The World Belongs to Youngsters
The Power of The Environment
"A recent conversation with a friend really made me think. She is interviewing for a senior role and one of the key questions she is asking herself in weighing up the offer, is: “Do I want to become like these people?” Niven Postma on Linkedin
I love seeing how leaders are really starting to get how damaging these toxic environments are. It starts with school, all the kids being ranked according to coolness and ganging up on each other. I'm not even going to get into how toxic social media is today and how it's literally killing our kids. Not to mention that our kids are actually getting their education from social media more than anywhere else. Then all these "great experiences" continue in the workplace with the draining office politics. And being virtual doesn't help decrease that at all from what I understand. Clearly many companies that say, "we have a great culture" don't have any idea what that entails. How did we get through all these things in the old days? We pretended everything was fine, somehow muddled through and survived.
But now it's 2022. Do we really need to subject our children to the same toxic experiences we had growing up? Here's what I'm recommending. Every major brand should take its employees' children out of school, and create an incredible environment for them in a designated area at the company headquarters. Not only would you be saving these kids from all the horrors that take place in public schools today - you would be cultivating the future leaders of your company right from your own families.
But now it's 2022. Do we really need to subject our children to the same toxic experiences we had growing up? Here's what I'm recommending. Every major brand should take its employees' children out of school, and create an incredible environment for them in a designated area at the company headquarters. Not only would you be saving these kids from all the horrors that take place in public schools today - you would be cultivating the future leaders of your company right from your own families.
Leadership Training From Early Childhood
Everyone's searching for answers about how to make great leaders. They're trying to discover the right formula for creating the leaders of tomorrow and keep coming up empty handed. There are many theories based on various philosophies and ideologies, and a lot of guessing involved. If any of these traditional methods were actually working, our world wouldn't be in the mess it's in.
The solution is to make leadership training an integral part of children's education from a very young age, because habit eventually becomes second nature. All the major brands have STEM programs running throughout the education system. But in the toxic work environments we have everywhere, these young developers won't be able to get along well enough to produce anything of real value. And when push comes to shove - they won't want to work. Which is a real shame because they really want to work. They really want to contribute in a positive way to society, but not at any price.
Ideally this new education inside the walls of your company would start from age 5-6 and continue all the way up to 18. It would all be based on the integral approach - and can only be taught by people with years of experience applying the integral approach to the next generation. Don't think that you can hire experts with fancy credentials to do this - only people that have actually experienced the integral method on themselves for many years, and who have applied it to youngsters can provide the correct guidance. Otherwise you'll be cultivating the exact same toxic environment you currently have. Just to remind you because I often mention this - the real integral method comes from nature and belongs to no one. No one has any rights to the integral method. But if it's important for you to get proof of what you're purchasing - I suggest you look at the expert's children.
What happens to kids that embark on this leadership path? This new way of thinking becomes embedded in their nature. They actually become formatted for leadership according to integral thinking. So no matter what they're doing - they'll always be combining forces to boost their emotional intelligence and collective intelligence, and solve challenges together. This process will produce a huge pool of multi-talented geniuses, which will be far more valuable to a company than having the best programmers.
So maybe now is the time to stop talking about leadership and actually set up an environment for acquiring the correct leadership skills for the new era. Youngsters that come out of such a framework will know how to embed human connection into everything they do. This positive virus will make them highly influential leaders wherever they go.
The Problem Is Way Bigger Than 'The Great Resignation'
The next generation really want to find their place in the world - but they don’t know how and no one is showing them the right path forward. They don't see anything appealing ahead of them, so why should they bother studying and getting a career? They find the perks and flashy things companies are offering not doing the trick any more. Is it really worth losing our freedom for those things that don't really fill us anymore?
Why do the youngsters feel it more than any other part of the workforce? Because they are the bridge between the old era and the new.
Why do the youngsters feel it more than any other part of the workforce? Because they are the bridge between the old era and the new. So it would be smart to let them lead the future trends of business. They will give birth to the new world of business. And in the process of seeking business success, they 'll also find themselves and their true purpose in life. Work is only the trigger for enabling that.
If we give them enough space, the next generation will create the whole new business world and no one has any clue at the moment what that will look like. Having them with us is like having a goldmine that we haven't mined yet, so it's very exciting. All we need to know is how to help them develop correctly and not disturb them.
What do we need to do? Get out of their way. Our generation needs to stop blocking them. We really have no other choice otherwise in a few years none of them will want to work at all and the business world will come to a complete standstill without them.
It’s not by chance that we’re the first generation that has nothing to pass onto the next generation. At a time when everyone is worried about benefits and how to talk to employees - we should really be far more concerned with where the engine of development will come from. The economy is a reflection of our relationships and at the moment there's no communication - everything is stuck.
The solution is really simple: release the young people from any type of obligation. Allow them to do their thing in a controlled and very special environment that will enable them to flourish under your watch.
Companies that begin implementing these recommendations now, will be all set for the new era. The youngsters will become incredible leaders suited to the new era, and show the way forward for the entire company.