The World from Afar
I was looking out at the hogbacks of the Rocky Mountains yesterday. Aren’t they amazingly?BEAUTIFUL this time of year?
From a distance they look so green and fluffy, and they even have a kinda, soft quality to them. However, as we get closer, we can clearly see the reality that the soft appearance is just an ILLUSION. The landscape is actually composed of patchy grasses, prickly pine trees, and even the occasional cactus.
I know I’ve written about this before, but perspective is interesting, isn’t it? Often times, the further we get away from the prickly reality that’s right in front of us, the more we see the?BIGGER PICTURE and more beautiful the world becomes.
I remember watching a show a few years ago where astronauts were sharing their experiences in orbit. They talked about seeing the world from a perspective that allowed them to see the entire globe as a WHOLE.
They shared how this vantage point helped them see how connected we are as a planet. What an amazing experience!
Whether we see it in our immediate line of sight or not, we’re all CONNECTED, and the world is beautiful in its chaotic simplicity. Sometimes we just need to take a step back and find a new vantage point. It’s in this practice that we realize how small and insignificant many of our problems are.
There’s a lot of beauty all around us every day. So today, I challenge us all to take a step back and try to see the world from a NEW PERSPECTIVE.
Try to see a person in a new light.
Try to see an old viewpoint from a new perspective.
Or maybe just take a few moments to take in the beauty in a place that may not normally seem so beautiful.??
I would?LOVE TO HEAR ABOUT WHAT YOU LEARN?as you experiment with this. Please comment or message me to let me know what beauty you saw today as you changed your perspective.
Here’s to your journey in our world, my friend. Make it a fantastic Tuesday and I hope to see you soon!