further analyzed to ensure better cures are given to patients.

·????????IoT is filling gaps in the education system by enabling the integration of devices and access to remote learning that optimizes cost and also increases the performance of students.

·????????Smart cities and smart kiosks are some public sector appearances of IoT. Governments are using IoT sensors for border security to real-time data capturing and monitor for better performance of public policies.

It’s hard to have a glance at all the advantages of IoT in a single attempt, as this term never fails to surprise us with novel possibilities. The devices that are remotely controlled have opened the way to integrate the physical world with machines. Automation is taking over all the fields and reducing human efforts.

The major benefits of IoT are:

Enhanced customer engagement

It is achieved by automation of action. This could be understood from a sensor detecting issues in your car and inform you as well as the car manufacturer about the same. This can save time for you and the service providers as failed parts could be arranged by the time one reaches the service station. This is how it improves customer service by just interaction and information transmission within the right time. IoT facilitates post-sale follow-ups such as automatic tracking. Furthermore, it helps companies in informing clients about the required maintenance of obtained equipment after the stated duration of use, and the expiration of warranty periods as well.

IoT Advantage in Industry Applications
Business optimization using IoT Applications

Saves labor costs and improved productivity

As now the mundane tasks are performed by machines human labor can be streamlined towards more complex tasks which allows companies to save labor and cost while improving productivity. Such a corporation may instead take on jobs that are more complex in terms of production difficulty, and time. Additionally, an organization becomes more competitive and appealing as a possible business partner when smart solutions are used across the board.

Operation management

Businesses are benefitting from the adoption of IoT as #smartdevices having controlled automation are helping in operation handling, inventory management, and distribution tracking. RFID tags are used to track the shipping and location of goods. All these smart devices are integrated to manage a warehouse and improve efficiency.

Tracking & Monitoring

The technology-led monitoring and scheduling can be beneficial in the better usage of resources. For example, the use of motion detectors will possibly save money on electricity or water bills, especially in the case of small-medium businesses for saving costs and being eco-friendlier.

Business development

Smart devices such as voice assistance directly communicate with end users which can deliver useful information resulting effective in business analytics. The user-specific data gathered here can be used to further take decisions on prices, product improvement, and further marketing strategies which aids in the overall growth of the business.

Turning down to the other side of the coin, though this technology has many benefits it is also subject to some downsides.

Let’s take a look at 'Threats' that can’t be ignored while thinking of opting for IoT

IoT Security , Fact.MR
Concerns Related to IoT

Security concerns

Warning!! is something we avoid on our screens, isn’t it? Everything on the internet is exposed to threats of security that deter the penetration of IoT in variant fields.

Data leakage is a major concern as these devices carry confidential details which if not carried with privacy may otherwise invite drastic impacts. These devices are often prone to data protection, encryption methods, and authorization of access. Negligence in terms of sufficient security may cost corporate image, loss of organizational secrets, and sabotage. The firms should now invest in securing their systems more than ever and hire concerned experts to detect weak spots and prevent hacking attempts.

Is cost a caution?

Thinking of IoT may cost heavily on pockets as the organization-level implementation of this may comprise many devices and technical infrastructure. This invites installation and maintenance costs for the network. Even though this investment is completely worthy, it will still take time before proven so. However, considering their financial benefits that exceed the initial cost, caution makes it still a big YESS! to have an IoT setup.

Network matters (. / ?)

Do connections create a network or network drive connections? The answer is both are interdependent!! Connected devices may work seamlessly only if aided by a strong network connection. The high throughput and both wired or wireless network supply are a MUST-HAVE for IoT applications. Moreover, this also involves routers, cables, and hubs for data storage which are needed to get leverage offered by the IoT world. Many developing countries face challenges in terms of internet connectivity. The wired backbone throughout the nation is not possible in poor countries where easier alternatives such as wireless technologies like 3G, and WiMAX are paving new ways.

As we discussed the Internet of Things seems to be a promising technology leading us to a transforming future. Even at present the capacities and applications of IoT are beneficial in multiple aspects and are impressive. Despite the tempting advantages of this term, it’s also important to realize there are enterprise-level efforts required to deal with the security nuances and price concerns. The additional skills and proficiency are likely to bring a plethora of job opportunities in this field in near future. There should be reasonable attention given to network connectivity while thinking of switching to IoT.

In this article, we have focused on the basic concept, its relevance in a real context, application sectors, and wider coverage of possibilities. The advantages and downsides listed intend to give overall insights to the reader. The Internet is one of the most astonishing human inventions & Internet of things has all capacities to create the co-existence of the real and virtual world.



