The World is a Dangerous and Chaotic Place, People Don't Belong There and No One Can Guarantee Your Safety
by Randi Shannon

The World is a Dangerous and Chaotic Place, People Don't Belong There and No One Can Guarantee Your Safety

The following is a really cool list of facts that I’ve compiled (not necessarily wrote myself) and guess what? They just might save you in a bad situation.  This is meant to be half serious and half humorous. Enjoy our Part 1 of Some Really Cool Facts That Could...Save Your Life.

1- PURPLE FLAGS  at the beach mean dangerous sea life in the area. Most people understand the other flags, but purple, can be confusing.  A good way to remember is violet = violent. (Purple isn't exactly violet or violent, but apparently close enough). Most hospitals use code violet for violent patients.  More often than not, purple flags are raised to indicate that large amounts of jellyfish are in the water. They are rarely used for sharks or other 'violent' sea creatures.  It is the ocean, sharks are always there. It is the ocean, and even when violent sharks have been spotted in the area (like bulls, or tigers), it's virtually impossible to track them.  Still, if it helps you remember to stay out of the water (or at the very least, be extra cautious), then go for it!

Here's a quick guide

 2- If you're starting to feel really depressed, hungry, angry, lonely, or tired, remember HALT.  Eat a good meal and drink water. Step away from a stressful situation to decompress for a bit. Phone a friend, maybe ask for them to come over. Take a nap.  HALT helps a lot with stress management. Pro-tip: if you’re ever arguing with a loved one or spouse, do this same thing!

People will fight like a trapped rat if they’re hungry. Take a minute, eat a mango or a soft boiled egg or something healthy, then go back and talk it out.

Same thing if you are tired. If you’re pissed at your partner and it’s late, f--k that whole ‘don’t fall asleep angry’ b------t. Go the heck to sleep and talk about it the next day.  Ain’t nobody resolved a fight with their spouse while exhausted at 3am. (i didn’t write this one but i thought it was worth repeating)

3- SLEEP WITH THE DOOR CLOSED. Fires while you sleep can leave your room almost completely untouched if closed.  It's common to see rooms that are entirely liveable in a residence that is otherwise extensively fire and soot damaged just because the door was closed.  It’s a different story once the fire gets into the roof space and brings the roof and ceilings down, but hopefully you'd be well gone out the window by then.

*Make sure you have a smoke alarm in your room if you sleep with the door closed, and that your alarms are interconnected such that if one triggers, all of them set off.

4- NEVER FEEL BAD ABOUT CALLING 911! Unless it's very silly like McDonald's screwed up your order.  If it's not an emergency, they'll tell you to call non-emerg. An emergency is not just a violent crime, it's a crime or potential crime in progress, issue affecting safety (or medical emergency or fire department issue too)

Teach your non-English speaking friends/family the word for their language in English in case they need to call 911.  They can connect you with an interpreter...but only if they can tell the interpreting service which language you're speaking.

If you can't hear? Go to google, right now, and type in [your city] text to 911 or [your county] text to 911. Text to 911 is rolling out across the country.

Most importantly, and worth a separate comment: KNOW WHERE YOU ARE. Every once in a while, describe your location as you would to 911. "I am at home and the address is [address]. I am on I-95 southbound just east of the 826 ramp.  I am on the southeast corner of US 1 and 136th." And so on.

5- If an ARMED PERSON tries to rob you, give them your money, phone, whatever.  In fact take it out slowly and carefully, drop it and back away. Then, if you can, run like crazy! If they try to force you to go with them, put up a massive fight and yell fire fire fire.

  1. People will generally run to help fight a fire. They are not so keen to intervene when you are shouting murder.
  2. NEVER go to the secondary location with a robber. That IS where you can get murdered or raped, or both.

6- If you have a GREASE FIRE put it out with baking soda, not water. And if that grease fire is in a pan, cover it with the lid.  Remove it from the heat or stop the heat if you can.

 7- When I was LEARNING TO DRIVE, my dad told me “Drive as if everyone on the road is actively trying to kill you.”  Assume that people driving may do the stupidest thing possible for any given situation, and prepare for it. Drive defensively.  

8- That a WAGGING TAIL does NOT always mean that the dog is friendly.  Always proceed with caution when it comes to animals.

