Workplace Newsletter - December 23
Launch Of UMO Workplace Newsletter
UMO is launching our Workplace Newsletter. Our newsletter will keep companies and organisations informed about opportunities, training, coaching, innovative projects, best practice, and links to relevant research. Our aim is to keep you up to date with the latest news on services UMO can provide.
We want our newsletter to be valuable and useful to workplaces, so we encourage you to click below to fill out our newsletter survey.
OneSpace App
UMO is developing the OneSpace App – a universal mental health, neurodiversity and wellbeing app. The app enables all employees to access specialist support by linking them with their support network, self-help and therapeutic support, with or without a mental health or neurodiversity diagnosis.
OneSpace adopts a preventative model of support. Our innovative AI interface keeps workplaces aware of employee wellbeing decline, so support can be put in place to help them achieve their goals at work.
OneSpace creates an individualised mental health, neurodiversity and/or wellbeing profile providing insight to the employee’s needs, strategies and techniques to keep and stay well, linking employees to the right support using an engaging AI interface to help fill out the passport and guide the user through.
Our aim is to support your employees to be happy and productive. For more information please contact [email protected]
Recruitment to Workplace Transition (RWT) & Mental Health, Neurodiversity and Wellbeing Passport (MHNWP) Project
Phase 1: In June 2023, we launched phase 1 of our transition project, named the University To Workplace Transition (UWT) & MHWP to help students transition into productive employees. The project was supported by several partners including Student Minds, Good Thinking, THRIVE LDN, UMHAN and the UK government’s research arm, TASO (supporting evaluation). It is currently funded by Imperial College London, London Metropolitan, University of Manchester, Queen Mary University College and King's College London.
Phase 2: Phase 2 will be launching in March/April 2024, named the RWT & MHNWP. This project aims to support new recruits moving into the workplace, supporting their mental health, neurodiversity and wellbeing needs. It ensures that they can communicate these needs from the outset, encouraging a positive supportive experience from the word go.
What Does The Project Involve? The project provides new recruits with between 5-7 Specialist Transition Coaching Sessions (mental health, neurodiversity or wellbeing coaching) from the time the employee is recruited to the first few weeks of employment. New employees complete the innovative MHNWP - a supportive tool that raises awareness of mental health, neurodiversity and wellbeing needs in the workplace and helps facilitate conversations with employers, to ensure that needs are met in the workplace.
If you or your company is interested in taking part, please contact Natalie Edwards or [email protected]