World Day Against Trafficking in Persons 2020
One Education Ltd
Empowering school leadership teams to enhance the quality of education for young people.
July 30th recognises “World Day Against Trafficking in Personsâ€, where the aim is to draw attention and spread the awareness of what human trafficking entails, in the aim to stop all forms of trafficking from happening and protecting anyone from having to go through this exploitation and abuse.
Human trafficking is the buying and selling of people and is a serious crime and complete violation of human rights. People are trafficked for many horrific reasons, such as for sexual exploitation, forced labour, domestic labour, forced marriage, the selling of children, using children as soldiers, as well as the removal and selling of organs.
Its important to be aware that trafficking isn’t always the kidnapping of people against their will, it is also the grooming of individuals – promising them a better life and better opportunities, unfortunately for this to be furthest from the case. Once trafficked, people are often manipulated and threatened to comply or they or their family will be hurt. This then creates a long-term cycle of abuse.
Statistics show that the majority of targets to be trafficked are women of children, with 23% of victims being young girls. The latest global estimates show that 152million children are exposed to child labour, making 1 in 4 victims of modern-day slavery, children.