The Workplace Buzz - Second Issue
Reynold (Ren) Leming
Founder & MD of Informu Solutions | Data Audits & Governance, Records Management Consulting, Workplace Strategy, Office Moves, ESG | IAR/ROPA software | Vice Chair of the Information and Records Management Society (IRMS)
The Workplace Buzz – Issue #2, 12th April 2022
Welcome to the second edition of?Informu Solutions’ LinkedIn newsletter, where we provide news and commentary on Information and Data Governance, Facilities Management, ESG and the Archives and Libraries sector. We will also provide Company news and updates from the?Information and Records Management Society (of which our Managing Director, Ren Leming, is currently the Chair).
We would like to say a big thank you to all who subscribed to our first edition and some lovely words of feedback that we have received. We are always happy to hear from you regarding any themes, items or announcements you would like us to consider including in the newsletter.
Informu helps organisations transition a leaner, cleaner, greener and happier working environment. Whether your starting point is the implementation of hybrid working, workspace reconfiguration or office move, auditing your storage / H&S / ESG practices, or a review of records management and archiving, we have over 100 person years of experience to bring to your task or project. We also supply our highly configurable information and physical asset management system. Please contact [email protected] to discuss how we might help.
Spring is in the air and we wish everyone a happy Easter holiday period.
However, as Covid is still out there, we send our best wishes that everyone keeps safe and well, and our thoughts remain with all those affected by the terrible conflict in Ukraine.
Thanks for reading,
Ren Leming & Jonathan ("JJ") Jerreat
News Headlines
New Trans-Atlantic Data Privacy Framework
On 25th March 2022, the European Commission and the United States announced that they have agreed in principle on a new Trans-Atlantic Data Privacy Framework. This will address the concerns raised by the Court of Justice of the European Union in the Schrems II decision of July 2020. This shows a a US commitment to implement reforms that will strengthen the privacy and civil liberties protections applicable to US signals intelligence activities. Please see
It is expected that the UK Government will strike a similar deal once the EU/US one is finalised. For a viewpoint on what UK organisations should do in the meantime ee this Act Now Training blog post
The UK International Data Transfer Agreement (UK IDTA)
The IDTA came into force on 21 March 2022. If you transfer personal data outside of the UK to a country that is outside of the EEA or has not been awarded an adequacy decision then the new international data transfer mechanism applies. There is also a new UK Addendum for any agreements which contained the EU standard contractual clauses aligning aligns the EU SCCs with the UK GDPR and UK law. Data exporters will be able to use the IDTA or the Addendum as a transfer tool. For further insights, including a timeline, please see this blog post by Griffin House Consultancy
The ICO guidance is here
UK Health Secretary pushes digitisation of social care records
Sajid Javid wants 80% of providers to abandon paper-based records by 2024 ahead of broader plans for digital health and care. “We’re determined to support you in that endeavour, supporting providers with the connectivity and digital skills they will need to recover and reform in the years ahead,” the secretary said, adding he was excited about what machine learning and artificial intelligence could offer in terms of delivering personalised care. Please see
New changes in relation to in relation to Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
On 6 April 2022 the Personal Protective Equipment at Work (Amendment) Regulations 2022 come into force in Great Britain and extend employers’ and other organisations’ duties, so that they are now required to provide PPE to all workers (including casual workers) as well as employees. Please see
Spotlight on CCTV
Appropriate and robust asset management and compliance scrutiny of CCTV is something we have been banging the drum about recently. Often issues arise because information is outdated or, as the following story illustrates, because of inadvertent circumstances. Surveillance cameras installed in a void above toilets to catch illegal drug activity at an Ikea distribution centre accidentally filmed other areas of the toilets, an investigation found; as a result of ceiling tiles becoming dislodged, two cameras inadvertently recorded footage of the communal areas of two bathrooms for a period of time in 2017. Please see
Informu can help with surveying the CCTV estate, undertaking Data Protection Impact Assessments and writing policies. We also provide an CCTV register software system – please see
Including analysis of managing CCTV data, Informu Solutions and Coalescent will be jointly running a webinar at 11.00am BST on Thursday 5th May entitled "Simplify the building blocks of personal data and facilities management".
This 1 hour webinar (which will be a mix of presentation, conversation, software demonstration and Q&A) will explore the myriad of personal data created within the workplace and the key data protection considerations for colleagues working in Building and Facilities Management. Please register here
Information Rights Matters
On the subject of DPIAs, the Information Commissioner's Office have a short and useful "spotlight" post here
The Information Commissioner's Office have also published a LinkedIn article entitled Why Covid-19 has shown the FOI Act has never been more important to UK society. This highlights some of the key Freedom of Information rulings we made over the last two years. Please see
The ICO has taken action over predatory marketing calls targeting vulnerable people. The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) has announced fines totalling £405,000 to five companies responsible for over 750,000 unwanted marketing calls targeted at older, vulnerable people and has issued these companies with enforcement notices that require them to immediately stop making the predatory calls. Please see
This article looks at Why do we need the online safety bill? It takes a look back on the Online Safety Bill, how it came to be and what it is trying to achieve. "We have seen harm online for many years, and until now, the process of ensuring people are protected by a lawful stance has been missing."
Cyber Security News
39% of UK businesses identified a cyber attack. The UK Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport recently published its Cyber Security Breaches Survey 2022. One headlines is that the survey results show that in the last 12 months, 39% of UK businesses identified a cyber attack. Please see
Act Now Training has published a useful post arising from the survey summarising What DPOs need to know
Are You Protected Against “Phygital” Attacks? takes an interesting look at Warshipping and other phygital attacks. Warshipping is a dangerous threat that relies on gaps in physical security, particularly mail, to gain direct access to a network via for example shipping rigged devices.
Ways of Working News and Insights
Is There A 'Safer' Day Of The Week to Attend The Office? In terms of virus transmission risk, are there days that are “safer” to attend the workplace than others? According to the Infogrid Air Quality Index, only a quarter of working days in 2022 have been at “low” virus risk, and Wednesdays are the day with the lowest virus transmission risk for those seeking to go into the office. Read more here
Since the mass adoption of remote work, does the work week have to be Monday to Friday? This article looks at What We Learned from 4-Day Work Week Experiments Around the World
R elated to this topic, this article asks Are We Already Living a Four-Day Week? "Fridays are increasingly becoming a slower day".
Written from a US research perspective, Why Remote Work Works — and Is Here to Stay explores the impact on the job market, productivity, support for diversity and employee engagement, how remote work appeals to the next generation workforce and new organisational roles emerging.
This is a short article from Federation of Small Businesses on The legal implications to consider when introducing hybrid working, including Health and Safety considerations.
The UK is "leading the way on hybrid working". According to Microsoft’s latest Work Trend Index, when UK staff were surveyed, 84% said they are as productive or even more productive compared to a year ago – higher than the global average of 81%. The UK figure is higher than Australia, Japan, Canada and many countries across Europe.
Would employees come back to the office if their commute was paid for? Research has shown that 76% of business owners believe their employees would be incentivised to return to the workplace if their commute time was included in their working hours.
Spotlight on the Metaverse
Looking to the future of the workplace, one thing the pandemic did of course was to dramatically expand and cement new ways of working, particularly with working from home / anywhere, supported by virtual collaboration using tools such as Teams and Zoom. We've also recently heard lots more about the Metaverse. This article explores How the Enterprise Metaverse Will Change Collaboration. In the coming years, especially Gen Z will be "expecting a different way of working. Most definitely, they will not accept a 9-5 job in a cubicle...the augmented employee will become the norm". Please see
Aligned to this is a specific environment, this is an article on Reducing Safety Risks In The Construction Industry. 3D modelling and BIM are revolutionising the construction industry and have expanded into Virtual Reality (VR); this means that construction professionals can immerse themselves in the digital version of their project, which allows them to visualise, amend and mitigate issues before committing to the installation. Please see
Gartner predicts that 25% of people will spend at least an hour every day in the metaverse by 2026. Amazon, Samsung, Google, Microsoft, Facebook (Meta) and other major technology companies are investing in the metaverse. This article entitled Virtual Is Real or Real Is Virtual? The Metaverse Game Begins looks at what the user experience will be like.
?“By 2026, 30% of the organizations in the world will have products and services ready for metaverse.” More on the Gartner Metaverse predictions here
Exploring The Future of Video in the Virtual Collaboration Market, there is the quote in this article that "Zoom fatigue is a real problem. The solution is video tools that humanize interactions by recreating the physical workspace. That includes technology tools employees can use to walk around the office, go from one meeting room to another, talk to colleagues at the water cooler or coffee machine, and then go back to their office space." Please see
Before leaving the subject, this is well worth reading - How Regulations Will Affect the Metaverse. "For instance, issues of privacy, safety, taxation, antitrust, copyright, trademarks and patents are likely to be subject to regulations — whether they are adapted from current regulations or created specifically for the metaverse."
Information Management Technology News and Insights
We know that insights into the implementation and use of Microsoft 365 for content management are of interest to many readers, so we will share the latest relevant blog posts we find. There are a couple here from Andrew Warland on Audit trails for records in SharePoint Online and Sensitivity labels in Microsoft 365
Rob Bath of Intelogy has written on Understanding Microsoft 365’s new Records Management Settings page
There is also one published recently by Infotechtion entitled Why 2022 is a Big Year for Automation in Microsoft 365 Records Management
Here are links to their Best Practices for Microsoft Records Management
Many organisations are working on setting metadata and applying properties to content stored in SharePoint; this article explores How to auto categorise and classify documents with SharePoint Syntex.
Microsoft has acquired a process mining firm called Minit, a developer of process mining technology that enables businesses to uncover opportunities for continuous process improvement and better operational efficiency. Please see
Elsewhere in the Content Services industry, Hyland has launched new releases across its product portfolio to deliver improved automation, user experience and platform scalability. This includes developments relating to the Alfresco, Perceptive Content and Hyland platforms. Please see
AvePoint has announced enhancements to Cloud Records, its SaaS platform designed to help organizations improve information lifecycle management and ensure data resilience and compliance, including more complex search functionality, delegated administration and additional content sources.
The third edition of Marcia Lei Zeng and Jian Qin's textbook "Metadata" has been thoroughly updated to incorporate the many developments and changes in metadata and related domains. It “provides a solid grounding in the variety and interrelationships among different metadata types, offering a comprehensive look at the metadata schemas that exist in the world of library and information science and beyond”.
Spotlight on Digital Preservation
With many organisations needing to manage long-term access to digital content, Preservica, a leading provider in this area, have published A Charter for Long-term Digital Preservation Sustainability, which outlines 7 independently ratified Principles for assessing the sustainability and durability of service providers. This provides useful input to those reviewing or formulating their strategy. Please see
Staying with digital preservation, the Open Preservation Foundation has published a new resource that enables users to compare accepted and preferred file formats at a high level across different types of cultural and scientific institutions across the world. Please see
For a quick peek into history, this article covers the subject of Twenty years of PDF/X
TownsWeb Archiving has published a set of guides on digitising "almost every material". This includes: Maps, Plans & More; 35mm Slides & Film; Glass plate negatives; Bound books; Photographs. Please see
Facilities Management News
The UK Court of Appeal unanimously held that an interior designer was entitled to charge the amounts included in its "estimated costs" for furniture and fittings, which had been agreed by the client as the project progressed. The court dismissed the client's argument that the amount payable should be reduced to reflect what the interior designer actually paid for the furniture and fittings, reflecting wholesale rates and lower trade prices that it was able to negotiate with suppliers. Please see
HSE releases new home worker health and safety guidance. The HSE has released updated home working guidance for those who employ home workers, including those who split their time between their workplace and home. Please see the HSE website here
There is a summary here on the risks of working with display screen equipment. Guidance on stress and poor mental health is also provided.?Please see
What does ‘living with COVID’ mean for employers in England? With the ending of the legal-requirement to self-isolate due to coronavirus, this Federation of Small Business post look at how employers should respond, including on deciding an approach to employees who test positive with coronavirus, or who know they have been a close contact of someone with coronavirus but who are not themselves ill. Please see
Study Shows Importance Of Humidity Alongside Ventilation. A recently published study from the University of Oregon has demonstrated the effectiveness of ventilation, filtration and humidity to minimise airborne SARS-CoV-2 viral particles. The researchers found that increasing ventilation and filtration significantly reduced the amount of SARS-CoV-2 viral particles in both the air and on surfaces. When humidity was increased, viral particles in the air reduced by half and caused an increase in viral particles on surfaces. Please see
"Approximately 30 per cent of commercial properties are at risk of flooding in the UK". This insightful article looks at How to protect your business from flooding risk, including risk management, insurance options and practical steps.
