World Art Day
Today is World Art Day, chosen to honour the birthday of Leonardo da Vinci. We have a range of fantastic resources within Purple Mash to help celebrate art in your school.
2Paint is a straightforward paint tool that allows even the youngest children to choose simple, 'real-world' drawing tools to use on-screen and progress to more advanced tools such as Flood Fill or Shape tools.
Features include:
You can also find many Paint Projects, which have topic-themed textured pens - for example, sweet and chocolate texture pens in our Hansel and Gretel paint project.
2Paint a Picture
2Paint a Picture is a drawing tool which helps children create various painting effects and combine these effects to make pictures.
Features include:
Famous Artists
If part of your Art topic focuses on a famous artist, check out our factfile templates. Each template has background information on each artist, to help your class with their research. Including some of the following artists:
There are also blank templates that children can use to research their favourite artist.
We hope you enjoy getting creative this World Art Day.