WORLD HEALTH DAY : Make Mental Heath a priority as well!
On the Occasion of #WorldHealthDay- 7th April, just a Gentle Reminder- When in #Depression: Lets talk :-)
Reposting an article I wrote on #SuicidePrevention!
Last week, I received an image on #whatsapp-a #handwriting sample, with a message - if I could analyze that the person really has #psychological issues, as was told. Although #frustration was evident, I said: I cant go ahead and give the analysis to a third person until the reason is valid. I then asked- it looks like a #suicide note, is it one? And yes came the reply.
My heart sank for a moment and I experienced an emotional overload. Like always I probed a little deeper. Partly to find answers to all the questions that bombarded me at that moment- who was it? what was he trying to say? Why was the blame game happening? Wasn't it avoidable? What about the void he left in the heart of his loved one's. They would die a bit in every moment of his absence.
I do agree that life isn't easy, it isn't to anyone of us, it teaches us the lessons we are never willing to learn, that is doesn't come with a user manual; it tests us and then give us lessons. But aren't we equipped to face it all. Why don't we just understand that its a passing moment and that there is nothing which cannot be sorted or fixed. Why din't he pour it all out to someone, why did he not trust anyone with his secrets
He was supposed to get married in another 15 days. They had been oh so much in love with each other, having the time of their life, hanging out with each other,watching movies, being this inseparable cute couple. Goddamn-it, then what could have gone so wrong that he decided to end it all, forever. What was running on his mind, that overwhelmed him and made him overlook all the wonderful memories he had made and had set out to make. He took the decision of taking his life- that moment- which would change the lives of many forever. They would never really move on.
Now that he is gone, everyone wants to sympathize with him, some take the liberty of blaming the girl. She may or may not be responsible, but isn't there two faces to every coin. Why the hell did he not realize that nothing could be more important than his own life; that there is nothing beyond his control; that there is nothing which cannot be faced head on. It definitely should be hard on the girl too, she has lost her fiance. The family which had been planning their grand wedding celebrations is now drenched in sorrow.
"She Researched Her Own Death For 48 Hours Before Jumping Off A Building. But Why?- thus said the headline of a article I read.
The meticulous effort that she had put in to plan her death reveals how badly she wanted to end her life. ‘Why she did that’, will haunt us for some time to come- quotes the same.
What is driving our #youth to take such drastic decisions.Agreed they are smarter, vivacious, ambitious but what about their #emotionalquotient; why is it sinking down at rocket speeds. Why is their ego ready to burst at a pin prick, disheartening and alarming indeed.
May their Souls RIP! Agreed, there is nothing much we can do about them now; that its too late. But what about those who are suffering day in day out.
Today, on #SuicidePreventionDay, I urge everyone of you to contribute and do your best to honour and safe guard the mental health of those around you as well as yours.
Watch out for your closed ones, keep a track of what's happening in their lives.
Do notice the sudden changes in behavioral patters, appetite and sleep and monitor the same.
Try talking to them as a high priority on a regular basis.
Never let them feel unloved, unwanted.
Have a family meal time, devoid of T.V and other distractions.
Stop constantly comparing your children with that of others.
Keep reminding them, of how much you love and care for them.
Spend quality time with your family and plan regular outings.
Make it known to your children that they may not always get what they wanted, everything may not happen according to their whims and fancies.
Tell them, its OK to fail once in a while and that its not the end of the world.
Inspire your children with stories of famous people who lost many a times before they knew what victory tasted like.
Have a good and transparent communication with your children. Don't over react, when your child says it did something nasty; that it may start hiding things from you.
Be your child's best friend, it may not find many out there, whom it can trust.
Psycho educate them about wrong advances from others, about the harmful effects of engaging in pre-marital sex at younger ages.
Give them constant assurance that you are always there.
It's not that engineering and medical are the only two career options available.
Do your best in identifying your child's strength and encourage them to do the same.
Our youth can be our assets or liability based on how we mold them.
Let us join hands to work for the cause of suicide prevention; and make the world a better place for others as well as ourselves. Let us be the change we want to see in the world!
Attaching the link to #register for my 10days #onlinegroupcoaching which starts on 11 April. Do register and confirm, so I can add you to my inner circle group which will henceforth be exclusive for my coachees and mentees! ??
Founder of Divya's Happiness Hive