EPC Ratings for Commercial Buildings – What's Changing? From April 2023, an extension of the MEES (Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards) regulation will prohibit landlords from leasing out commercial buildings with an EPC rating of F or lower. This short post explores what commercial landlords should be aware of including tips on improving the EPC rating.
Following the news that the government plans to halve all mixed residual waste by 2042, this article entitled Halving Residual Waste by 2042 – A Guide for Facilities Managers looks at what practical steps should FMs take now to ready themselves and get costs and carbon under control?
ESG Matters
B Corp Certification is about measuring a company’s entire social and environmental impact. It is a journey that Informu Solutions is on. This article explores Why Any Business Serious About Sustainability Should Consider Becoming a B Corp?
B Lab has published this post on The future of B Corp Certification. They are developing new performance requirements for B Corp Certification to be rolled out in 2023. These will include requirements on approximately ten specific topics spanning environmental, governance-related, and social impact, which companies would need to meet in addition to using the B Impact Assessment as an impact management tool. Please see
ESG is increasingly something that organisations are "judged" by. This short blog post on What ESG Issues Should Be Included In Your Risk Register? looks at climate change, socioeconomic changes and cybersecurity.
Draft EU law puts people and planet before profit. The European Commission’s long-awaited proposal on corporate sustainability due diligence has been published. Under the draft law, companies with more than 500 employees will be required to prevent and mitigate harm to people and planet – such as child labour and pollution – throughout their global value chains.
Entitled How Australia could help Europe solve its green energy gap, this article examines green hydrogen, which is key to decarbonising sectors such as steel, shipping and chemicals. It focusses on Australia, where there is a string of initiatives to develop gigawatt-scale solar and wind power projects to produce green hydrogen. Please see
It is interesting to note that many "smart" solutions for cities are leading to an unsustainable future, including further electrification, an increased dependence on the Internet, Internet of Things, Big Data, and Artificial Intelligence, and basically any technology that leads us to consume more electricity. The new book Smart Cities Critical Debates on Big Data, Urban Development and Social Environmental Sustainability examines critical topics in Smart Cities such as true sustainability and the resilience required for all cities.
A new Consortium is to assess the future of packaging waste sorting. Nine brand-owners, an independent test & research centre and two universities will bring expertise over 2 years to develop and test an artificial intelligence (AI) decision model1 that could help with the separating of packages that are currently not properly sorted such as food and non-food packaging. Please see
Industry 5.0 is coming. The European Union predicts that Industry 5.0 will prioritize “the wellbeing of the worker” and take a societal approach to the manufacturing sector. Influenced by the need to reduce our carbon emissions, as well as the need for workers to find new ways to engage, connect and complete their work, the new industrial revolution will be human-centric. Please see
Spotlight on Wellness
With the increasing emphasis on employee wellbeing, for those with canteens / staff restaurants, this article looks at Five Top Tips To Help Employees Adopt Healthier Diets
As life returns to a new ‘normal’ and offices reopen, organisations and employees increasingly concerned with how their companies are actively getting involved in the collective effort to reduce the global carbon footprint, this article looks at The Ways To Think Sustainably in Designing the Modern Workspace. It also considers designing for wellbeing.
