World Compliment Day // 1 Thessalonians 5:11
By Mark Jordan
HAPPY WORLD COMPLIMENT DAY! This is a day set aside to “spread joy through simple verbal affirmations of appreciation.” I like compliments like most everyone. There are times when we might be more comfortable receiving them than others, but there is truth in the fact that we need to give and receive them. The Bible offers two basic ideas about compliments. The first is seen in our verse for the day where we are called to use our words in a way that encourages and builds up others. There is a cause for caution, though, and the Bible warns against using compliments as a form of manipulative flattery. In order to make World Compliment Day meaningful, make sure your compliments are accurate and sincere. That way you are building up others as we are called to do. If, however, we try to manipulate people to do what we want them to do with our compliments, well, that can tear people down when they realize the ulterior motive. So, on this World Compliment Day, let’s be sincere and loving, using our words and compliments to help build up others and encouraging them to live for good and for God.