It works like a charm
We are good at detecting signals from our environment by the nature. It has been vital over time to detect the food and not getting eaten. How we see the products and services we consume? There are mountains of signals that we are influenced. We use for example our senses, cognitive skills, opinions, known facts by logical thinking and the emotions.
I use a lot of technology to measure my life. It is nice to see numbers getting better at what I do. However, the things I suppose that drives me, are the purpose and the values. I do stuff for the purpose and values are the compass in my fantastic voyage. And the most important metrics in my mind is my mind (funny). How I feel and sense other peoples feelings are at the focal zone defining the place in the ballpark I want to spend time.
In ballgames current paradigm is that players want to defence by offending and vice versa. To be able to do that there is a life long learning needed for a team to even start trying, not to mention to succeed. The playbook, the individual skills, coaching skills and the supporting capabilities to capture a little bit of the big picture. The next step in the flow is pulled ideally, not pushed.
Truly awesome image is that where the dots are happy together with lines between them. And the lines has two ends, so lets mind the both - dots and lines.