The world in a grain of sand
Reality is object-oriented and both our body and conceptual apparatus consists of the same basic elements that constitutes a star

The world in a grain of sand

When William Blake wrote: To see a world in a grain of sand and heaven in a wild flower, Hold infinity in the palm of your hand and eternity in an hour-, it was a sense of awe.

Though nothing is supposed to withstand the changes of causality - somehow life has evolved from the perpetubationally changes on the molecular chemical level into the bio cellular level of DNA and the bioturbation of this particularly place we call Earth

We can relate to the ever-increasing understanding of the nature of the universe we get. One thing though is to understand how energy turns into particles, matter, dust and stars. But the more we understand even more questions and riddles seems to appear.

Hydrogen is the basic building material of the universe, created in The Big Bang (BB), and oxygen is created by nuclear reactions in stars. If you put H and O together in the chill of space, you get H2O. There are an abundance of water in space.

The gigantic quasars from the early universe produced an significant amount of energy and as they burned out of fuel, the resulting super massive black holes - monsters of mass - eventually cooled down space - also adding oxygen from the collapsing supernovae, to a space prevalent consisting of hydrogen, it is inevitable not to end up with mists and massive pools of water driven by energy and mass as oxygen is coupled to hydrogen atoms.

Elements heavier than helium and hydrogen was missing during the initial stages of the universe. The earliest stars are assumed to have been really massive but short-lived. Those first generation stars produced elements such as oxygen, which eventually spread across the universe through supernova explosions and stellar winds.

This phenomenon - creating gas enriched formations - filled with heavy elements, yet really poor in oxygen compared to the gaseous clouds found in modern-day galaxies, happened from when the universe was about a billion years old.

Because the universe was warmer in its earlier stages compared to today, preventing the gas to effectively cool, abundant water could form in these molecular clouds when the temperature dropped to between 80 to 60 degrees Fahrenheit (26-15 Celcius).

Comprehending life and consciousness is a bit like as if water was trying to understand a cup. The natural life is all around us - within - and in the basis of our very existence. But reality is object-oriented - our conceptual apparatus consists of the same elements that constitute a star - since everything is connected - plus approx. 42 liters of water - give and take - that is from the dawn of time.

The equilibrium between destruction and water formation is achieved after hundreds of millions of years despite ultraviolet light from stars possibly breaking water molecules apart. 

The language lacks concepts to describe nature's ingenious evolution from super-dense energy-filled plasmatic cloud to this large, cold, almost empty space with sporadic galaxies we observe everywhere in the visible sky. But this we know.

14 billion years ago nothing was anywhere. There was no matter, no space and no time. It's hard to imagine, and science only has some very vague ideas of how everything could have been created out of nowhere.

The proces that lead from nothing at all, to everything going off in one instantaneous spot is called BB. Unfortunately no one can actually verify BB, or the singularity, and even physics first start AFTER BB.

The quintessence of how we think Cosmos has evolved is based on math. But even the mathematical ability to approach such small intervals around zero is a weight of precision against certainty. Calculations are simply not meaningful around BB.

But this doesn't mean that BB didn't have a reason. We can theorize about what can cause BB in the first place. Since science only is caring about what happens at the foot standing in the Big Bang and not what kicked it off in the first place.

In the spirit of William Blake's awe, we can hold this insight up against what we are doing in this world - being able to 3d-print the bio-tissue of a nose, but unable to stop the deterioration of our natural habitats. Squandering the natural heritage.

Besides I'd very much like to find a natural explanation for the big bang that go well with the physical standard model, and I'm just not convinced that multiverses, strings and peculiar dimensions is a plausible natural opportunity.

Everything else about the BB is based on assumptions and hindsight, and since the purpose of theory is to be a placeholder for facts I don't find it unplausible to suggest that it actually is possible that BB has a natural explanation, and that matter is evolved by the changes of conditions like everything else in this world.

The theory is that everything was concealed in a single spot of (almost) no size at all. The singularity. Science can not know anything about the conditions in the singularity. But by theory we imagine that the natural forces that support the singularity breaks down. The dimensions collapses and the energy that maintain the singularity is released in a matter of no time - instantaneously in a cataclysmic event we call The Big bang (BB).

Consideration about singularities vs. Cold/Dark Big Bang

The distinguish must be certain since BB "stands with one foot" in the singularity and one in what become this universe. The left side is collapsing (old) - and the right is compactifying of new dimension(s). Furthermore the singularity can be cold, warm or hot.

Imagine the difference between a Super Nova and a Dark hole - warm and cold, imagine again how a collapse will execute - two very different scenarios. The question is what kind of BB suits our cosmological model Lamda-CMD the best.


If we imagine an unimaginable insane amount of quarks - all from a universe compressed into a point fitting within the singularity - this would be a non entropic super-cooled fluid. Winding up scalar field in a totally empty space. It's easy to imagine without a fortuned vacuum energy like now, that it would shrink to the smallest scale.

BB ->

Collapsing this system - a dense super cooled body is a fire starting below negative K. The fuse is the super strong binding from the quarks breaking in the centre - and the negative strong force that attracts most at the farest perimeter will collapse the body - and from there it will go HOT.

