Worksity x Bournemouth & Poole College
Hello ?? from Worksity.
Recently, we've been fortunate to be in conversation with Stuart Palmer , the director of Creative and Digital industries, at Bournemouth and Poole College .
After completing Worksity projects successfully with both Arts University Bournemouth and Bournemouth University students so far - we are so excited to be expanding our offerings to Bournemouth and Poole College students!
In the coming months, Stuart has helped us massively, by giving us the opportunity to introduce ourselves to students and lecturers at the college, enabling us to continue our work to strengthen the connections between students and local businesses, with a keen new audience.
This opportunity has been incredibly valuable for us, as we often get a lot of people asking us 'how' do we do it? as opposed to 'how' can we help? Stuarts approach evidently shows his dedication to the success of his students, and his active-attitude towards positive growth in the community.
Early on, we recognised the value of industry-education collaboration for the economy of the local community - based on the basic concept of the local multiplier effect. This topic is vital for the whole community, including local businesses, universities, colleges, and is even included in UK government initiatives such as Dorset Chamber and Dorset LEP Local Skills Improvement Programme (LSIP), as a result of the recent economic events, both political and environmental. Worksity has always been about positive collaboration. So in light of this, we’d like to share with you our 4 key focuses, that have been with us since the beginning, and how Worksity Projects are benefiting both students and local businesses in the BCP area.
Worksity’s area's of focus are:
1. Providing students with project-based work to develop their technical experience, entrepreneurial thinking, improve their soft skills and encourage work-readiness, all whilst earning money through paid projects within local industries.
Since COVID-19 traits such as confidence, experience and communication skills have noticeable reduced and this puts students at a disadvantage when looking for an employer, even with great technical skills.
2. Providing micro and small local businesses with innovative, up-to-date skills and affordable solutions.
As Dorset’s economy is dominated by small and micro businesses, it is vital to support them by providing solutions that can help combat rising costs, without necessarily having to commit to the overhead costs of full-time or even part-time employment . Both creative and business sectors, need help to nurture the unique vibrancy they bring to the area. By supporting local businesses we are enriching residents and potential-residents environment and the whole communities well-being, as a result.
3. Facilitating and effectively managing projects between students and local businesses.
Managing these projects is a vital aspect to ensure their success. Effectively sourcing students will ensure they are matched with the right business and project, based on their experience level, course and even personal interests. On the other hand, local businesses need to gain more confidence, through positive experience, that the student will meet their deadlines, up-hold their quality standards and use their limited resources wisely. Both parties require dedicated encouragement, support and guidance throughout the whole project.?
4. Improving the links between education and industry, to open up more opportunities for profitable collaboration for both students and local businesses?within Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole.
By strengthening these bonds, the relationship between students and local businesses can start to grow. Local businesses will have faster, easier access, to high-quality and affordable solutions, with the guarantee of a dedicated project manager to oversee the success of the project. Furthermore, students will have more opportunities to gain paid, real-world experience, anytime during their studies and improving overall employability as a result.
Worksity is all about positive collaboration, so if anyone is interested to learn more or partner with us - please get in touch, share this with someone who might be, or pass our name on. We’re incredibly grateful for the wealth of support we have received so far. However, with thousands of keen students across multiple universities and colleges, and thousands of micro and small businesses in dorset alone - there’s plenty more work to do!
If you’d like to know how to start a project as a local business, or how to get involved as a student, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us via email - [email protected]