 9- If you get LOST IN THE WOODS, stay where you are! The chances of finding your way out on your own are pretty slim and you’re just creating a larger search area for SAR.  If you even feel like you might be lost or maybe slightly off course DO NOT just "push through". In those situations people think they just need to get around the next bend or over the next hill, but you could have made a wrong turn hours ago.

Additionally, whenever you're hiking or traveling through wilderness areas be sure to LOOK BEHIND YOU FREQUENTLY, this is not paranoia looking for a cougar or something. It's because on your way back your brain won’t recognize the terrain since it's coming from the other direction.

 Also, tell people exactly where you’re going and when you’ll be home. If you’re not home by X time, instruct someone to call for help.

 The rule is, if you think you're lost, you have to sit down for five minutes. A lot of people get worried and start wandering in random directions looking for the trail, which gets them more lost and more worried. Oftentimes a little sit-down can help clear the head and let you remember details more clearly.

10- Whether you’re BEING ATTACKED or taken, always remember to scratch the bejeezus out of the person. This way you’ll have their DNA under your nails.  Probably won't save your life by this point but it will identify your attacker once you have been recovered by law enforcement. Dead or alive. If you're taken to a secondary location your odds of survival are slim to none.  Do whatever it takes to not be moved from your location.

 11- If you’re ever SWIMMING and find yourself in a position where you’re too EXHAUSTED to continue but have no flotation device, turn on your back and float.  Or better yet, use the dead man's float (face down). Your face is in the water except when you turn to take a breath, it conserves the most energy. The point of the dead man’s float is that it preserves way more energy than floating on your back, as many people struggle with buoyancy in general. With dead man’s float, you’re intentionally allowing your limbs to hang down, but with floating on your back, your limbs that may not float will pull you down. In an emergency, you need as much energy preserved as possible.  Biggest thing: RELAX! If you’re freaking out even just a bit, it’s gonna be a lot harder to float. Relaxing and being calm is one of the biggest things. Starting at your head - make sure you’re looking up.

12- Most DRUNK DRIVING deaths occur on Saturday night between 1 and 3 am.  Avoid the roads during these times if you can help it.

13- If you ever FALL OFF A SHIP/ferry at sea and were lucky enough to be spotted - don't try to swim your way to safety. The more you try to swim, the lesser the chances of survival. Just try to keep afloat and conserve energy while rescue team do what they're supposed to. Unless you are in hypothermic waters, the best bet always is to stay afloat without trying to swim to somewhere.

See video; falling overboard, hypothermia and conditions, survival at sea etc are based on a real experience of 12 sailing on merchant ship like this ( As, I haven't sailed on Military ships, I can't really comment about those...

14- Some WINTER ADVICE.  If you are homeless, or for whatever reason have to sleep outside, find something to put between you and the ground.  Cardboard works great, but find something. All your energy will not warm the Earth and many people have frozen this way as the ground absorbs more and more energy.  That’s also great advice for wilderness survival. Take news paper and stuff your shoes full of it, crumpled up to create dead air pockets that will stay warm and act as insulation.  You can also stuff your shirt/jacket with newspaper to create a decent insulation. Styrofoam works well. Getting hold of those styrofoam boxes and packaging is a little less common than newspaper, but the stuff was built for insulation. Check the back of electronics stores for decent supplies of cardboard, styrofoam and plastic (to keep the rain off) if you're out on the street.  Drill this into your mind...if you are one of those people who hike in the winter and you are warm you need to take a layer off.

You want to be cool.  Sweating is bad.

15- Don't try to fight a CROCODILE’S DEATH ROLL; instead roll with it and attempt to gouge its eyes.  If a croc has you in a death roll, you are pretty much screwed either way. A better tip is to stay the hell away from the waters edge when there's crocs about.  Stay away from all water bodies, check. Wait does this include me? I'm 70% water? ??

 Why the heck do people live in Australia? In Darwin- it’s recommended you don’t go walking the same route everyday if you pass by a river. Crocodiles can learn your routine and wait for you.  

FYI: Also don’t get eaten by a polar bear it's bad for your overall health. ????

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Tuesday October 23, 2018 3:21 pm EST


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