"Employers must move from seeing mental health as an individual challenge to a collective priority." How Companies Are Addressing Mental Health in the Workplace looks at emerging mental health platforms and overcoming lingering mental health stigmas.
This is another article on The importance of providing mental health support for staff, including the top five supports most valued by employees.
Heritage and Archiving News
This short post is the story of how volunteers helped transcribe 130 years of handwritten rainfall records from the UK's official weather archives. ?For example, thanks to the new data we know that the driest year on record is now 1855. See more here
The UK National Archives has announced that they have become one of the first places in the UK to host a SafePod for data research. This is a small prefabricated room, which provides the necessary security and controls to enable a researcher to access and work on data that requires secure access.
In a research project led by the Victoria & Albert Museum, this report looks at Data Modelling for Born Digital / Hybrid Objects. It discusses the challenges in cataloguing, preserving and providing access to an experimental film, a VR project, Instagram and a website / mobile app / wallet card project. Please see
Students at Cambridge University set up a Minecraft server during the pandemic. This post covers some of the challenges of trying to collect more-complex digital works such as Minecraft Cambridge.
After 25 years, Brewster Kahle and the Internet Archive are still working to democratize knowledge. This is an interesting piece about Brewster Kahle, who in In 1996, Kahle founded the Internet Archive, which you may know it best for the Wayback Machine. It has collected 668 billion web pages so far!
The Special Collections Handbook, Third Edition is a comprehensive desk reference for staff working in a wide range of settings, including academia, libraries, religious organisations and museums. It covers all aspects of special collections work: preservation; developing collections; understanding objects; emergency planning; security; legal and ethical concerns; cataloguing; digitisation; marketing; outreach; teaching; impact; advocacy, and fundraising.
This story is on the project to create a new storage space in Boston Spa to build a bigger home for the British Library collection. The new storage building is part of a £95m redevelopment of the entire site, which will also introduce renewable energy sources in a bid to become carbon neutral.
The Rise, Fall and Afterlife of the CD, As Seen Through Billboard’s Archives - this article provides a brief history of the format. Well did you know -?in 2021, new releases from Adele, BTS and Taylor Swift drove disc sales up 1.1% in the first annual increase since 2004! Please see
Some sad stories from Ukraine. In Chernihiv region, Russian forces have destroyed archived documents on Soviet repression against Ukrainians ?and also the Retro Computer Museum in Mariupol, which housed over a 120 retro computing devices, including some old-school Apple and Atari hardware, along with Soviet-era computers. ?
Staying in Ukraine, the government is selling a timeline of the Russian invasion as NFTs. Proceeds will go toward Ukraine’s army and civilians.
New Informu Guidance Documents Published
In our conversations, we are aware that many organisations still use spreadsheets for their Information Asset Registers / Records of processing activities. We have therefore produced a short guidance document called "Information Asset Registers - From Spreadsheet to Database in 8 Steps". Please see
As well as providing IAR software, we also help customers with the information audit process. Again in conversations, we are aware that information asset owners / administrators often struggle with the concept of identifying what an information asset actually is. We have therefore also produced a short guidance document called "What Is an Information Asset".?Please see
IRMS Conference - Last Places Remaining
The annual?Information and Records Management Society Conference?is a great event combining learning, networking, social events, the annual awards and a vendor exhibition. However, it is selling out fast! Please see?
Thank you for reading The Workplace Buzz.
Knowledge & Information Management NHS Resolution
2 年Reyn loving your Newsletter great content, keep up the good work!
Information law Expert and Director of Act Now Training Ltd
2 年Really useful newsletter. Thanks Ren.