The combined ex-/implosion (looped explosion)

It would be a "Cubicle Collider" of unimaginable proportions "Natures' Eight-Fold Dharma Collider" - the off-set is when all the Bosons in a critical volume at centre can't re-form sub particles faster than they break down from the gravity working on top of the volume. The central core will collapse and rise the temperature from cold to warm, then the quarks will disintegrate and warm up the next cubicle zone and the bosons will disintegrate there.

The strong negative core force (from the quarks) will stir up, and then the hot zone will implode and release all the kinetic energy from the (negative) gravitational forces - at the same time as the full volume will collapse - and everything will fall in to the centre at the same time as the centre simultaneously will escape out (attracting the quarks farthest away by the strongest force to recombine) and thereby releasing the full kinetic momentum from the combined implosion/explosion - a super HOT collapse of the spatial dimension shredding every sub particle to oblivion <- this is the fuse of BB

Two unstoppable forces contra working in loop releasing all available nuclear energy in the ultimate disintegration

and from here it's pure E=M * C^2

This is the idea of the Cold Singularity-hot Big Bang

Quarks precedes sub particles and are indeed very special ingredients by the peculiar force of growing strength equivalent to the distance - distinct parts of sub particles (LHC-kind of rare, and even there only to instantaneously re-form bosons or fermions).

Their paradoxical properties allow them to preserve the initial state and avoid annihilation, thus allowing the infrastructural building blocks of the singularity to determine how baryons behaves.

This lead us to conclude that matter evolved by the changes of conditions like everything else in this world.

What was the initial state of the singularity?

To answer the question, we need to reverse the line of events. Also we have to decide whether the singularity start out cold, warm or hot. Logically these are contradict states. But the natural explanation to produce a hot Big Bang that singularity went from cold to hot in the process during collapse.

Extrapolating these assumptions backwards in sequence from the cosmic radiation background, to discover the origin from where the Universe origin we find:

  • A state where it was still too hot to form atomic nuclei, where the radiation was so hot that any bound protons-and-neutrons blasted apart.
  • A state where matter and antimatter pairs spontaneously form, as the Universe is so energetic that pairs of particles/antiparticles spontaneously is created.
  • A state where individual protons and neutrons break down into a quark-gluon plasma, as the temperatures and densities are so high that the Universe becomes denser than the inside of an atomic nucleus.
  • A state where the density and temperature rise to infinite values
  • A state where all the energy that would go into the matter and radiation present today was instead bound up in the fabric of space itself
  • And finally, its initial super low-entropy state of primordial elements within negative equilibrium - below the absolute zero, as all the matter and energy in the Universe are contained within a single point: The singularity

Quarks precede sub particles and are indeed very special ingredients - the three dimensionality within the very core of sub particles, bound at such a energy level makes them beyond rare. Yet they are abundant and are by the peculiar force of growing strength equivalent to the distance - distinct parts of sub particles (LHC-kind of rare, and even there only to instantaneously re-form bosons or fermions).

The tripple-state paradoxical properties of quarks allow the very ingredients of sub particles to preserve the initial state and avoid annihilation, and this does also nominate them to be linked to decay from the annihilation of the singularity, thereby allowing the infrastructural building blocks of the singularity to determine how matter behaves.

This lead us to conclude, that matter didn't emerge - it evolved by the changes of conditions like everything else in this world.

The singularity represents the point where the laws of physics break down — also is understood to represent the origin of space, time and matter. This is the idea of the Cold Singularity-hot Big Bang

The amount of matter in the universe, is different to what it was before the Big Bang, as the Law of Conservation of Matter, will break down at the Big Bang. But even the annihilation of the singularity would have lead to an equilibrium and some decayed energy as a foot print in the baryon reality.

Considerations of the state of the singularity, until Big Bang, give us a glimpse of how this universe came to be.

What happened was that our four natural and fundamentally forces: The weak and the strong core force, electromagnetism and gravity compactified out of nothing by collapsing dimensions in an ungraceful event called the Big Bang.

It sounds dramatic - but remember - it took place in a spot smaller than the foot print of a mosquito.

By short - you can also say that within - or around - the core of everything this Universe is made of, is electromagnetic energy from the Big Bang - and everywhere else is vacuum-energy - and these two energy forms will absolutely not stay close in the same place. That's why space is expanding.

And all the primordial particles and the different kind of energy is responsible for this Universe by the power of the natural forces, that compactified to dominate the proces:

The electromagnetic force, the weak- and the strong core forces and gravity.

For the assumption that the Lamda-CMD cosmological model to become a true description of how the Universe evolves, energy is the predominant factor.

In terms of energy this mean that the initial state of the Big Bang basically was a tiny Cosmic deep freezer of primordial elements within negative equilibrium - below - what we in this Universe imagine as the absolute zero.

As the Universe expanded from its initial super low-entropy state (the so-called Big Bang, but should rather be called The Little Bang) its temperature was well below absolute zero or negative Kelvin. (For this to be true, that at the instant of expansion the Universe was hotter than hot.)

