Workplace Wellness – what does it actually mean to Be Better?

Workplace Wellness – what does it actually mean to Be Better?

Provender, Australia’s only truly national unattended retail operator, unveils the second generation of its Micro Market and asserts their dominance in both workplace wellness and convenience.

Just in time for Spring, Provender has launched our second-generation Micro Market – The Provender GrabNGo Micro Market 2.0 and we thought we’d explain the meaning behind our associated Be Better campaign.

Are you sick to death of the rhetoric that surrounds the buzzwords – “workplace wellness”?

Whether you’re reading LinkedIn articles written by the VP of Human Resources of a Multinational Corporation, watching a YouTuber’s sponsored video or browsing influencers Instagram reels espousing the latest in workplace wellness (using the script sent to them by their paying client), it is fairly easy to get sucked into the vortex of “talking the talk”, agreeing with all of the talk, and not actually doing anything about it.

At Provender, we don’t aspire to offering beige, same-same platitudes. Our clients expect solutions from us, they expect innovation from us and they expect us to walk the walk – not simply say that we’re doing something about it.

In the case of workplace wellness, actions speak volumes and rhetoric is irrelevant.

We believe that workplace wellness is multifaceted and includes nutrition, value and community.

  • Nutrition is a given – we all know that nutrition plays a critical role in keeping us on top of our mental and physical game. Getting the right nutrition whilst at work, though, can sometimes be an uphill battle. Whether there are very few take-away food choices close by or you were unable to pack a nutritious lunch because you slept in / forgot to shop yesterday / couldn’t be bothered…..or many other potential reasons, you’re not going to be functioning at full speed without the right fuel.
  • Value – specifically the value your workplace places on your wellbeing. Does your workplace offer subsidised health care? Workplace wellness seminars? Subsidised healthy food choices or nutritious food options on site? If your workplace only talks about wellness but doesn’t actually do anything about it – is your health and wellbeing really valued? Are you really valued?
  • Community and belonging, being part of something bigger than ourselves is one of the most magical parts of being human (not to mention, a key factor in our overall wellbeing). Do you have regular social gatherings at your workplace, do you have the opportunity to relax or gather over a cup of coffee at lunch or when brainstorming ideas? Do you feel a part of your company, more than simply a number?

When we launched our second-generation Micro Markets – Provender GrabNGo in August, workplace wellness was at the top of our priorities.

From nutrition to fresh food choices and from messaging to aesthetics; literally everything we launched let to being better.

Our Micro Markets have been designed to enable workplaces to simply BE BETTER.

Our Micro Markets feature a stunning modular design that can be perfectly customised to any existing lunchroom, break room or even coffee nook.

And here’s how Provender are leading the Australian Micro Market industry with innovation and action in terms of workplace wellness.

  1. Imagine the fresh, nutritious, and utterly delicious handmade meals and snacks served all day, every day, right there in your workplace.The Provender GrabNGo food range features fresh salads, fruit, dairy and bakery as well as delicious and nutritious readymade meals catering to a wide range of dietary and cultural needs.Drinks from Kombucha to organic energy boosting shots as well as the household brands that you’ve come to know and love, sit alongside a range of coffees and drinks that will leave you looking around the corner to find where the Barista is hiding!Oh, and we haven’t forgotten that a little snack here and there, in moderation, never hurt anyone, so you will also find some familiar snack brands on the shelves.
  2. Imagine that corporate is actually listening to you and truly valuing your health and your wellbeing. Imagine that even on the days where you can’t be bothered to prepare and pack a healthy meal for work, you have inexpensive, healthy and convenient choices right there within your workplace.
  3. Imagine a place where you can gather with your work buddies, brainstorm in a relaxed atmosphere with your colleagues and shout clients an incredible array of Barista quality coffee without having to trapse down the street and hustle with everyone else in the cafes.

And because our Micro Markets are available in the marketplace right now and because companies such as Amazon, Linfox and Harvey Norman are already valuing the health and well-being of their staff and contractors with Provender Micro Markets – you need not imagine any longer.

From here, there are only three things to do to make enduring improvements in your workplace wellness:

  1. Stop Imagining
  2. Be Better
  3. Contact Provender

Call our team today on 1800 121 111 to find out how a GrabNGo Micro Market by Provender will benefit your workplace.



