World blood donor day – My memories

In the year 2006 group of enthusiastic and social service oriented youngsters thought about organising blood donation camp in our locality. When we decided to go ahead, checked kind of events organised in our locality and surrounded in the past, understood that doesn’t happened and we are so thrilled that we are introducing that concept here and also involving in this Nobel cause by donating blood voluntarily and encouraging others too.

When we decided to organise event, in our group none of them have the experience and we have to start from scratch to finding blood banks, place to organise and campaigning strategies. I have donated blood in other part of the city in camp and through my friend I have contacted that blood bank to discuss about the organising camp in our location.

Couple of representative of that blood bank came to our house and explained how to organise camp and what kind of support they will provide and other related aspects. After that discussion boosted our confidence in organising blood donation camp and did it on the same year.

We thought that simply organising blood donation camp will not makes any special, decided to add some features to this event to make it special. In that process decided to dedicate each year camp to stalwarts of different walks life. To promote reading habit, book culture and cultivate the habit of tree planting, giving each donor to a book and sapling of their choice among. Consecutive five years we organised and later year we added one more feature in our program is registration of eye donation.

It’s very difficult to draw more volunteers when you organise the program publically compare to corporates, institutes, fans clubs organises.

Lot of myths attached to blood donation, those who fit to donate take those excuses and avoids. Certainly, when they need of unit of blood to their loved ones, realizes the importance of blood donation and its purpose.

Donor gains lot of health benefits instead of feeling negativity. Those who fit at least donate unit of blood once in a year. You may donate at blood donation camps or else you can donate at blood banks as well.

I take this opportunity to thanks all my spirited team to organise such a noble cause event.

My heartfelt congratulations to regular donors and encouraging other to donate.


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