The dominating primordial fundamental force was compacted negative gravity, which means that the energy state was zero.

This also mean that within the standard cosmological model the total energy in the expanding volume is zero.

This is true for positive, negative or zero curvature and including the gravitational energy (which is negative), dark energy, matter and heat.

(And since the gravitational energy is negative, the heat can be positive and increasing as you go back towards the Big Bang.) 

This insight allow us to deduct, that the first thing ever happened in this universe was the break down of negative primordial gravity caused by an ungraceful event of dimensional collapse, leading to the force of new gravity.

For what will soon become the first Cosmological event - being left in the opposite state by the collapsed old gravity, all the potential energy (in a negative state) is released and instantaneously is repelled by new gravity.

This is what is to become known as zero-energy (and still are expanding this Universe), as you can imagine - even releasing the full power of a super cooled entity as the singularity unleashed an extremely HOT energy burst, causing the primordial spatial dimension to collapse and release all this energy to the vacuum originated from the process - since new gravity was the dominating force, the electromagnetic force compactifies to dominate the realm of energy causing the temperature to drop as primordial sub particles leashes into the vacuum energy and carries so much away by the consequently equilibrium, that the vacuum for a while stops to expand.

This new energy state allow the core forces to compactify and dominate the realm of particles (decays).

The new combination of forces in the line of events to happen - and the immense energy burst and consequently equilibria in shifting states of new dimensions to limit the entropy causes the foundation of this universe to evolve and literally make up everything from nothing. (Since the energy was released from the annihilation of the singularity).

As in from a lot of zero’s - and as in no smoke without fire: The ashes of the singularity (decay of energy) are central in everything that matters.

Quarks indeed are special ingredients - three dimensionality within the very core of sub particles, bound at such a energy level that they are beyond rare - as other that distinct parts of sub particles (LHC-kind of rare, and even there only to instantaneously re-form bosons or fermions).

This lead us to conclude, that matter didn't emerge - it evolved by the changes of conditions like everything else in this world.

Matter is beyond complicated

Everything that happens in the universe is an interaction between particles, energy and the fundamental forces, and actually there are only two types of fundamental particles known in the entire Universe: Fermions and Bosons

Every particle — in addition to the normal properties you know like mass and electric charge — has an intrinsic amount of angular momentum to it, colloquially known as spin (spin is complicated and abstract - but decides how everything can combine)

- (it’s kinda like different flavours of lego - they can make up different things)

The fundamental interactions of virtual bosons with real particles result in all forces we know. All known elementary and composite particles are bosons or fermions, depending on their spin: Particles with half-integer spin are fermions; particles with integer spin are bosons.

A boson - like a photon - can be its own antiparticle, but fermions (like electrons) and antifermions (like positrons) are distinct. You can also build composite particles out of fermions: two up quarks and one down quark make a proton (which is a fermion), while one up and two down make a neutron (also a fermion).

Charged leptons can combine with other particles to form various composite particles such as atoms and positronium, while neutrinos rarely interact with anything, and are consequently rarely observed. The best known of all leptons is the electron. Electrons have the least mass of all the charged leptons.

The energy created particles like electrons. Electrons, were created at the time of the Big Bang, around 13.8 billion years ago, as energised photons interact with each other to create an electron-positron pair. In all actuality however, electrons are created from quarks and leptons.

There are six leptons, three of which have electrical charge and three of which do not. They appear to be point-like particles without internal structure. The best known lepton is the electron (e -). The other two charged leptons are the muon( ) and the tau( ), which are charged like electrons but have a lot more mass.

Bosons and fermions make up atoms (it’s what make up the nuclei and the electron) it’s a combination of charges and spin that makes it work

Here comes the lego part - with these components the whole goddam periodic system is built. The trick is that the charge is balanced and you must operate with two energy levels (with different spin).

Bosons “interact with the scalar field” fermion is carrying the energy - and actually photons are fermions(electrons) loaded with electromagnetic energy.

The universe was then just a spot of very hot energy. There were no molecules and atoms. No elements. Only an extreme heat. Then the universe was rapidly expanding and cooling. Today, the universe has become unbelievably large, and space immensely cold. There are basically -270 ° C in all directions, only tiny slight variations in temperature reveal some of the key details of how the universe must have looked like right after it was created.

About a minute after the Universe emerged, it had expanded and cooled to such an extent that nuclear nuclei began to lump out of the primordial soup. This is where protons, neutrons and electrons arose.

Observations and experiments have shown that the universe's primordial soup formed only hydrogen and helium, and the three rare elements lithium, beryllium, and boron. This is partly due to the fact that the neutron is unstable.

When it moves freely in space - i.e. not inside an atom - a typical neutron transforms into a proton within approx. 10 minutes. Thus, only about 10 minutes were available at the beginning of the universe to form elements. After that, no more neutrons were available for new elements. The rest of the elements are formed through billions of years, deep inside stars.

The stars - like our sun - are gigantic, controlled fusion power plants that create energy for their light by burning (thus merging) lighter elements to ever heavier elements. In most of the stars' lives, they gain their energy by converting hydrogen into helium. Thus we get more and more helium in the universe and still less hydrogen - but still no coal and iron, etc.

