World Hunger Day
Farzad Rahbari
Foreign Dept. Specialist and Social Media Manager at Info and Trade Group (ITG)
World Hunger Day is globally observed on May 28 every year. This initiative, created by a non-profit organization called The Hunger Project, seeks to end world hunger. World hunger is an issue that has been around for a very long time. Hunger is a severe condition where a body lacks food for a long period of time. There are several causes of hunger around the world, including low incomes, drought, famine, and political crises.
According to the organization, about 820 million people are suffering the terror of chronic hunger. Feeding the hungry is an initiative that everyone can understand and appreciate. Ending world hunger is something we all want. The cause helps to save lives and restore hope and dignity to people when they need it the most.
According to The Hunger Project, hunger kills more than AIDS, malaria, and tuberculosis combined, and it’s primarily prevalent in Africa and South America.
History of World Hunger Day
Hunger is a condition affecting humanity since the beginning of history, but so is the collective fight against it. According to the philosopher Simone Weil, people have always worked together to ensure that the hungry are fed. In ancient Egypt, people helped the hungry to justify their deeds in the afterlife. Also, before the introduction of markets, Weil says human societies shared their food to avoid hunger or chose to starve together. Before the 19th century, religious organizations and philanthropic individuals usually led hunger relief efforts. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, people began calling for government involvement in hunger relief, especially the global action against hunger. One of the initiatives the U.S. government embarked on during that period was shipping millions of tons of food to European countries during and in the years immediately after WWI
After WWII, the newly-formed United Nations began leading the fight against hunger. Following its establishment, the U.N. created FAO, W.F.P., and IFAD to promote food security and agricultural development. In the late 1970s, international organizations such as the I.M.F. and the World Bank began focusing on developing countries as starvation in countries like Ethiopia came into the global limelight. In the 20th century, the prevailing view was that hunger was a problem of demand surpassing supply. However, this view was brought to an end by the research of economist Amartya Sen, who successfully demonstrated that hunger in modern times was a distribution problem or caused by government policies in developed and developing economies. In 1998, Sen won a Nobel Prize for this research.
In 2011, the Hunger Project created World Hunger Day.
World Hunger Day was established in 2011 by The Hunger Project. The day is an initiative to highlight the plight of disadvantaged people around the world and take action to end world hunger. World hunger cannot simply be solved by sharing a few meals. To create a sustainable solution, the problem needs to be tackled at the root cause. Depending on the country and the situation, initiatives are implemented to help relieve people of hunger.
World Hunger Day Timeline By Century and year
Antiquity - For the Sake of Eternity
Ancient Egyptians give food to the hungry to justify their place in the afterlife.
18th Century - No Meat
Meat is considered a luxury to the poor who mainly eat bread and potatoes.
19th Century - Cheap Food
Railways and steamships allow people to import cheap grains from North America.
19th Century - Yes Meat
Refrigeration allows people to import cheap meat from Australia and Argentina.
19th — 20th Centuries - A Joint Effort
People start asking governments to lead the effort against hunger.
1998 - A Change of View
Amartya Sen, an Indian economist, proves that hunger in modern times is a problem of distribution or government policies.
Late 20th century - More Food
Because of technology like freezers and microwaves, more ordinary people eat a wider variety of food
2011 - World Hunger Day is Born
The Hunger Project launches World Hunger Day as an initiative to end global hunger.
World Hunger Day FAQs
Which country is the hungriest?
According to the 2021 Global Hunger Index, Somalia is most affected by hunger and malnutrition. Other countries with high levels are Ethiopia, Nigeria, South Sudan, and Yemen.
Does hunger kill?
Sure. Hunger is known to kill more people than diseases such as AIDS and malaria.
Why is Africa hungry?
The principal cause of hunger in Africa is poverty. That is followed by climate and weather, conflict, unstable markets, and poor agricultural investments.
Are all countries affected?
Not equally. About 98% of the people suffering from undernourishment live in low-income countries.
Why World Hunger Day is observed?
World Hunger Day is observed to raise awareness about world hunger and drive action to end hunger everywhere.
How to Observe World Hunger Day
To a charity or non-profit organization to rescue people around the world from hunger. Even a small amount helps.
Share a meal
You can get an extra meal today and give one to someone who may need it. Giving is known to be beneficial to both the giver and receiver.
Conserve food
Access to food is a privilege we should be grateful for. This is a reminder not to take it for granted. If you happen to have too much food, share it.
Raise awareness
Social media is usually the go-to platform for raising awareness about anything. Use your social media account to draw attention to the plight hungry people suffer around the world. Stress how actions like sustainable eating to reduce food wastage, donating excess food items to soup kitchens or food banks, and tasking governments to do more to end hunger.
5 Unexpected Facts about Food
Medicinal ketchup
Ketchup is believed to have medicinal properties and can cure ailments like diarrhea.
Fat chicken
Chickens are now about 266% more fatty than they were 50 years ago.
Stolen cheese
Cheese is the most stolen food in the world with about 4% of the total production being stolen.
Explosive peanuts
The oil from peanuts can be used to make nitroglycerin, which is used in making dynamites.
Chocolate currency
The Maya civilization used chocolate as money or a means of exchange.
5 Important Facts about Hunger
Undernourished children
Seventeen million babies are born undernourished each year as their mothers are malnourished.
11% of the world’s population is hungry
Around 805 million people go to bed undernourished or hungry every night.
The world has enough food
Global food production is sufficient to feed all seven billion people on the planet.
Economic growth doesn’t reduce hunger
India has experienced increased economic growth in recent years but about 14% of its population remains undernourished.
Where the hungry live
About 98% of global hunger is concentrated in underdeveloped countries.
Why World Hunger Day is Important
Saving lives
The initiative gathers donations and support to save people from starvation. It unifies us behind one great cause.
It teaches us gratitude
Knowing that some people are struggling to attain the simplest requirements for life evokes so much gratitude within us for what we have. Be grateful on this day.
It promotes generosity
The Day encourages those who have to give to those who don’t have, especially when it comes to an absolute essential like food. This kind of attitude is indispensable for a merciful and humane world.
The day increases awareness of global hunger
The website for World Hunger Day reveals various statistics on how hunger affects disadvantaged people around the world. The Hunger Project, the organizers of World Hunger Day, also hosts physical and online events and promotions to make these statistics public knowledge and garner action.
It promotes global health
Undernourishment, which results from hunger, is a leading cause of death and disability worldwide. By driving efforts to deal with hunger, World Hunger Day invariably contributes to an improvement in global health.
Quote of the Day
Happiness rarely keeps company with an empty stomach.
-?Japanese Proverb
Article proofreading, substantive editing, copy-editing, and formatting by : Farzad Rahbari
Date : May 28th, 2024