Workplace Burnout and Stress

Workplace Burnout and Stress

Being overworked is literally killing you.

Are you exhausted but unable to sleep at night??

Do you wake up feeling cynical and unmotivated to start the day?

Have you turned to food, or other substances to cope with how you feel?

So when you’re up those late night hours, pushing through, ask yourself:

Are you okay with trading in today’s brain for tomorrow’s fogginess??

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If this sounds close to home, it is possible that you are experiencing burnout.??

That feeling that you can’t keep moving forward, but don’t know what else to do or how to get out of it. All you want to do is sleep and wake up when things are better.?

You aren’t alone in this. A Gallop study found that 23% of people in the workforce experience burnout very often or always, and an additional 44% feel burnt out sometimes. All this means that nearly two-thirds of employees are burnt out on the job.??

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With burnout on the rise, studies are beginning to pour in around the detrimental impact it has on a person in the long term. Burnout triggers a full physical response such as triggers high blood pressure, vulnerability to illness and insomnia as common symptoms. Nonetheless, the impact can remain even after someone recovers.?

Burnout has been found to actually alter the neural circuits in your brain causing a vicious cycle?of long term neurological dysfunction. This means that your brain physically changes after a burnout, and leaves you operating often from a completely different mind, one that can be less sharp, focused or innovative in the future.

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So when you’re up those late night hours, pushing through, ask yourself: are you okay with trading in today’s brain for tomorrow’s fogginess??

Suffice to say, burnout needs to be taken seriously, and preventing it from happening is key to long term health. Here are three of the top causes of burnout and methods to avoid them from impacting your life.

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Do you have any control over what’s on deck with your work schedule, projects or the amount of work that you manage at a given time? If you are shaking your head no, chances are you are in an environment that doesn’t allow freedom at work, or is giving you so much work that your performance is being stifled. When you feel a constant inability to make decisions around your workload, burnout may loom in the distance.?

Having little control over your job hinders your ability to manage work-related stress . It sounds like common sense, but employers are not catching on.

Being overworked is literally killing you.

Focus on the things you can control.

This starts with doing an evaluation of all the things you feel are out of your control (working hours, break times, projects) and then focus on the things you can, in fact, control.

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?Do you actually have to check your email every minute?

?Question these sorts of work habits when considering how important it is to give your mind a rest.

Do you have too many notifications buzzing on your phone?

When you are in the middle of completing a task, it’s your decision whether you pick up the incoming phone call or reply to that never ending text group. If your boss hands you a new project, you have the right to ask your boss to help you prioritize your workload.?

The conversation can sound like, “Can you help me prioritize these projects for a moment?

Here’s what I’m currently working on, and here is what I have pending on deck.

?Here’s how long X will take me, here’s how long Y would take me.

?Should I make any workflow changes to honor your priorities?” Boom.??

Disclaimer:?The information on this POST is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional advice. The opinions expressed within this article are the personal opinions of the author. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this article is for general information purposes / educational purposes only, and to ensure discussion or debate.

Thank you...I am a firm believer that you are the sum of the people you surround yourself with. So when you are surrounded by dysfunction, you are going to eventually feel pretty dysfunctional yourself.

Toxicity eventually becomes contagious. In fact, half of employees have left their jobs to get away from a bad manager, and studies have found that a bad boss increases?your risk for clinical depression.

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If your desk is right next to that office bully, or your boss is standing over your shoulder micromanaging every move you make, your stress levels are going to skyrocket.?

In the event your work with a team that tends to vent about their issues, victimize themselves when things go wrong or whine and complain all day, it is much harder to stay positive and motivated yourself.

Do you want to add a word or two?....

Take an inventory of the people in your life. Write down all the names of those you interact with most and then consider if they lift you up or drag you down. When you read their name on the list ask yourself:

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Do I get excited or anxious when their name pops up on my phone with a call or text? This will help you become aware of who feels unhealthy for you, allowing you to set limits.??

When a complainer starts venting, try to transition the conversation from what is wrong, to how it can be fixed. Ask them if they need help coming up with solutions for the problem. If they continue to wallow in their negativity, set a time limit and then politely excuse yourself from the conversation.

?Consider adding more positive people into your life, like a mentor who can help direct you towards professional and personal growth.

Your comments........?

Extremes of imbalance.

When a job begins to feel chaotic, or on the flip side, monotonous, the ability to remain focused can also drain your energy levels. While people associate burnout with high stress and long hours, know that a monotonous job is just as dangerous. In fact, boredom at work has been found to result in disconnection, decreased productivity and higher stress.

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Any extreme in job demands— too many or lack thereof— can also result in work-life imbalance. Your time in the office is impeding your personal connections, and reaping havoc on your health.

Bring balance back into your life.

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Tackle the most important task of the day first. Whether the task is a workplace presentation, or getting a doctor’s appointment set up. The majority of the population’s productivity is highest in the mid-morning hours, so considering carving this time out for that top task.

Establish little goals and rewards. With both monotony and chaos, small rewards will help give you the motivation to keep going.?Allow these sweet moments of joy to be a reminder of why you are working.?

Keep a gratitude list. At the end of each workday jot down three things you are grateful for.?Counting your blessings isn’t simply a “woo-woo” mindset shift, it actually helps improve cardiovascular health and make you more resilient to stress. Take it seriously.

Accept that there is no such thing as “perfection” when it comes to balancing your life. You will titter and totter, but it’s all about being aware and course-correcting efficiently.?

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Accept that some days will be all about work, but then some days must be all about rest, family and fun.

Dayal Ram

Managing Director at DAYALIZE

2 年

The future of work is here, and the job market is perhaps as hot as it’s ever been—making this a perfect time to find a new role, shift your position and land a job that you love.? The grass may indeed be greener at another organization or in another role: True happiness comes from alignment between doing what you like to do, doing what you’re good at and doing something that contributes to the broader community. The more alignment you have ,the happier you will, according to research. Pay also matters—so you hit a threshold that gives you quality of life and validates your contribution. And flexibility and remote work are criteria for a great work experience that you can also make part of your selection process. Because the job market is so healthy, you have the opportunity to make the perfect match. Of course, no role is ideal and there will always be things about a role which aren’t your favorite, but as much as possible, strive for work that matches with your current needs and provides possibilities for where you want to go next.



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