Towards the end of the life of a star, it have become so hot inside that helium can be converted to carbon and nitrogen, and for some to oxygen, neon, aluminum, etc. up to and including iron.

Once the matter has become iron, no more energy can be gained by further mergers. If the star is large enough, ever larger areas of its interior will turn into iron. Eventually, such a powerful bubble of iron vapor (actually iron plasma) will be created in the star's interior that the iron atomic nuclei can no longer withstand the weight of themselves.

At that point, remarkably the iron atomic nuclei collapse under their own weight and turn into neutrons. The neutrons collapse towards the center of the star, eventually forming a small neutron cluster - a neutron star - to a size of only 20 kilometers in size, so heavy that each cubic centimeter of its substance weighs a billion tons. The formation of the neutron star triggers so much energy, that the rest of the star is blown out into space. This is what one sees as a supernova explosion.

In the supernova explosion, matter created during its life as a shining star is blown out. Astronomers estimate that virtually all of the oxygen, fluorine, neon, sodium, magnesium, aluminum, silicon, phosphorus, sulfur, chlorine, argon, potassium, calcium, scandium, titanium, vanadium, chromium, manganese, iron, cobalt, and nickel found in nature is the "waste product" of the nuclear processes that made the big stars shine through their lives.

During the supernova explosion itself, large numbers of newly formed neutrons will blow through the star's gases. The extreme energy level enables nuclear enrichment of iron plasma (nuclei) to radioactive elements at the super heavy end of the scale.

This especially will change the iron plasma buried deep in the star to very heavy elements. No energy is gained from these processes. They consume from the energy contained in the explosion. Nature's heaviest element, uranium, is formed here by iron absorbing the energy-rich neutrons from the explosion.

When the radioactive uranium on Earth decays over billions of years and heats the Earth's crust, it is the remnants of the supernova explosion's huge energy reserves that still keep the Earth's crust warm. Also elements such as gold, platinum, osmium, selenium, europium, and xenon are formed in this way. They've all come to us from an exploding star.

Stars born with less than 8 times the mass of the Sun are only able to burn their elements to carbon and nitrogen. The core burns then stop. It never gets hot enough in their interior for the carbon to be burned on to oxygen, neon, magnesium, etc. for iron. In contrast, most - perhaps all - carbon and nitrogen in nature comes from the combustion of the small stars - that is, those that, like our own Sun, will never turn into supernovae.

Through a peculiar series of mini-explosions at the end of the life of the relatively small stars, streams of newly formed neutrons are also created. The neutrons here are different in their energy from the neutrons in the supernova explosion. Therefore, they form other heavy elements than the supernova explosions do.

About two thirds of all elements heavier than iron are formed here. Barium, lead, and strontium. Small stars never explode, but they inflate violently at the end of their lives. The size of the Sun will grow as large as out to the Earth's current orbit around the Sun. By that time, the Sun has become what is called a red giant star.

Every second during this phase of its life, a million billion tons of matter will be blown out of the Sun. Those substances will be enriched with carbon, nitrogen, lead and many other matters formed in the interior of the Sun through its life.

Some of the gas that the stars emit as they end their lives, aggregate in huge clouds from which new generations of stars can be formed. When a portion of the gas cloud reaches a critical size, mass or mass density (density), it starts to collapse under its own center of gravity. As the gas cloud shrinks, it will then rotate faster and faster.

Forming of the celestial bodies

This rotational motion causes the cloud to flatten out and it begin to take shape as a disc - also called a protoplanetary disc. Most of the material in a Solar System end up in the Star, while the planets is formed from the remaining material in the protoplanetary disk. By clumping together when they collide, what started out as dust particles became larger and larger objects such as asteroids and planets.

Parts of the original dust disk clumped together into asteroids that have never had any significant geological evolution. Meteorites from such asteroids therefore contain primitive dust and particles that date back to the origin of the Solar System. This type of meteorite is called chondrite because it contains lots of easily recognizable spheres called chondrules.

There are many different types of chondrites with very different properties. There is a great difference in the size of the chondrules and other particles contained in the chondrits, but their chemical composition also varies greatly. As they are all samples from the early solar system, it shows us that there were large variations in the dust orbiting the Sun and later used among other things to build the planets.

Especially the so-called coal chondrites are interesting as the material they contain is extremely well preserved. Chondrules are mm-large round objects that were completely or partially melted in the young solar system and recrystallized within minutes or hours. Chondrules primarily consist of olivine and pyroxene, silicate minerals that are also very common on Earth. Together with fine-grained dust and other particles, they clumped together and became what we call asteroids.

Many of them have probably also ended up in the planets, but for good reasons we can't say anything for sure - the evidence has long since been remelted. Some of the chondrules that ended up in an asteroid and have been kept largely unchanged until the day they were unleashed and started the journey through the solar system that ended with their fall on Earth as a meteorite.

Looking back in time

Observing the space around us, we see our solar system, our galaxy, and our local group of galaxies first. We then see significant numbers of large well-formed galaxies in our local supercluster and nearby filaments of superclusters.

