The world is always going to test your boundaries (Social Media Secrets E11)

The world is always going to test your boundaries (Social Media Secrets E11)

It’s funny… The number one question I get (besides “How does your hair always look good - LOL jk) is about balancing family and business.

So here’s the crazy thing. It all stems from my Business by Design and standing by it - I teach this intensely in The Social Clique FOR A REASON.

Because the world is always going to test your boundaries, and what you stand for. And that’s normal!

You need to build a Business by Design - fully enforced boundaries to give you freedom!

I want to explain why your Business by Design will save your life with a little scenario my assistant Kellyanne and I role-played.

Kellyanne stands on a chair next to me by my request....

Me to Kellyanne: How balanced would you say you are?

Kellyanne: Pretty balanced.

Me: You would say you're a balanced person?

Kellyanne: Yes.

Me: Explain that to me.

Kellyanne: Well.....

And suddenly I push Kellyanne off of the chair - and she suddenly realized that TALKING about being balanced didn't mean anything.

The world (represented by clients in this example) is waiting to take you by surprise - via tests.

Oh, you have great boundaries with clients? I'm gonna see if you mean what you say - and test the limits.

Oh, you don't answer clients at all hours of the night? I'm gonna text you at 2am and see if that's true.

Oh, you don't work outside of the scope we agreed upon? I'm just gonna sneak a few things into an email and see if you push back.

The world has its own set of priorities, values, daily schedules, and core beliefs....

When we aren't firm about OUR OWN Business By Design - and follow through - we stoop to the levels of everyone else's lack of.

That means MORE than just slipping it into a "how we work" document.

It requires standing strong in that commitment.

Several amazing examples of this from my own team:

- Audrey tells me that she doesn't work after 7pm.

She sees that I message her WHENEVER I have a thought.

She ignores the messages after 7pm to remain true to her business by design.

I'm trained to know she won't respond when it's not right for her to respond.

- Kellyanne tells me that she isn't comfortable reading my personal text messages.

I ask her if she can just 'fill in' for a week and support me with them.

She says "No. I am not comfortable with that - and won't ever be."

I don't ask her again.

There are SO many more examples of everyone on my team living in their business by design.

If you’re ready to start turning your business (and life) into something you seriously love, build, and live FREELY in, you might be ready for The Social Clique.

If that’s you, you’re invited to apply now:

Catch you later



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