Workplace Guidelines for COVID
The Workplace Advisors
A national consulting & training firm specializing in the business consulting support & people skills you need to grow.
Paige McAllister shares the latest workplace guidance on COVID in this Q&A.
Question: We have an employee who tested positive for COVID-19. What are the current requirements? How long do they need to stay away from the workplace?
Answer: The CDC recently amended their long-standing guidance for isolation for those who have tested positive for and/or have symptoms of COVID-19. Luckily, due to factors such as the increased immunity of the general population due to vaccines and previous exposure along with the improved effectiveness in treatment, the CDC chose to reduce the period of isolation for most people.
The new guidance calls for individuals who have symptoms to stay home and away from others until they start improving and have been fever-free without the use of medication for 24 hours. If individuals begin feeling better or have not experienced symptoms, they can end isolation before the previous 5-day mark. However, they should remain cautious by wearing a mask, washing their hands often, and distancing from others for the 5 days after onset or testing.
This new guidance reflects each individual's degree of illness but also retains the caution during the initial 5 days during which an individual is more likely to spread the virus to others.
If you have an employee who has COVID-19, you should require they stay out of the workplace until their symptoms improve and have been fever-free (without the aid of medication) for at least 24 hours. Then require they wear a mask and distance as possible when in the workplace.