Australian Assembly of Administrators
Research + Education + Advocacy + Awards = AAAs or Australian Assembly of Administrators
Coming to grips with hybrid structure within our executive team
It’s just over two years ago that the way we worked changed considerably, and now, as we return to the office within various forms of structure, each of our experiences within the administrative profession has been different and influenced our beliefs and actions when it comes to the ‘how’ of returning to office life.
The hybrid model is here to stay, no matter how we try and push, pull or ignore it. The challenge we must manage, either within our teams or ourselves, is the emerging arrogance surrounding how the hybrid model will work within the business and where our roles need to be situated to suit the business executive teams.
It is not a ‘one size fits all solution; if you’re a Receptionist, Front House Manager, or work in Guest Experience Relations, the truth is, the hybrid model probably isn’t going to work for you in these client-facing roles - it’s back to work in the office for these individuals.
But when it comes to administrative support, it isn’t so black and white, and this is where the confusion and the arrogance have settled in. I believe that if you are supporting a team and the team is in the office, we need to be back there. We need to be back having those conversations that occur around the water cooler; we need to be walking to and from the meetings with our leaders; we need to be able to execute the events more efficiently and reduce the number of emails that are coming into the inbox.
When it comes to supporting a CEO, CMO, CFO, or high-performing leader, I think we have to adapt how we work to meet their needs and the demands of what is required in the role. If your executive has returned to the office three days a week, we need to adjust our thinking and working style to suit this. In contrast, our leaders need to allow for flexibility and demonstrate awareness of individual situations. I believe we need to be having open, honest conversations (and I mean a real conversation, not an email) with our leaders so that we can work in synergy with them, ensure the needs of the business are met, and enjoy some of the elasticity that the hybrid model allows for.
But is this happening? We continually hear echoes on the streets to the tune of ‘I’m not returning to the office…I don’t need to be there; I have worked the last two years from home’. Lose the chip off the shoulder and think strategically. Yes, we did work from home for two years, and during that time, we didn’t need to be there because?we made it work?out of necessity. The pandemic meant we had to adapt fast and that businesses had to pivot; this doesn’t mean that it is a solution that works forever. And because of the situation we were all thrust into, the workplace HAS changed, the way we think and plan our day HAS changed, and so have the efficiencies within our day-to-day operations. Not to mention the impact technology has had on how we manage our business interactions. These are all good things. However, they may not negate the need for us to, at times, be face-to-face with our leaders and executive teams to be high-performing strategic business administrators.
The blended structure in the workplace is great and works for many large and small businesses. Yes, it is here to stay, but I must acknowledge it may not suit you. Please don’t compare your situation (because we know comparison is the thief of joy); look at your team and look at how you can best support your executive or leader moving forward, or if you are the leader, look at what the needs of the business are but think about how you can bend the edges of the structure a little to allow the needs of your administrative professional. Remember, we won’t all fit in the same box of hybrid workplaces, so create your own rules up or down your chain of command and work together to find a solution that suits your role, team, and business.
Allowing for a change in how our workplaces operate is a fantastic culture to build and can work into the future because technology has made it possible. Here’s a quick truth bomb: if you didn’t embrace technology in the last two years and upskill, you will be left behind.?
Always remember that as administrators, the number one thing we do is serve - so turn up and be the best individual that you can be to serve your leader, executive team and business.
Michelle Bowditch?
CEO - Australian Admin Awards