The farther out we look, the further back in time we go. And the further back in time we go, the more we notice a reduction in the size and structure of the galaxies. Eventually, we reach as far back as the first galaxies to ever form, from the first stars that started to shine. Before that, there was just hydrogen and dark matter. No light was being created for us to see.

As we look back in time, we are also looking back at an ever shrinking volume because the Universe was getting smaller. And the temperature is getting hotter. Eventually, it reached 3000 K. At that point, hydrogen atoms began to disassociate into protons and electrons, and space became opaque.

Coming back the other way, the surface where the transition from opaque to transparent occurred is called the Surface of Last Scattering. At that time, all the photons in the Universe were released. 

Those photons are still with us today. We see them all across the sky in tremendous numbers. They are the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) photons. And they tell us a great deal about the past, present and future of the Universe. 

The problem with nature is that it is not accurate, and that our perception of time largely is subjective. It is possible to set up abstract algorithms and produce sophisticated measuring equipment that can serve the purpose of man and provide us with precise tools that enables us to make use of time as a common denominator.

Time is today more than ever a criterion for being able to precisely show exact timeframes enough than an unique absolute in itself.

Time can in this role - as a common denominator - explain the organisation and development of the Universe down to the smallest fraction of duration. But nothing - in this universe of events in an untimely fashion - can explain time.

This is because time is in the scale of events, not the line of events.

The theory of general relativity is not able to deal with the origin and final of the universe. All the observations we include in confirming the theory of general relativity are observed over very long distances.

But the origin of the universe is beyond our ability to obtain knowledge about, and if we look closer to what we know of conditions similar to a minuscule universe, we are encountering Heisenberg's uncertainty principle knocking at our forehead.

It is a condition that the theory of general relativity cannot be quite accurate at very small distances since it is a classical theory (it does not consider the uncertainty principle of quantum mechanics, which states that an object cannot have both a well-defined position and a precise speed: The more accurately you measure the position, the less precise one can determine the speed and vice versa).

To understand extreme density phases, as when the universe was very small - or very large - you need a theory that combines general relativity with the principle of uncertainty.

Based on space and energy, rather than energy and matter and their relationships in space (-time).

The ΛCDM Model does that.

The supernovae observations that discovered the acceleration of our Universe’s expansion also provided key missing information for a benchmark model. What astronomers do is to plot a diagram of the expected luminosity distances for a variety of scenarios concerning the contents and curvature of the Universe. Then lay the actual observed luminosity distances over the graph to see which scenario is the best fit. The lambda cold dark matter scenario with matter accounting for 30% and vacuum energy accounting for 70% is the current best fit. This is the current ‘Benchmark Model’.

And here’s just how it works. If the expansion rate is constant, the relationship between the luminosity distance and the redshift will be constant. Given a redshift, we can compute the expected luminosity distance and therefore the expected observed luminosity. Comparing this to the actual observed luminosity would find them equal.

But if the expansion is slowing down, the expansion rate in the past would have been greater than what we see now. Which means, it took a shorter time to expand from its size at light emission time to its present size compared to a non-accelerating universe. This results in a shorter light-travel time, shorter distance and brighter supernovae.

By the same token, if the expansion is speeding up, the universe was expanding more slowly in the past than it is today, which means it took a longer time to expand from its size at light emission time to its present size compared to a non-accelerating universe. This results in a larger light-travel time, larger distance and fainter supernovae.

By this model, the early universe was dominated by matter whose gravity was slowing down the universe's expansion rate. Hubble observations confirm that the expansion rate began speeding up about five to six billion years ago. This is when vacuum energy began to overtake gravity's attractive grip.

It’s important to note that actually calculating the time for a given scale factor depends on the model of expansion used, a graph like this can be used to find the time for any given scale factor, or find the scale factor for any given time. With this Benchmark Model, we can map the expansion history of the Universe from decoupling to the present and on into the future.

Nature is in all respects arranged so that nothing lasts forever. Matter decays to other elements, and all we can see has in the universe's process of creation have a well-defined explainable origin and eventually becomes obsolete and disappears into other form(s).

Space and time are of these forms. As the vacuum-energy dissolves like salt in water, and can only be condensed when water is evaporated, the Euclidian 3-dimensional cartesian space - Einsteins two cones (of light in, light out) time, with the imaginary (space-)time, real-time and our habitable everyday cartesian space.

Euler, Maxwell, Minkowsky let us deal with energy, relativity, gravity and multidimensional quantum physical spaces with Einstein and Newtons fundamental theories, but neither are able to explain what time is or make space anything that a property related to mass and movement.

And even though we can understand the world in the perspective of a photon - and time and space are unravelled as the perfect environment for light and other radiations (and all the other stuff we don't know anything about, yet) no answers will be able to show, what become of this universe before we find a way to fully understand the time-space continuum of a Euclidean Cartesian multi-dimensional Minkowski space as anything else than a calculation trick that twists time together with distance to approximate zero's.

The Cosmic evolution

There is no liberalism or democracy in particle physics, and space maintains a strict embargo between galaxies and clusters. It is simply not possible to transport star-forming material from one galaxy to another by natural processes.

