World Class Online Learning With a Unique Added Bonus

World Class Online Learning With a Unique Added Bonus

Welcome to our latest blog where we explain how time starved entrepreneurs can take advantage of the same expert advice that our One to One and Growth Academy Programme clients do to build their business at a pace and a time that suits them best.

As the old saying goes….??“hope is not a strategy!”?

By enrolling in our acclaimed Online Growth Accelerator Membership Programme you’ll have access to the same world-class expert advice that our One to One and Group Programme participants do whilst being able to grow your business at a pace that suits you best.

Better still – unlike traditional e-learning programmes you’ll have unique access to those same growth experts twice a month to help you implement all of your learning and keep you and your business on track for future success with our practical, easy to implement tools and advice.

If you’re serious about building a successful business, maybe now’s the right time to learn from other successful entrepreneurs, develop a?growth mindset?and?“forget all the reasons it won’t work and believe the one reason that it will!

We’ve made your first step simple.?Simply CALL?one of our growth experts on 01793 239542 to?unlock your business’ true potential

For many entrepreneurs, particularly start-up and early stage entrepreneurs, the two biggest challenges are often that of time and disposable income.

With this in mind, if our One to One or Group Programmes are too big a commitment right now, then our?Online Growth Accelerator Membership Programme?is the ideal place to start.?


Our team of award winning coaches and growth experts have compiled a comprehensive set of online workshops that are divided into 6 core modules. Each of these modules contains a number of highly focused 45min-1hr workshops and supporting materials to help you grow your knowledge whilst implementing simple, practical steps that are designed to allow you to build your business at a pace and at a time to suit you best.?

The workshops specifically cover the following topics;

  1. Setting Your Future: Unlocking your entrepreneurial potential. Mapping your future success. What’s your why? Building a winning mindset. Self mastery. The entrepreneurial ladder
  2. Generating Cashflow: Money making strategies. Financial planning. Creating your business dashboard
  3. Streetwise Marketing: Creating a targeted marketing plan. Unique selling proposition. Building your marketing campaign. Digital marketing. Ladder of loyalty
  4. Sales Made Simple: The language of sales. Sales mastery
  5. Team Building & Leadership: Delegation mastery. Building a winning team. 10 top tips on leadership
  6. Systems & Leverage: Leverage

Similar to our CIPD Accredited Group Coaching Programmes, you’ll gain exclusive access to the same materials but with our DIY model you are able to consume the learning at your own pace, at any time, from anywhere whilst also being able to revisit modules you’ve already viewed as many times as you like within the life of your membership.

Added Bonus

As an added bonus, you will be able to access one of our?business coaching team?twice a month in an online, live Q&A session with other like minded business owners. In these live sessions you’ll get the opportunity to ask our coaches your questions so you are able to progress your learning & achieve the results you are striving for.?

When working through the course you can either work on one section at a time, and ask your coach the questions as and when they arise, or work through multiple modules and save up your questions. Either way, the DIY nature of online membership means you can run at the pace that suits you best.?

With the online membership, you can start taking action immediately consuming the business education materials we’ve developed to start making changes right now. As soon as you’ve purchased your course you’ll be given a unique access code and you can start straight away.?

Your next step is simple. Simply Click Here to purchase your online membership and start learning how to build the business you always dreamed of.?

The biggest failure in business is without a doubt the failure to take action.?

The old adage of positive thinking without positive action leads to positively nothing!?is sadly a recurring theme across the majority of businesses.

You now know you have a choice; it’s either One to One, Group or Online. To get started, give us a call on 01793 239542 – whether you choose to work with us or not, you’ll get some great value!?

Having a call with us will help give you clarity about the options available as well as exploring where your business is headed.?

By taking the first step and joining our?Online Growth Accelerator Programme?you’ll learn exactly what it takes to build a winning business in the same way as our Group Coaching Clients and ultimately our One to One clients do too.

Rather than trying to build a winning business all on your own,?DON’T MISS OUT?on this amazing opportunity to engage the help & support of an award-winning team of business growth experts.

At this stage of your entrepreneurial journey, the challenges and pitfalls associated with?getting it wrong are all too often costly and in some cases terminal.

There are no silver bullets or quick fixes for entrepreneurs looking to build a successful business. However, with the ongoing support and expert advice from our award-winning growth experts, you’re able to invest in your business’ future success.

You’ll start with our?Online Growth Accelerator Programme?and quickly experience success and with the help of your coach, gain a greater understanding of what it takes to build more consistent levels of growth.?

Once you’ve tasted this early success you’ll no doubt want to invest for even greater and faster results. These can be easily achieved by a seamless move over to one of our?Group Coaching Programmes?where you’ll embark on applying your learning to yet more complex challenges and stretching goals. This is where you’ll see the rapid increases revenue and profits, a significantly more consistent pipeline of high-value customers and far greater levels of personal satisfaction and rewards.

With the bit between your teeth, the opportunity to invest in?One to One Coaching?becomes a no brainer. By now you’ll have made a?fundamental shift from a profit-first orientation to more of an asset creation approach. This will not only fuel your business’ current growth rates, its future trading capabilities and value but also your personal wealth, resulting in greater financial freedom, greater control over your own destiny, the ability to spend more time doing the things you enjoy and an overarching sense of fulfilment and achievement.??

Whilst our?One to One Programme?will be your ultimate end goal, taking the first step and investing in expert advice is critically important.

Investing in world-class coaching/mentoring will be the best investment you ever make.

Whether you’re a business owner, CEO, MD or Senior Executive we know just how important it is to you, your business and your stakeholders that you are successful.

The challenges of running, growing and possibly even exiting your business within an ever-changing commercial landscape are without a doubt considerable.

Our team at Chalkhill Blue are driven by?ONE?simple goal, namely to help business owners, senior executives and management teams?unlock their true potential.

Unlike many other organisations, our team all possess considerable experience of running multiple businesses. Entrepreneurialism is in our blood. We’ve all been sat where you’re sat right now and understand the challenges that you’re facing.

As business owners we rarely get a second chance to build a successful business. Let us help you to build a successful and profitable business without incurring countless costly mistakes and delays.

We hope you’ve found today’s blog useful and informative. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch and let us know what you think.

In the meantime DON’T MISS our next blog where we will, be focusing on the importance of taking MASSIVE ACTION and driving positive change in your business.


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