World Champion Boxer Vinny Paz Talks about the Film Bleed for This
Dawn Van Zant
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Five-Time World Champion Boxer Vinny Paz Talks about the Pending Release of His film Bleed for This, New Boxing Venture and Winning Ideas Including NXT-ID’s (NASDAQ:NXTD) Wocket
New York, NY - Point Roberts, WA –April 2, 2015 - (, a global news source covering leading sectors including sports and entertainment issues an exclusive follow-up interview with former world champion boxer in the lightweight and light middleweight classes, Vinny Pazienza (PAZ). Vinny discusses his pending debut of the movie, ‘Bleed for This’ and what’s next for his career, his new boxing venture and what it’s like to be on a winning streak again. originally interviewed Vinny last August as filming was beginning for Bleed for this and he shared his thoughts about being involved in the movie, future business ventures and what he believed were winning ideas, including the progress of the Wocket smart wallet he was photographed with . Vinny has teamed up with Rhode Island movie producer and entrepreneur Chad Verdi who was one of the first investors in NXT-ID’s (NASDAQ:NXTD) Wocket ( ) to now take on a new boxing venture, training and coaching boxer Jean Pierre Augustin, who played the role of former world champ Gilbert Dele in the movie.
Vinny shares his gratitude for seeing his life story coming to life with some of Hollywood’s most recognized names like Martin Scorsece and young star Miles Teller that is making a name for himself with recent roles in Whiplash and now Insurgent.
‘Bleed for This’ tells the true-life story of five-time, world champion Rhode Island boxer Vinny Pazienza, as he recovers from a near-fatal car accident that left him with a broken neck. He goes on to later win three additional world boxing titles, creating one of the most incredible comeback stories in boxing and sports history.
Executive produced by Martin Scorsece, Michelle Verdi and Joshua Sason and produced by Chad Verdi, Bruce Cohen, Emma Tillinger Koskoff, Pam Thur and Noah Kraft, Bleed For This stars Miles Teller ( Whiplash, Insurgent, The Spectacular Now, That Awkward Moment and Generation X) as Paz; Golden Globe nominee Aaron Eckhart (The Dark Knight, Olympus Has Fallen, I and Frankenstein) as trainer Kevin Rooney; Katey Sagal (Married With Children, Sons Of Anarchy) as Louise Pazienza; and Ciaran Hinds (Frozen, Munich, The Road to Perdition and Harry Potter) as Angelo Pazienza.
Vinny, good to touch base again now the filming of Bleed For This is done. Since the movie is about your life , how do you think the film did in terms of portraying your real life story of one of the greatest comebacks in boxing history?
A: Vinny Paz
I think it was amazing . The entire cast from Miles Teller to Aaron Eckhart , Katey Sagal was great. Miles Teller did a better job of playing me than I think I could myself and Aaron Eckhart played the role of my trainer Kevin Rooney, who I loved , really well. The cast is one of the best hand picked I could imagine. And having Martin Scorsece involved was great . Producer, Director and writer Ben Younger did a fantastic job with this film. I am so proud to be part of this.
Miles Teller is a rising star with the recent success of Whiplash and the just released hit sci- fi thriller Insurgent. How does it feel knowing he is playing the lead role of you in this movie ?
A: Vinny Paz
When I saw Miles in Whiplash I couldn’t believe how good he was and I knew he would be great in his role for Bleed for This. This kid is an amazing actor and did as good a job as he possibly could. I did not see all the filming but everything I saw I was impressed with. Miles is an actor , not a boxer but he put on a great show . I think fans will love it .
What do you think true boxing fans will say about the fight scenes in the movie ?
A: Vinny Paz
Everyone will love this movie; it has heart, it has guts and I am proud to be part of something that will inspire people. It’s pretty cool. Boxing fans will love this too, one of the boxers in it is the real deal and I was very impressed with him.
On a follow-up to that , I understand you and movie producer/businessman Chad Verdi have teamed up for a real life boxing venture, training and managing Jean Pierre Augustin, who played the role of former world champ Gilbert Dele in the movie. Tell us what inspired you to take this on ?
A: Vinny Paz
He did a great job in the movie and it got us thinking. When I first saw him shadow box though, I said no, he’s not for me . I thought he was too polite, not tough enough. But when I saw him box , I wanted to be part of his team. He is a tough fighter and I loved what I saw. I call him my “Tasmanian Devil” . His first fight under me is coming up in early April. I have not done anything like this for a long time so this kid impressed me a lot to get involved.
It seems like movie producer Chad Verdi has an instinct for seeing and picking winners, especially grabbing such and up and coming talent like Miles Teller ; do you think your combined instincts are right about this fighter?
A: Vinny Paz
Everything Chad touches seems to turn to gold. He put together the best cast I could imagine for the movie. I think this boxer has what it takes and we will see after our first fight but I think he will be great. I think he can get people excited about boxing again. He’s good looking, he’s a heavyweight and he’s a really good guy.
Vinny as a former world champion you must be amazed at the buzz about the upcoming match with Floyd Mayweather and Manny Pacquio on May 2nd. It will be the biggest pay-day in boxing history . What are your thoughts on what this can do for the world of boxing and an even bigger question, who do you think will win ?
A: Vinny Paz
It’s great what this is doing for boxing and will do in the future . I think it will bring a lot of new fans to boxing. I think Floyd will win no problem; he just can’t get knocked down. It’s hard to knock a guy down you just can’t get near. You could throw a bag at him and he wouldn’t go down. Manny has heart and is a great guy but I think Floyd will win for sure.
Vinny I have a photo of you I am looking at with you and a Wocket smart wallet, a new payment technology that was created to keep personal and payment information secure. Chad was one of the first investors and believers in this technology , do you think he was right about this ?
And are you going to be personally using it to replace your wallet ?
A: Vinny Paz
Are you kidding me ? It’s great , just like it says put a Wocket in your Pocket ; everyone should have a Wocket in their pocket . Chad can pick winners!
Vinny in closing, since you have proven you have what it takes to be a winner and world champion , what do you think are the key ingredients to be a winner and also to create a winning product ?
A: Vinny Paz
It takes four things to be a winner I believe. The first two are persistence and determination and then you need to work hard and most importantly, never quit . Everyone in life has hard times, no matter what race, color or how much money you have; everyone does but we all have to get back up and keep fighting,
Thanks so much Vinny , I hope to talk soon about your boxer Jean Pierre Augustin and when your movie will hit theatres, maybe movie goers will be buying tickets with a Wocket!
See Vinny Paz Bio:
See Vinny Paz Wocket in Pocket photos on Facebook:
Learn more about ‘Bleed for This’:
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