Workplace Violence Prevention
Workplace violence should be a concern for every company where employees gather to work; workplace violence includes physical assault, sabotage resulting in injury and in the worst-case homicide. On average, 50,000+ injuries occur annually due to assaults in the workplace and out of those incidents over 500 became fatalities.
Workplace violence can happen anywhere to anyone, here are some best practices to help prevent violence from occurring:
The company's leadership team need to all be aligned and committed to providing a safe and secure work environment for all of their associates. It must be clear that there is a zero-tolerance policy against violence, direct and indirect threats made against employees, just like you can't joke around about a "bomb" in an airport, you can't threaten another employee even in jest. There cannot be any variation from this standard or a permissive attitude will permeate throughout your company and red flags will get missed.
A Zero Tolerance Policy: Is when violence or threats of violence on any level are not tolerated and they are reported immediately so corrective action can be taken swiftly!?
Next, develop a formal Workplace Violence Policy with the collaboration of a cross functional team that includes, Human Resource, Environmental, Health & Safety (EHS), Security, Legal & Union Relations Management
Then train your employees on the policy which should include the most common pre-cursers & red flags to violence; listed are some of those warning signs: (the risk increases exponentially if multiple of these are observed with the same person)
The only Reason for Human Intra-Species Violence is to Establish (or Re-establish) Control
When you train your employees on how to identify the basic warning signs you will see an increase of reporting, this isn't because threats have gone up, this is because they are now trained to proactively identify red flags and they know what department to report them to for investigation & resolution.
Employees who are trained properly will no longer ignore threatening, harassing, intimidating or disruptive behavior and they will feel empowered to report these concerns to their manager or human resources to help maintain a safe environment.
Myth: "There were no red flags, he just snapped!" This is a myth, there are always warning signs prior to a violent event, some might be subtle, some are very obvious, when in doubt, report the concern!
Within the Workplace Violence Prevention Policy, it needs to be clear who or what function(s) employees can report their concerns too, this can be Human Resources, Direct Manager, Ombuds, Union Rep, or all of the above. Then there needs to be a clear process to follow once the concern is raised, this usually includes an investigation to determine validity, risk and corrective actions. Corrective actions can include suspension, termination, employee assistance program (EAP) clearance before returning to work, etc.
Finally, your office, building or facility needs to have solid physical security controls to include:
Key Takeaways: Maintain an unwavering culture of safety and security, empower employees to proactively report threats of all kinds and have good physical security controls in place; with these best practices in place, you will significantly reduce the likelihood of your company ever becoming a victim of workplace violence!
Next Week's Newsletter: How To Handle High Risk Terminations
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