World on Fire
Here are some excerpts from David Brook's message, "World on Fire":
·??????? Global spiritual, relational, and moral crisis.
·??????? Sadder & unhappy society = meaner society.
·??????? Media fear and anger headlines up 200% in last 15 years.
·??????? We are in a global spiritual recession.
·??????? Trying to use politics as social therapy.
·??????? Lonely people are 7 times more likely to be active in politics.
·??????? People are using politics to fill a hole in their soul.
·??????? In a state of moral war.?
·??????? “All of life is a series of daring explorations from a secure base.”? – John Bowlby, Psychologist??
·??????? Difference between contracts and covenants: Contracts are about interests; covenants are about identity; covenants are when you and me come together to form a “we”.
·??????? “Social contract creates a state; social covenant creates a society. Social contract is about power and how it is to be handled within a political framework. Social covenant is about how people live together despite their differences. Social contract is about government. Social covenant is about coexistence. Social contract is about laws and their enforcement. Social covenant is about the values we share. Social contract is about the use of potentially coercive force. Social covenant is about moral commitment, the values we share and the ideals that inspire us to work together for the sake of the common good.” – Rabbi Jonathan Sacks????
·??????? A sense of a moral order that is not dependent on our choices. Such a thing as right and wrong.
·??????? Martin Luther King, Jr. believed that moral order was built into the universe.
·??????? Lincoln: If slavery is not wrong, no thing is wrong.
·??????? Democratic liberalism = freedom of choice.
·??????? Liberal societies only prosper when they are built on things that precede choice.
·??????? Extreme liberalism is dangerous. When everything is a matter of personal choice.
·??????? World Values Survey: USA and western world have shifted away from the rest of the world. We’re more autonomous and individualistic. Story of Yale student from Ghana. Was asked what she wanted to do after graduating. She stated that it was not her choice, as her village sent her.
·??????? Privatization of morality is when everyone is set adrift. Each of us comes up with our own moral values.?
·??????? Need morally cohesive communities. That leads to social trust.??????
·??????? Walter Lippman “Essays in Public Philosophy.”
·??????? Diploma Divide. Children from highly educated and affluent families have a huge advantage over those less fortunate. Live 8 years less; 1 in 50 chance to score 1400 on SAT versus 1 in 7; higher divorce rate, etc. That’s why the populists attack the elites (See “Second Class” book).
·??????? Meritocracy is dangerous. Most important virtue is hunger. Hunger to learn, achieve, etc.
·??????? Our society is in deep need of secure spiritual foundation and hope.
·??????? How to repair: Faith, Family and Flag.
·??????? 71% of Generation Z responded “yes” to the following question: Are most people selfish and out to get you?
·??????? See, hear, respect and know you. Keys to feeling safe. Keys to building social trust.
·??????? Church Under the Bridge (Waco, TX). ?
·??????? People are fired 89% of the time because of character flaws.
·??????? Interview of James Baldwin.
·??????? Defiant Humanity is key. Be more human.??????
Link to David Brook's YouTube presentation: