Today is WORLD HEALTH DAY. The theme for this year"s WHD is "MY HEALTH, MY RIGHT ". This year’s theme has been chosen to champion the right of everyone, everywhere to have access to quality health services, edn, and information, as well as safe drinking water, clean air, good nutrition, quality housing, decent working and environmental conditions, and freedom from discrimination.

As we are aware the right to health of millions is increasingly coming under threat around the globe. Diseases and disasters loom large as causes of death and disability. While natural diseases cause so much harm and anxiety to human being, the burning of fossil fuels. on the other side, is driving the climate crisis and taking away our right to breathe clean air, with indoor and outdoor air pollution claiming a life every 5 seconds. Today, I have chosen the topic IMPORTANCE OF HANDWASHING to spread awareness of how we can contribute for our dreaming of disease-free world.

Even in a Doctor's clinic, we use to observe a pamphlet pasted on the wall mentioning HOW TO HANDWASH? Now, we can realise the importance of handwashing. Handwashing was vigorously practised during spread of COVID 19 fearing loss of lives. However, handwashing should be an inborn habit that has to be practised at any point of time.

As number of infectious diseases can be spread from one to another by contaminated hands, handwashing helps prevent spread of such infectious diseases. These diseases include gastrointestinal infections, such as salmonellosis, and respiratory infections, such as, colds and coronavirus (COVID-19). When the elderly and children at home suffers with such sort of infections and related complications, who will be watching simply like a silent spectator? . Washing our hands properly with soap and water can help prevent the spread of the germs. Both bar and liquid soap work well to remove germs.

Though some more occasions warrant washing of hands for observance of hygiene rules, following are the generally noticeable occasions, when we have to wash our hands thoroughly:

(1)Before, during and after preparing food,(2) Before eating(3)after blowing nose, coughing or sneezing (3) after using handkerchief/tissues(4) before and after attending to sick children or other family members(5) after working in fields/gardens/roof gardens (6) after handling animals (6) On reaching home, arrive at other venues or at work (7) after changing nappies (8) after using toilet (9) after smoking, (10) before and after treating a cut (11) after touching garbage, etc. As unwashed hands may be reasons for certain eye /mouth related diseases, it is suggested to avoid touching eyes, nose, and mouth, etc. with unwashed.

After all, amazing hand hygiene is sure to reduce the risk of some more diseases like flu, food poisoning and healthcare-associated infections being passed from person to person. No matter who we are, we have the right to the highest attainable standard of all round health.


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