Between galaxies - and clusters of galaxies - the intergalactic space holds as an effective process of blocking star-forming substances like oxygen, hydrogen and dust. The way it works is a matter of chemistry and an abundance of ions and positrons, well suited to shred any galaxy for hydrogen clouds and dust, as they are drawn into another galaxy cluster by gravity.

This limitation is supporting the built-up of extra large black holes, and aggregation of immense clouds of positrons and neutralised star-forming material in the intergalactic medium.

It acts out as a kind of cosmic fire extinguisher that shuts down and extinguishes the active galactic star formation in a merger galaxy - the cosmic way - by stripping of stellar-forming materials into large clouds of non co-moving neutralised star-forming material in the intergalactic medium.

By accumulating the larger part of any newly merged galaxy outside the cluster, the galactic inter cluster medium over time is building up a yet more steady metallic compound unbound from the galaxies seeding space for new stellar systems giving birth to more advanced stellar formation, as space is being stretched and galaxies being scarsely deported by the expansion.

Looking back to this violent past - extinguishing and shredding of galaxies, black hole forming in the extremes of scale, super dense internal galactic environments, free positrons and neutral atomic elements ready to neutralize star forming matter and separate active processes and ressources.

Building up these gravity galactic mouse traps is literally closing and shutting down regions of space. It’s hard not to think - this was billions of years ago - what will happen to the night sky in the time to come?

When we look carefully - and in the right spectrum - we see this story all over the sky.

This is not just extinction of light by expansion - this is so much more - this is cosmic evolution.

Everything is connected

By theory, observations methods and common domains, physics and biology is already two sides of the same coin - chemistry - the very code of evolution is within both biology and physics.

Life has elapsed in dramatical loops several times on earth because of the very long interval between instinction and both fast- and slow working natural in- and disinhibitors causing the environment to recycle the biosphere and it's potential species by terminating ontogenetic influencers or alter the geological realm by inner or outer forces.

Since basically biology strict etymologically is the science of LIFE and physics is about how and why natural THINGS does what influenced by which forces.

If your intentions are to observe dead things actually do something by themselves you might get to wait a very long time, because a rock will never decide to climb a mountain. Gravity on the other hand, might actually cause a rock roll down the slope.

These processes are on the cosmic scale. Only visible by the footprint.

It's not difficult to either find connection nor link the domains on common ground.

But it all comes down to the intent.

It is obvious that physics and biology is already to be regarded as doing a unified impact by the common and combined effect on the planetary scale over the eons.

You can consider organic life as a cosmic coincidence governed by events and circumstances related to both biological and physical frames of determinants - and regard evolution closely tied to both biospheric and physical limitations and opportunities. But then it will be neither of.

And perhaps it is so.

After all evolutionary steps also are dualistic processes:

Microbiotics altered both by changes in cosmic radiation and behavioural disadvantages or sudden beneficial conditions by changes in the natural realm.

Statistically a generation of lifeforms have a long term cyclic precedence. Species is appearing, vanishing or altering by changes in both realms.

Even tectonics and geological processes - and the biospheric impact on planetary development is intertwined by the sheer scale of difference each imply across their realms and combined as an organic deterministic virtual process.

Micro-biotic processes is precipitating minerals alters the atmospheric conditions, a class of resulting terraforming bionics emerge, tectonic process recombust new minerals and is refining the conditions for organic lifeforms. 

Everything is connected. Connected even in a cosmic scale - as supernovae radii is altering the conditions of the biosphere. 

As well as organic life is changing the geological conditions:

Sediments of silicates from erosion of rocks obtained by macrobiotics - layered by the eons in sea from a vast number of deceased generations piling up, and reemerge as new geosynclinal - new rocks - and even new minerals by the combination of tectonic processes and organic life.

So physics and biology is already equally connected and bridged by the same processes...

Quantum processes that are crucial to life on earth. Processes that have deeper root than just for the life on a single planet. It all comes down to photosynthesis, where the sunlight is converted into chemical energy.

As the photon enters a leaf, it goes by a receptor in quantum mechanical association with all other receptors in the leaf, the effect of a single photon carries the utilisation of the energy of a large number of cells - at the same time - this is the reason that life on earth over time - in bacteria, algae and plants, has been able to produce sufficient energy and transform gases at extreme high efficiency.

Grass is obtaining a vast amount of minerals from erosion to sharpen edges, gets eaten, ends up in the water column at sea by the water transport, makes up the sceleton in plankton, dies and fall to the botton, re-emerge as enclosured within granite a after a billion years in new rocks.

All these fact indicate that organic life and physical processes by their close interconnection are evolutionary determinants in a common organic process spanning across the physical and biosperical realms.

All these changes is by causality effectively slowly changing the ecosystems, periodically recycling both the atmosphere, biosphere and the asthenosphere, gradually refining conditions and inhabitants of the environments by cybernetic feed-back loops, natural selection and validity by enforcing simple criteria.

As in all ecosystems, many, if not all, components are connected in one way or another. Therefore, alterations to one component, such as soil quality, can affect other components, such as water quality and biodiversity.

