World Health Day: Improving Outcomes for All
In 1948, 61 countries came together at the International Health Conference to sign a constitution that marked the formation of the World Health Organization (WHO). This formation marked a significant milestone in healthcare, bringing together an international coalition dedicated to the promotion and advancement of world health. This year, on April 7th, 2023, we applaud the 75th anniversary of this signing in celebrating World Health Day. With this annual recognition approaching, we reflect on the journey modern healthcare has made and how it can continue to best ensure the safety and well-being of society’s most vulnerable.
Theradaptive supports the vision that the WHO seeks to promote, and is dedicated to advancing this mission, together with the myriad of new innovations that improve safety and patient outcomes. Theradaptive's ground-breaking technology was first conceived by CEO Luis Alvarez during his tenure in Iraq with the US Army, where he witnessed the harm caused by improvised explosive devices (IEDs). What he observed called attention to the numerous obstacles that service members experience with delayed amputations, to include the possibilities of prolonged pain, increased risk of infection and reduced mobility, among other complications. Approximately 150,000 patients in the United States receive lower limb amputations annually, and 10% of these amputations are performed in Veterans Affairs (VA) Hospitals. Currently, the delay period between traumatic amputation and rehabilitation is on average 8.2 years.
In addition to delayed amputations, other debilitating conditions including disc degeneration, orthopedic disorders, and cancer also pose significant challenges, which Theradaptive’s technology seeks to address. Disc degeneration alone affects over 40% of adults above 40, which can lead to disabilities involving severe back pain and spinal deformity. Additionally, other orthopedic disorders such as arthritis and trauma still face a need for improvement in treatment options as success rates vary widely depending on a multitude of factors. In oncology, the global cancer burden is expected to rise by 47% over the next few decades, with 28.4 million cases annually worldwide in 2040. While there have been significant advancements in targeted therapy, advanced surgical techniques, and cell therapies, there is still a need for improvement in the treatment of debilitating orthopedic injuries, degenerative spinal conditions, and targeted oncology.
Our technology seeks to beat the standard of care, by improving therapeutic proteins, boosting their reliability and potency while significantly reducing or eliminating any off-target and negative side effects. Our first product uses AMP2, a much-improved version of Bone Morphogenic Protein 2 (rhBMP2). rhBMP2, while commercially available, is typically an unreliable therapeutic, largely due to its inaccuracy in bone regrowth, as well as its association with various complications and adverse effects. Our targetable variant aims to enable reliable regrowth, and a second chance for those who may have otherwise lost their limb.
Similarly, in oncology, interleukin-2 (IL-2), a cytokine, is used to as an immunotherapy treatment for cancers such as kidney and melanoma. When administered in its current form, IL-2 can induce severe side effects, including fatigue, confusion, and fever, due to its systemic toxicity. Theradaptive’s proprietary variant, IL-2X, seeks to deliver the treatment directly to the tumor site, allowing for localized, persistent release of the therapeutic protein. This can improve the overall health of the patient while limiting the chances of a severe autoimmune reaction.
Targeted therapeutics represent a significant shift in bone surgery and immunotherapy, as they avoid the unintended consequences of inaccurate bone regrowth and reduce the debilitating side effects experienced by cancer patients. Our technology has been granted three Breakthrough Medical Device designations by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for our OsteoAdapt SP Spinal Fusion Implant, which combines AMP2 and ReBOSSIS, a synthetic, cotton-like bone scaffolding product.
On this World Health Day, Theradaptive celebrates all the advances in public health and improved quality of life that the last 75 years have brought. We are committed to doing our part to improve the treatment of life-limiting orthopedic and oncological conditions and continue supporting the mission of the WHO of promoting health, keeping the world safe, and serving the vulnerable. As we begin our human trials later this year, our own mission of restoring the quality of life for those with debilitating tissue injuries will be one step closer to reality.
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