Organizations are confronted with various developments in both their environment and within the organization, as well as with the so-called ‘VUCA-World’ and ‘significant adverse events’, which together require them to address their way of doing business with high and true "sense of urgency". Organizations therefore must continuously revise and innovate their core business model!
To create a new business model or innovate an existing one, Alexander Osterwalder developed the Business Model Canvas. The Business Model Canvas is a Strategic Management and Lean Startup template for developing new or redesigning existing business models to create competitive advantage. Based on the framework developed by Alexander Osterwalder, the canvas is presented as a visual chart with 9 building blocks. These elements cover the areas of the organization's core offering, infrastructure, customers, and finances. They include Customer Segments, Value Propositions, Channels, Customer Relationships, Revenue Streams, Key Resources, Key Activities, Key Partnerships and Cost Structure.
For one to master the fundamentals regarding the Business Model Canvas, the ‘introduction to business model canvas workshop has been developed’ by Management Advisors. This workshop covers the essentials of building business models based on the best-selling book Business Model Generation by Alexander Osterwalder. It is intended to provide the participants with basic knowledge of the approach to business modeling.
Do you want to acquire knowledge regarding Business Model Canvas generation and innovation, and its application to your role at work? If you are serious about your growth, your future and your success, then this practical in-company workshop, which is based on our vast experience in different organizations, is a 'MUST' for you!
For more information regarding this practical in-company workshop, please see the attached brochure. If this workshop is what you have been looking for? Please contact us directly via +5999 5123424 (Sherwin Latina) or via email [email protected]