The World is Chinatown Today

The World is Chinatown Today

In writing about The Army of Darkness and the dirty deeds done by all their evil psychopathic agents and minions, there's a kind of a balancing act between concealing their victories and triumphs in the name of evil, and the public gloating and celebration over what is gotten away with. The factor is time. In the late 1960's, it was extreemely dangerous to investigatge the assasination of JFK and publish any kind of questioning of the official cover story, but over time it became OK until today revelations about the coup that overthrew the United States are met with shrugged shoulders, and a "Meh" because the whole story and issue has become the ultimate "Fuck You" as US citizens are aware--if they choose to be-- that JFK was assasinated by a wide ranging conspiracy supported by many rogue domestic forces, and yet there is nothing that can be done about it.

It's no wonder so many Americans suffer from mild mental illness from the stress of internalizing the propaganda, of being forced to accept the absurd as reality--a form of Stockholm Syndrome!

Now I think or hope enough time has passed to comment on the bizarre life and death of John McAfee. The cover-up phase is ending, and it's time to gloat publicly; in a story with some similarities to that of Jeffrey Epstein, McAfee would famously perish while being held in a prison. Llike Epstein his death would be officially ruled suicide, and like Epstein, immediately many would speculate that McAfee had been murdered while in custody by a vaguely know but ultra-powerful global "cartel" for lack of a better term.

Here now is your #PhilthyTimes summary of the death of John Mcafee. Much credit goes to the producers of the Netflix documentary "Running With The Devil" see link to their trailer below.

In summary, it is credibly theorized that Mcafee

1) Was a psychopathic murderer who started his killing career at age fifteen by murdering his abusive, alchoholic father and covering it up by making it look like suicide.

2) That McAfee killed his neighbor in Belize, shooting him in the back of the head in retaliation for that neighbor poisoning four of McAfee's dogs.

3) That Mcafee thought/knew he could get away with the murder of his neighbor, because of his wealth and the power of the knowledge he had from his spying.

McAfee spied on people all over the world, and not just people but governments and intelligence or law enforcement agencies etc. While living in Belize, McAfee made special efforts to spy on the Belize government and their intelligence and aw enforcement agencies, and he had much information about crimes, corruption and other fun stuff, that he would use to blackmail the entire government of Belize over, and compel them to protect him from prosecution for murder.

In essence, what happened is that all the people that McAfee had been spying on and blackmailing, used McAfee's murder of his neighbor to get rid of him--they were tired of paying off McAfee and being blackmailed by him over his spy information. In an amazing adventure largely captured by documentary videographers, McAfee evaded law enforcement and escaped from Central America back to the USA.

McAfee had proved himself more powerful than the law enforcement agencies and government of Belize. But back in the USA, he was under the domain of the real powerhouses of the global cartel. When McAfee continued to go further and further off their reservation, by running for President (as a Libertarian, oh my!) and publicly proclaiming that he would not pay taxes and that nobody else should pay taxes to the US Federal Government, he, like Epstein, became too dangerous or at least inconvenient to his former masters, and he was rubbed out.

The moral of the story is that there are people who are above the law. They are not only above the law, they sit above it with puppet strings attached to the law, and they compel "the law" to dance for them and do their bidding. This is not new information. People know it intuitively. Hollywood has been putting this message out for decades. What happened with McAfee? It's the same as what happened with JFK, RFK, MLK Jr., Jamal Khashoggi and many, many others--it's, just...Chinatown!


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