Life changers

There is - as far as we know - in the whole universe just one place where life has a foothold. This planet. Almost a paradox of water, green and life flourish on an nearly astronomical scale - from the billions of unknown DNA sequences in the micro-scale to the abundance of insects and plants we will never get to discover - as they disappear in a number counted by the dozens within the minute.

As the human population increased, the amount of land needed to house and feed everyone also has increased. To accommodate the increasing population, habitat critical for other plants and animals has decreased, leading to reduced populations of various birds, fish, mammals and plants.

Asteroids and ice ages - both determinants bound to cosmic inflicters is two strong life changers, one impact as an instantaneously factor and the other by the relentless and slow terraforming over the scale of thousands of years.

Humans affect ecosystems both directly and indirectly, and the effects is from minimal to catastrophic. Through fossil fuel combustion, humans have disturbed the making of the breathable air, changed the quality of the soil and water and, altered the types and distributions of plants and animals around the globe.

These effects can act singularly, though they more frequently act in concert with one another within ecosystems. But it is these effects that qualify man to the rank as a common destructor of ecosystems and threatens to expose the entire planet to the 6th mass extermination.

Just to be clear about it. The climate problems got their head start already before the Bronze Age, when the first farmers felled forests and created the opportunity for these incredibly fast-growing grasses such as grains to become increasingly dominant in the ecosystems.

Life's development on earth is largely centred on the transformation of the sun's energy and its utilisation up through the food chain and forms the basis for both plant and animal life

This is all about photo synthesis. It is outstanding what happens in a grass leaf. Modern solar cells are in comparison here without equivalence in relation to the energy absorption that takes place in a leaf.

As a photon dodges into a leaf - the energy is not used only once - but multiple times, because the energy is reused and spent many times to form the sugar substances that the plants need to grow.

Grasses is an ingenious evolutionary extreme, that's why they grow so fast. This is because grass has several high speed exhausts that literally blow oxygen and water vapour out of the leaves.

Unlike trees that for years bind large amounts of carbon dioxide in bark and wood, the environmental gases are quickly returned to the atmosphere from the grass. That's the downside for the environment.

It is therefore essential to understand that the climate problems start with the agrarian cultures that have emerged along the fertile rivers and the fertile crest highlands, where the grassland with gene faults lead to that the crops did not bind the seeds to the axis with a bast sack originated and spread into a world of still less forest as the agrarian revolution progressed.

Ever since then, the long-term average temperature has known only one way and that is up.

In fact, this is just yet not a problem - climate-wise - but really just another benefit to humanity. Because the temperature rises just enough so that the next ice age is quietly pushed away with a duvet of greenhouse gases that only grow denser and thickens as the centuries goes by.

A smoking gun

But the great change in climate has happened within the last few centuries and shorter even.

The industrial revolution, the intensive use of coal, gas and oil has hammered the final nails into the coffin.

It is thoughtful that the greatest species richness on the European continent is in Chernobyl - not because radioactivity for breakfast, lunch and dinner is super-healthy.

But because the absence of man here gives space for nature.

It tells us several things - nature is not just so easy to stifle, and life eventually goes on even when we have eliminated ourselves out of the equation.

The human factor

Car driving, industrial farming and extremely oil-demanding logistics that include the globe around - at sea, in the air and on land. Fossil fuels built up carbon dioxide in the atmosphere in ever-increasing quantities.

Transportation, cooking and farming. Consumption habits and inappropriate disposal of waste - and exaggerated production - where most of what we produce goes directly to the landfill without being consumed.

If there is anything that has a direct impact on the climate problems, it is this:

Ethical and ecological processes. Direct positive impact on the ecosystems driven by conscious consumers and gentle strategies that support nature's return to the environment.

Why is it so hard to do in everyday life?

The truth is, we are far beyond this.

There must really be radical solutions if we are to avoid catastrophic consequences of historical climate change.

Self-reinforcing processes

Climate is - long term weather - and it is shifting, and factors that influence the “long term global weather” are:

Planetary orbits - variations within gravity fields due to irregular and elliptical orbits and grand total gravity fields when planets are aligned within predictable periods.

So the Earth's orbit changes with variations in gravity fields. A more elliptical path provides warmer summers and cooler winters.

The angle of the earth to the sun gives rise to more or less arctic cold when the angle to the sun shifts back and forth over time.

If the angle is high in conjunction with the orbital elliptical extremum, we experience ice age.

Changes for the light influx affect the energy supply as the sun delivers the energy that drives the planet's weather.

Carbon dioxide and methane in the atmosphere block heat loss to space, thats why the long term temperature increases with the content of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

The release of greenhouse gases bound in the Arctic tundra and increase of flooded areas behind dams (with decaying biomass) emit even more methane.

To act in a dystopian future scenario

It is an ethical choice to act politically - we cannot act upon everything - one has to choose - and our choices determine who will die and who will live.

Climate change will definitely lead to huge regional migrations in the coming years, and the world needs to deal with it.

In this dystopian future scenario, we encounter (has chosen by doing nothing) - many will have to migrate because of the climate.

