By Ken Simmons?
Today, as I was spending time in prayer, I began to realize what the secular world is missing. It seems they have absolutely no clue about what the followers of Jesus know and believe. So let’s see if we can spell it out for them.
The One who always was, the Uncreated One, decided He would *create space and time, all of which had never before existed. And there was a reason He did so, but I’ll get to that later. Stop and think about it. There actually was a time when there was no space, and a time when there was no time. And then . . . He spoke.
That’s right. He spoke and space and time were created. Next, He spoke again, and He created the entire universe. And please, don’t try to get me into a discussion as to when this all happened. As far as I’m concerned, He did it in His perfect timing, and that settles it.
Next, He decided that He wanted company, so He then, out of the dust of the ground, created mankind. Again, it bears repeating that if you’re trying to determine when this happened, forget it. He’s the Creator, and you’re not, so as far as I’m concerned that settles it.
And, at some point, He saw that mankind was lost, sinful, and needed direction, so He decided to come to earth as a Savior to rescue them. His name is **Jeshua, Everlasting Father, the Messiah, and Jesus, all wrapped up into one. Again, this is the one who always was.
And Jesus told His followers, “If you've seen Me, you’ve seen the Father (see John 14:9).” And, “The Father and I are one (see John 10:30).”
According to scholars, Jesus was born between 2024 and 2028 years ago and was crucified 33 years later. And then, on the 3rd day, He rose from the dead and was seen for some 40 days by as many as 500 people. This is a fact that has been confirmed by the secular historian ***Josephus who lived in Israel during the time of the life of Jesus.
So the next thing people should be asking is, “Why was He here, and what did He accomplish?”
Again, repeating that Jesus declared He and the Heavenly Father were one, His very purpose was to atone for the sins of mankind, both before, then, and now.
Before the time of Jesus, God the Father had required blood sacrifices to ****“cover” the sins of mankind. But when Jesus died, He paid the ultimate sacrifice for sin forever. The sins of mankind were no longer simply covered, but they were completely done away with, but with one caveat -- we must ask for His forgiveness.
*The Bible explains that it was God who wanted fellowship with mankind, and it is for that reason He created man and woman. He said, “Let us make man in our image (see Genesis 1:26).” And, it should be no surprise that man(kind) needed a place to live, therefore He created space, time, . . . and subsequently earth.”
**There are about 50 names associated with Jesus, but Jeshua, Everlasting Father, the Messiah, and Jesus are sufficient for our purposes.
***Josephus is by far the most comprehensive source concerning Jewish history that has survived over the centuries. It is for these reasons that his recollections are accounted as fact, especially since he lived during that time, and also because he was a first-hand witness of Jesus both while and where they lived.
****To simply “cover the sins of mankind” was not sufficient, but for the time being we had to settle for a “covering” until the time when Jesus would pay the sacrifice for all sin, once and for all. After that, our sins were not just covered, they were wiped out forever.