The world is changing, sales is changing, and the approach is changing.
Charlie Boyle
CEO @ Customer Service Excellence Ireland | Fellow of the Institute of Leadership and Management UK
Long before the hugely disruptive Covid-19 pandemic, we were of course encountering digital disruption at a scale never previously experienced over a very short time. Both have now combined to change business and more importantly sales as we have known it.
What may have got us here over the past 10 years is highly unlikely to succeed over the next 2 years. Where product knowledge was once the key factor of an outstanding sales exectutive, that quality is practically redundant in an era where the buyer has the knowledge of the product at a level which is increasing by the day. The consumer no longer wants to be sold to, they want to buy, yet the approach of sales has not adjusted accordingly. The consumer wants a better experience in the process of buying yet the rate of creating engaging and profound customer experiences has not moved with the pace which both it can and must. Those experiences must include the relevant and changing needs of the customer in these unprecendented times.
This changing landscape requires 'Sales Leadership'. Leaders don't seek to create followers, they create more leaders. The complexity in the current and future of sales needs an open approach to learning and development. Being insular in thought and over-protective in approach serves no one.
We (CSEI) are pleased to have designed and are ready to deliver a 'Sales Leadership' programme which combines the effectiveness of the methodology of action learning, the sales approach of Genesha Khalsa and the most modern leadership concepts from Cambridge University sustainable leadership. The course is designed to allow sales professionals to map out new ways of working as they come up against the waves and currents of the present challenges. The time committment is 3 hours weekly on-line and over a 6-week period. Participants will work in trusted groups of 8 with different sectors of business.
Action learning provides a challenging space for reflective learning and creates potential for individual and organisational development and growth. Where businesses are seeking to achieve new directions or greater momentum to their current position, participating leaders in sales can use action learning to review established practice and develop more effective ways of working.
We would be delighted to welcome you or a sales leader from your business or organisation to the course.