The figures vary between 200 million in 2050 to one billion in 2100. But the number depends to some extent on how much global warming is slowed down, and how well populations in the hardest hit areas will adapt to climate change in the coming years.

Where the negative consequences of climate change ravages the globe - rapidly shrinking ice masses - both in the Arctics - and globally icecaps below 2500 m, extreme drought in both Africa and the Middle East - Today, the changing weather phenomena pose the greatest threat to global stability.

Today, social and religious conflicts just reinforce this problem.

At the same time, climate change will most often strike those who have contributed the least to them, and the rich countries that have contributed the most should therefore help create better conditions for the affected to stay in their own homes.

The development conditions for the next three decades will still deteriorate. If you summarize the perspectives on a global scale, it just seems to be getting worse and worse.

Trends for regional demographic developments, climate change as a result of pollution with greenhouse gases along with geophysical changes - burning of forest areas and destruction of the conditions for ancient bio cultures in the oceans, have for many years been constantly degraded, and in the coming years the changes of the basis of life on this planet will speed up.

It is life's development as we know what is at stake, and there is very little we can do to change the terms, so might as well come on term with the fact that the changes will happen.

It is no secret that we have lived on this earth's ability since we discovered how to effectively draw the energy out of water.

The massive exploitation of fossil reserves - and the gigantic economic significance of the industrial revolution for the development potential of our species - has led us to put nature behind us, and shape the earth and its possibilities according to our own conditions.

Today, there is no back corner in the world, without a clear imprint of the intensive and reckless approach of our decision-makers to exploit the natural resources to the utmost.

Where nature's relentlessness, illnesses and other challenges over the past 25.000 years have dampened the development of the human domain. Having our ability to force the utmost out of natural resources, ever since historic times, has repeatedly made progress and improved living conditions.

Ecologic habitats at the thresholds

The past 540 million years, the Earth has endured five mass extinction events, each involving processes that upended the normal cycling of carbon through the atmosphere and oceans. These globally fatal perturbations in carbon each unfolded over scales from thousands to millions of years, and are coincident with the widespread extermination of marine species around the world. 

The question is whether the carbon cycle is now experiencing a significant jolt that could tip the planet toward a sixth mass extinction. In the modern era, carbon dioxide emissions have risen steadily since the 19th century, but deciphering whether this recent spike in carbon is leading to mass extinction has been challenging.

Mainly because it is difficult to relate ancient carbon anomalies, occurring over thousands to millions of years, to the contemporary disruptions, which have taken place over just a little more than a century.

Mass extinction occurs by exceeding systematic thresholds: Changes in the carbon cycle occurring over long timescales, will lead to extinctions when the changes occur at rates faster than global ecosystems can adapt. For carbon perturbations that take place over shorter timescales, the pace of carbon-cycle changes will not matter; instead, the size or magnitude of the change will determine the likelihood of an extinction event.

Structure is intrinsic to the nature

Though nothing is supposed to withstand the changes of causality - somehow life has evolved from the perpetubationally changes on the molecular chemical level into the bio cellular level of DNA and the bioturbation at this particularly place we call Earth.

The end game

For a finite-size system to persist in time - be (a)live - it must evolve in such a way that it provides easier access to the imposed currents that flow through it. A true system contains cybernetic feed-back, and all systems will grow cybernetic organic as they grow old of age, the remaining objects will provide cybernetic the feed-back that evolve the degree of order.

But failing to control the impact of human activities our planets carbon cycle is a game changer.

While not all impacts on ecosystems are reversible, there are several ways to minimise and reverse human-induced adverse effects.

By short, what can we do about it?:

  • Use green technologies that reduce reliance on fossil fuels
  • decrease waste and have low carbon footprints to make measurable differences on the quality of multiple ecosystems.
  • utilise public transportation and car-pooling to reduce gaseous carbon emissions
  • use alternative energy sources to produce fewer atmospheric contaminants
  • reduce the reliance on large scale agriculture can help reduce soil and water pollution by minimising excessive use of synthetic fertilisers
  • use more synthetics in consumption, (the less nature we destroy)
  • spare nature by using less of it
  • plant more trees
  • use more sustainable energy and climate-friendly technology

Since 1970's China already have edged its deserts with billions of trees to restrict their deserts to grow. But the environmental effects are not solely accommodated by carbon dioxide consuming forestation.

As of now the set backs are due to vulnerability by mono cultures, lack of habitats for natural life and the necessary ground- and surface water to support forestation in the scale of billions of trees.

Many environmental problems are caused by overconsumption of the water resources causing ground level to sink, river deltas to vanish and extermination of life in the upper two feet of the surface of earth due to fertilizing, ploughing and growing monocultures leaving the natural habitats to vanish.

To ensure viable success of returning land to the natural processes, nature must be allowed do the work. We can best help by leaving the habitats, so they can evolve by the intrinsic structures of nature.

It takes: Trees, worms, bees, space and the necessary cultural accommodations to recover the natural processes.

Local forestal ecological farming, local supplying and advanced synthetic replacement products is what is needed to feed the billions of humans on this planet in an sustainable manner.

Living with(in) not from nature.

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