Naveed Malik
Recruitment Consultant / Career Counselor / Motivational Speaker & Trainer(30,000 linkedin connections)
Discrimination at workplace is a very common complaint these days. It exists in many forms like discrimination based on age/gender/race/ disability/color/ religion/ pay raise/growth/ benefits.
The discrimination most commonly witnessed these days is "HIRING CANDIDATES FROM TOP UNIVERSITIES" this is the most common job advertisment which clearly indicates the biase towards few elite universities and deprives many deserving people of their right to land a dream job. By putting this cliche to work many candidates who have learned alot from experience and relevant education are seen disappointed/reluctant as they considered themselves suitable match for the job but based on university discrimination they are deprived from such jobs.
However I believe that attitude towards work is the most important thing and must be used as means for discrimination between employees. People must follow the attitude of winner /successful people and learn from it in order to progress in their career.
Another big discrimination factor is calling for a male / female candidate for performing a specific job role. Based on the understanding that females are preffered in some professions a general practice must be followed allowing both the genders to exhibit their talent equally and prove themselves in job role not specific to their gender and the principal of "EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY" must be followed in letter and spirit.
We also see gender favors in office space based on the gender biases of the bosses. I believe that both the genders must be given equal work opportunity and must be given benefits / promotion etc. based on merit rather then seniors/ employers generder biases.
It is also observed in developing countries that a general favorable behavior towards women is maintained for example in case of roits/ strikes women are the first priority when it comes to giving relief to staff, speaking personally it is commendable as females are the weak section of male dominating society and must not be deprived of this philanthropic right.
Examples of Employment Discrimination
Employment discrimination could occur in any number of situations, including:
- Stating or suggesting preferred candidates in a job advertisement
- Excluding potential employees during recruitment
- Denying certain employees compensation or benefits
- Paying equally-qualified employees in the same position different salaries
- Discriminating when assigning disability leave, maternity leave, or retirement options
- Denying or disrupting the use of company facilities
- Discrimination when issuing promotions or lay-offs
Another biase which many people complain today is based on the employer preference of high grade students like requirement of throughout A grade students. Although achieving high grades in exams is commendable however the merit must not be only based on marks / divisions rather it must be all inclusive. I would again like to emphasize on the work behavior that I consider it the most important factor when it comes to recruitment/ selection. The examples of Albert Einstein and Jack Ma are imperative. They were not the best at school/ studies infact Einstein was a school drop out, but they were/ are the most influential/ successful people at their work.
In case you find yourself in one or more of above situations if your organization/ country laws permit you to raise your voice over above issues, must raise your voice for self/ general welfare. If the discrimination continues one must also explore other avenues for self development / growth.
Good Luck